Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in DashAhe Linchang? Are you interested in teaching English in Xuzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in DashAhe Linchang - Xuzhou Shi
Teaching skills is quite important with high practical and also very close concept for teachers, it is absolutely has a direct impact on the quality of education. In the process of education, school time is a continuous time for teacher-student interaction. Base on that, the teacher imparts to students the knowledge to develop in them the human power of human nature, which is intelligence and soul. The theory about class time has been paid much attention by researchers, but so far the number of excellent teachers is still small due to not knowing how to actively and organize creative independent activities for students. In order to be a good teacher and want to have good class time, teachers have to satisfy four basic requirements as following statements. Firstly, the lecture presentation must be interesting and attractive. To do that first in terms of content, teachers must imagine this is the time they are sowing the seeds of wisdom in their minds. Being a seed must be pure and compact, meaning that teachers have to choose basic and profound knowledge. From an emotional perspective, the teacher must love what he/she teaches and love the person he/she teaches. Content is not only rich and varied but also modern and new. But the new has to be associated with the old. Not only satisfying the needs of learners, the content must be related to life, related to reality. There is knowledge that may not be of immediate benefit but will be useful for the future. These are very high requirements, sometimes a lifelong learning accumulation will make the teacher reach. Therefore, young teachers must pay attention to learning from good teachers to shorten their development paths. Secondly, after choosing knowledge, teachers need to arrange it in a systematic way and gradually develop from easy to difficult, from general to private. Through each part, we need to raise the common ideology, methodological basis ... The teacher's language must be simple, clear and easy to understand, trying to have a smoother and more polished language. On the podium, the voice must be loud at a young age, low at times, and at times fast to be consistent with the content. Besides, the attitude of the teacher to be friendly, open, and a bit of humor will definitely make students very excited. Thirdly, in the course of lecturing, it is sometimes necessary to create necessary gaps after the question so that the learner can handle the perceived problems, transfer that knowledge into memory and can reproduce it when necessary. Sometimes teachers ask paradoxical questions to avoid superficial, passive and passive thinking. The mobility of the teacher when lecturing also helps the atmosphere to support heavy, dull. In addition, active cognitive activities of students is one of the most important tasks of a teacher during class time. The current positives are usually based on a number of key measures: Through a system of questions and exercises, organize for students to read the textbooks themselves, summarize and develop what they harvest. Moreover, it is advisable to organize students to conduct hands-on experiments and discussion in the field, which also has a positive effect on activating their cognitive activities. As an additional note, the presentation of the board ensures that system visualization increases their accuracy and memory. Thanks to systematizing knowledge on the board, it helps students remember and apply knowledge to solve practical problems. However, the knowledge presented on the board must be carefully selected, concise and closely related.Regarding teaching methods, which method to use is the first question for every teacher when preparing to go to the podium. Must see the advantages and disadvantages of each teaching method from which to points out and the process of choosing teaching methods. On the other hand, in a lecture, one must never use only one method but must have a coordinated combination of teaching methods, including a leading method. If not, the teacher's activities will be chaotic when he/she goes to class. In conclusion, the four basic requirements above are just the technical side of the problem which is still theoretical. In the process of applying into practice, the teacher must develop his/her creativity in order to have good results. Thus, the training of teachers is now fostering skills and professional fostering.