Teach English in Jing'An Zhen - Xuzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Jing'An Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xuzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A teacher has more than one role in their student’s life. They must become their student’s instructor, facilitator, mentor, psychologist or counselor and their disciplinarian. It takes time to be able to master all these roles in becoming a teacher. They may learn these skills in many different ways such as taking additional classes or going to seminars related to those specific areas. All teacher are not the same and some may be more equipped than others when it comes to the different roles they have. What makes a good teacher is that they are willing to seek to improve themselves in order to help their students to the best of their ability. Instructor is defined as a person who teaches something. It means that you become the knower, a person who imparts knowledge so that a person has the ability to make achievements in their lives. As an instructor it is also their job to have an extensive amount of knowledge about the subject that they are supposed to be teaching about. This ensures that their students are receiving the correct or accurate information. If it is possible or appropriate, share relevant additional knowledge with the students with the aid of current and up to date examples. Facilitator is meant by one of the people that are the providers of learning. As a teacher, they are responsible for ensuring that the learning environment is comfortable and is set up appropriately for the lesson being delivered. It is also very important to identify any and all possible risks that could affect their student’s health and safety. Being creative in doing so also makes it much more fun and engaging for the students. As an ESL teacher they must have a fair understanding of learning a native language and second language acquisition. A mentor can be defined as an experienced and trusted advisor. As a teacher, they are considered to be a role model to those they are teaching. Teachers should be the one setting good examples for their students and conducting themselves in a professional manner. As a teacher, teaching English as a second language, they become their students only real in life representation of a native English speaker. In many cases the students will only have encountered English in a classroom setting, or in some for entertainment platform such as songs, movies, book and others. By being one of their only references, the teacher needs to be as professional as possible, so as not to expose their students to inappropriate information. Teachers also fill the role of a counselor in their student’s life. When a teacher gives guidance on personal issues students face or could expect to experience in the future, it has the ability to have a great impact on a student’s ability to learn. Teachers are there to help their students learn, plan for the future, and guide them in the direction that they want to go or would be good at. They help to shape the minds of their students and generally tries to help them recognize their talents and or goals. An important factor to remember is to be conscious about different views, opinions and to ensure that there is no discrimination against race, gender, or disability. Especially teaching in other countries they should always be conscious about possible cultural differences as well. Lastly, as some what of a law enforcers. It is the job of the teacher to be in control of their class during their lesson. They act as crowd control, ensuring that rules and regulations are being followed. By taking attendance you are being accountable for the whereabouts of students meant to be there. Teachers focus on keeping order and control of the learning environments for their students. It is not the teachers role to be a “dictator” but is to have a moderate degree of control of their student’s. Teachers play various roles in their student’s lives and by being able to master these different roles you would be more able to help your students excel. A student’s potential success is highly affected by the teachers ability to fill each possible role and assist their students as much as professionally possible.