Teach English in XuzhuAng Zhen - Xuzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in XuzhuAng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xuzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

There are several factors that need to be considered when preparing for a Business English course. Business English courses can be conducted as one-to-one sessions, in-company groups, or in-school groups. Before the course begins, you will need to conduct research of the client company. This will provide ideas to formulate an appropriate course for the client. The teacher will be able to provide materials and activities that will be relevant to the clients in the classroom. It will be important to test the level of the individual students that will take the class and to analyze the needs of the class. A needs analysis can be conducted by a written questionnaire or a conversation with the client or manager. The needs analysis will assist in selecting the course objectives. The teacher will want to find overlaps in interests as well as try to include individual wants. A teacher should design the first 15-20 hours of the course to feel prepared enough to conduct the class in a guided manner but not too designed to feel restricted to their plan. The course should include a mid-course evaluation. This is to make sure the students are learning, and the teacher is meeting the goals and objectives of the class and the needs of individual students. After the course, the teacher may be expected to create a post-course report. This can include details of the course content, student evaluations, test and/or attendance percentage, and suggestions for future studies. There are a few things to keep in mind when teaching Business English courses. A teacher may have to make lessons less challenging because students will probably be tired and unmotivated. Generally, classes are after a full day of work and during the student’s free time. For these reasons, homework can be difficult to assign. Attendance as well can be sporadic. Things from work or in the daily lives of the student can occur. Business English courses can be popular in a non-English speaking country where English is used with different clients and create monolingual classes. A teacher could encounter their student using their native language and the teacher will have to encourage the students to use English. Students can often have different levels of English and it will be important for the teacher to challenge the more experienced students and assist in the growth of weaker students. Teachers of a Business English course should connect the course to the students’ job and/or industry of work. The teacher doesn’t need to be knowledgeable or an expert in the industry. In fact, it’s best that they aren’t. Teachers should remember that they are experts in English. It may be beneficial for the teacher to “play dumb” and let the students explain what they do in English. However, the teacher should be familiar with the industry and provide materials and activities that are relevant to the student. Teachers should follow the rules of arriving early, being prepared, dressing appropriately, being professional, being kind to all staff they interact with and should never gossip. It is ideal for a teacher to be over-prepared and have extra material in the case that the class finished material earlier than expected or the teacher feels the need to alter the lesson. During the course, a teacher should make records of attendance, materials covered, cancelled lessons/classes, and problems that had occurred, such as lateness, problem areas, disruptive students, etc. A Business English course can follow the same rules and dynamics as a normal ESL classroom. The areas of study, such as vocabulary and its proper use, and the situations that are presented in business, such as phone calls, presentations, greetings, interview skills, PR writing, etc. can be different from a typical ESL class. Normally, Business English courses are given with the students knowing a basic knowledge of some English and is to provide more knowledge of English in their field of work. The course is typically more professional and group dynamics are not as important in this setting. In these types of courses, a teacher needs to set an obtainable objective or goal, plan the process of how to achieve it, and to provide an end of the course evaluation of the students, what has been covered in the course and what should have been gained by the end of the course. Business English is a growing area of ESL classes and can be important to certain companies that work with English clients.