Teach English in Zhancheng Zhen - Xuzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhancheng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xuzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The Role of the Teacher At any moment in life, everybody plays the role of a teacher consciously or unconsciously. When we find ourselves giving directives on how to go about something, cautioning, explaining and illustrating how something works or happens, then we may just be another teacher in an informal context. Though it is often said that some are ‘born teachers’, born or trained teachers require some degree of multiplicity of skills to function appropriately in the teaching profession especially in an ever advancing world. In a formal context, a teacher takes up different roles to ensure a favourable and successful teaching and learning process. This paper delves into some of these multiple roles teachers may take up at different moments in their classrooms for effective learning to take place. The teachers is a source of motivation and a role model to his /her learners. He has the task of creating awareness that should make learners love the subject or language being taught. He therefore must exercise a mastery of his subject matter to earn the confidence of the learners as oppose to doubtful endeavours when he babbles or mixes up ideas in front of learners. No matter the level of learners, they sooner or later lose confidence in such a teacher. The personality of the teacher therefore matters a lot. Besides mastering his subject matter, the teacher must be appealing to his learners; for example, a teacher should be kind, patient, loving, among others. The teacher must therefore be an example of all want he teaches. It is often said that a teacher who stops learning should stop teaching. In this vein, a teacher whose goal is to educate and impart knowledge into learners, must take off time to prepare and deliver lively lessons that involve all learners. Borne in mind that the learners are not tabula rasa, at different moments the teacher might act as a facilitator; guiding the learners to bring out the best in them, a prompter; prompting and encouraging learners to go about a task successfully, a monitor or an observer; stepping aside to let the learners try out things on their own but may again step in for corrections or to praise, a participant; taking part in the activities of the learners especially among young learners. Furthermore, in order to have a conducive teaching and learning environment, the teacher may have to take up the role of a friend. He therefore creates a friendly relationship with the learners but endeavours to uphold his or her integrity. Sometimes, first impressions do matter a lot and thus it is better to command some degree of respect at the beginning than to struggle to regain it at the end. This is absolutely true with teenagers as learners. In as much as it is important to be strict and firm in the classroom, it is necessary to maintain some cordial relationship with the learners. If this is put into good effect, the learners may tend to trust the teacher and make him their confidant. Moreover, the teacher sometimes play the role of a counselor and a parent. As a counselor and parent, the teacher from time to time dishes out pieces of advice to learners as need arises; reprimanding, encouraging and punishing accordingly. This must be done with some degree of love especially when punishments are concerned. At all time, the learner needs to be in cognizance with the crime committed and its consequence. Like a parent, the teacher must endeavour to know his learners and their weaknesses, and must be ready to help them, correct them without affecting or offending their personality. To sum up, from the above, it can be seen that apart from preparing and delivering lessons, the teacher is required to possess and maneuver multiple roles at different moments in the course of teaching. Hence, the role of the teacher is not only limited to academics but goes beyond.