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Teach English in ZhAngji Zhen - Xuzhou Shi
Classroom seating arrangement is important and the design phase should be based on the following factors: 1) Classroom size and shape A good assessment on the size and configuration of the classroom will assist with the type, number and size of tables and chairs that is suitable for the student age group. Be mindful of the presence of support beams, position of power points on walls and position of windows. Decision on placement of the chalkboard or whiteboard to be placed or mounted to avoid sun glare from the windows and that your students do not strain their eyes to see the board, unless you opt for a roller chalkboard or whiteboard. The position of the teacher’s table is another important factor to ensure the students have full view of the teacher and vice versa the teacher can view the entire class. 2) Teaching style The teacher may have a specific preference on their method of interacting with the students to ensure the teaching and learning objectives are met through any of the following teaching formats: • Teacher-Centred Class is a lecture-centric style where the teacher does most of the talking • Student-Centred Class involves student discussions and group work. • Combination of the above teaching formats adds flexibility and variation to the lessons. 3) Seating Configurations For this task I touch on four commonly used arrangements and we will view the pros and cons for each style: a) Rows/Columns This is a traditional configuration with schools and this is typically suited for the Teacher-Centred style where the teacher has complete view of the students. Pros: • Ease of supervision, demonstrations and presentations • Effective teaching and attention with students facing forward towards the teacher • Minimises disruption and distractions during class time • More attentive students are seated within the front rows Cons: • Discourages effective and efficient discussion group work. This involves movement of students and furniture • Less focused and less attentive students seat towards the rear end of the classroom • Considerable time taken for movement of students into groups b) Horseshoe/U-shape Partially mimics a boardroom-style configuration, this model supports effective student and teacher interaction. This could involve both teaching format. Pros: • Ease of interaction with the entire class. The teacher also has the flexibility to manoeuvre within the U-shaped space encouraging more engagement with the students. • Promotes attentiveness, focus and participation from students • Fosters effective group discussions • The teacher’s table can be set at the head of the U-shaped, facing the class Cons: • Smaller classroom size may not accommodate this arrangement, thus limit class size c) Clusters From my experience, this arrangement is common at the junior school level and could involve both teaching format. Pros: • Encourages frequent small group interactions, discussions and teamwork on projects • Promotes cooperation within the group • Flexibility for movement of students to gather around a group for a demonstration Cons: • Encourages increased noise level or distraction by a group • The teacher may not be able to fully assess each student as there may be a quieter student within the group d) Stadium Quite the cluster arrangement by all facing the forward in the same direction and typically suited for the Teacher-Centred style. Pros: • Attention of students are focused towards the front • Teacher has full view of students • Flexibility for teacher to movement through the mid-section of the class Cons: • Smaller classroom size may not accommodate this arrangement • Limited to smaller class size Classroom seating arrangement solely depends on the type of school and the class size, however a teacher may consider a variation to the seating arrangement at random by involving the students. This encourages student interaction, bringing out their ability to show some leadership, teamwork. This activity could stimulate interest for the class and teacher.