Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhongmeijituandatunmeidian (Jituan) Gongsi? Are you interested in teaching English in Xuzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Zhongmeijituandatunmeidian (Jituan) Gongsi - Xuzhou Shi
Teachers take on a variety of roles; they can be an organizer, an assessor, a controller, etc. The general role of a teacher is to ensure their students learn certain skills, achieve goals, and reach learning objectives. There are many tools and concrete policies that teachers can use and follow to fulfill their role. However, students may still have learning difficulties. Teachers must realize students they are interacting with are human and unique. Students learn differently, are in different stages of their life, and have different motivation levels. Identifying reasons for learning difficulties and developing strategies to overcome these difficulties is key for teacher and student success. The overall atmosphere and tone of class can create learning difficulties, or can promote interactive learning and engagement. Teachers need to be aware of how their actions, gestures, speech and demeanor can affect student learning ability and the classroom environment. Teachers should have an overall pleasant and patient demeanor. They should make good eye contact and address students by their name. Teachers should also be aware of how the classroom is set up and where they are standing. Are the chairs in a U-shape or rows? Is the teacher in the front of the class or in the back? What activities are used in class? Interactions between teacher and student can help build rapport. Good rapport and a positive classroom environment can assist teachers with identifying and troubleshooting learning difficulties. Some learning difficulties may be inherent to certain groups of students. Young students have short attention spans, making it difficult for them to concentrate on tasks. Business students are typically working and/or going to school; they may have difficulty learning because of fatigue or distraction. Older students have more difficulty learning and absorbing information than younger students. Some students may be introverted, making it difficult for them to learn during class activities that require interaction. Students, who are not at all familiar with the Roman Alphabet, will have more difficulty learning than students with a base knowledge of the English language. Students who are required to be in a language course may have difficulty learning because of motivation. Regardless of the difficulties or obstacles, teachers should look for ways to ease the learning process. If teaching young students, teaching can use multiple, fast-paced activities. For business students, teachers may shy away from giving homework due to their other obligations. A good teacher is aware of these potential learning difficulties and can learn how to address these problems. While some learning difficulties can be addressed by a change in teaching techniques or learning environment, teachers must be aware that their students are holistic individuals. Learning difficulties can result from factors outside of the classroom. Students may be having family difficulties or problems at work. They may lack confidence. There also could be health and safety issues at home. There are a variety of factors, outside of the classroom, that can lead to learning difficulties in the classroom. They should learn about their students and their needs. They should gear lessons and activities to their students and diversify the lessons to meet various needs of the group. They need to create activities tailored to the age, level, and interest of their students. Teachers can help overcome learning difficulties by adapting their teaching style and techniques to their students.