Teach English in SAnzao Zhen - Yancheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in SAnzao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yancheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Language English teaching in a non-native environment can be challenging, especially when young learners are involved. Substantial exposure to the target language is usually unavailable, which means inevitable mechanical practice leading to boredom in young classes. Confronting the languor, many teachers —novice as well as experienced—resort to learning games as a solution. Playing game allows students to use and review what they have learned and have fun at the same time. I also find out friendly competition can motivate children to learn and use English. If activities are chosen well, children can be motivated to try a little harder, and will enjoy the activity more and learn something new. Children love to play games, but they hate to lose. Teachers of young learners therefore know that they need to take great care in the selection of games to avoid disappointment, while also teaching children how to win and lose graciously. Games can be used to introduce new vocabulary, reinforce a language point, practice words or language structures, teach or practice grammar and improve core skills. You can also games to warm up the class when the lesson begins, during the lesson to re-energize the class or at the end of class to finish on a positive note and round off the lesson. I have few pocket games I want to share, and my younger learners love them so much. I call this game “Chair Rings.” I accidentally found out this ring toss game at night market in Taiwan. I changed some rules and use it in practicing grammar pattern. With a little ingenuity, just about any classroom object can be turned into the materials necessary for games.Let's see the following below. How to play: 1.Turn the chair upside down at the back of the classroom so legs are sticking up in the air. Use masking tape to draw a starting line at the front of the classroom. 2.Divide the class into two or more teams and write the team name on the board to keep score. Call up the first students on each team and ask them a question. If answered correctly, the students take turns standing at the starting line and tossing rings at the legs of the chair at the back of the classroom. Each student throws three to five rings; any ring landing on a chair leg is worth one point. Continue playing until time’s up and the team with the most points wins. The second game I love is called “Mime pass.” We always had a lot of great time when playing this game. Let's see the following below. How to play: 1.Before class get desired flashcards or write vocabulary words on separate pieces of paper. Have students line up in the classroom, facing away from the board. Stand on the left and have students stand on the right, with back facing you. 2.Say go and have the first student turns around, look at the flashcard, and think up a gesture for it(more than one if desired). Hide the flashcard and have the next student turns around to face the first student. The first student gesture for the next student-one at a time, the students turn around as the gesture is passes down the line. 3.The last student in the line guesses what the word is (a correct guess is worth one card each for the first and last student). 4.Have the last student comes to the front of the line and begin again to ensure that everyone gets a chance to be the first and last student. (Notice: For higher-level classes, try passing entire short sentence down the line. For younger classes, you can always be the leader and introduce the gestures to be passes down the line.) You are free to use any activity and in any older, but, according to good teaching practice, you should always consider whether children are ready for this activity or whether it would be better to do a less advanced activities, or to do an earlier activity in the sequences of activities, if you choose a number of activities in one level in one theme, then there is more opportunity for recycling and consolidation of learning.