Teach English in Yanhaijingjiqu - Yancheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yanhaijingjiqu? Are you interested in teaching English in Yancheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I rarely use the word “should” unless in a legal sense; for example insurance, banking or safety documents. I feel it leaves the reader or listener with little option if the word 'should' is used, based on my experience. The statement I am coming from is "128. How English teaching ‘should’ be adjusted to online learning”. If we substituted the word ‘should’ with ‘could’, I believe the reader would be left feeling more engaged and want to read on for options they can hear for themselves, or even contribute to the text. "How English could be adjusted to online learning." Adapted to a question from this we took the title: "Is it necessary to adjust from teaching in person, live in front of students, to teaching online across the net? – Let’s answer this question quickly so we can ask other questions. Yes it is, because there is one main, obvious difference: The teacher is not physically in the room, versus the teacher being in the room on a monitor. Let’s look at some examples we can’t do when we are teaching online. We can’t: 1. physically hand out worksheets. 2. physically move around the class whilst the study phase is occurring to gently guide. 3. possibly be as ‘animated’, in particular for the young learners. Some of these ‘cant’s’ can be eliminated if every student has a computer in front of them. For example: 1. Handing out worksheets can be sent as an attachment through Zoom to eliminate point 1. 2. Is there a program that allows the teacher to quickly look through the entire classrooms progress live on the screen to eliminate point 2? – I don’t know if there is or there isn’t a program available. If there isn’t, there’s and opportunity for someone. If there is, problem eliminated. 3. What about point 3; could we get wider angle lenses, and get training on how to be more animated in the classroom, whilst teaching online? What if every student doesn’t have a computer in front of them? Can we have a teacher’s aid in the classroom to ensure the goal is met? Handing out worksheets, moving about with a camera and earpiece during the study phase, being the ‘puppet’ for the teacher in regard to animation, or turning pages in a story book. What about discipline? How do we discipline someone that is a bit rowdy or out of control if we are an online teacher? With a teacher’s aid, we could: 1. put a calming hand on the shoulder of the disruptive student. 2. instruct the teachers aid to put a finger on the lips and make eye contact with the disruptive student / students, signalling them to quieten down. What if a teacher’s aid is not available in the classroom? I am sure a quick email to the support person after the lesson, at the school with your concerns will soon have the individuals being addressed. If the class is online, one would presume the whole course is recorded. All of these questions and answers come from a person that has never taught an online teaching program ever. I have been giving this very subject careful, and serious consideration whilst doing both the 120 hour course, and the Young Learners course in particular. The conclusion I have come to is: “The only thing that is for sure, is adaption is inevitable, and trust that there will already be systems in place before I have come along to handle any situation. If there isn’t, I am sure I will be able to work something out with my support person at the school” The point, focus, or goal, is to teach, mentor, guide, whatever it takes to have these students feel confident going out into the world with credible English. If we do whatever it takes to accomplish this goal, we will naturally make the adjustments, depending on the situation necessary to achieve the goal. Said succinctly: “The students rely on us to teach effectively, what can we do to have the student realise this goal?” the answer: “adapt and learn” Adaption is inevitable.