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Teach English in Wenfang Zhen - Yingtan Shi
From this video lesson I have understood the need to use clear, simple and familiar language point at the engage phase of the lesson. It was clear that the students could not contribute as the teacher wanted in the first video because they did not understand him when he started. However in the second lesson, the teacher started off with sentences that the students were familiar with hence the students contributed very well. Moreover, it was evident from the second lesson that the teacher had prepared well for the class and his delivery was just on point with enough activities to engage the students and get them to communicate with the new language they were taught. There was a balance between the teacher talk time and the students talk time and participation. The first lesson on the other hand did not give students much time to talk. The activity that could have given them the opportunity to interact with the new language taught was done individually and the teacher did most of the talking. I have learnt that for a class to be interesting and get students speaking the language you want to teach them, a good teacher must prepare well for the class so he or she doesn't make petty errors or rush through the lesson. Again there should be activities to engage the students so that they can practise or make use of the new language they are taught.