Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Wushi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yueyang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Wushi Zhen - Yueyang Shi
Teaching English as a foreign language is an art form, the art of constructing and engaging in meaningful communication. English requires words that are placed upon a scaffolding of syntax and grammar in as coherent manner as possible. Each day, with each encounter is a learning experience for the student in the wide world of English. Realizing that the teacher has limited time with the student the teacher should answer students' questions to the best of their ability. Each student should have their own dictionary or have access to web-site dictionaries, the teacher can furnish a recommended list. The teacher should make certain that students know how to use their dictionary. A good review or a new experience for some will greatly aid students in not only learning word definitions which of the eight the classes the word belongs to. A well thought out demonstration of common dictionary conventions followed by class exercises by forming their own sentences and individual work, these should foster an increasing comfort level with looking up unfamiliar words knowing the reading levels allows the teacher to group students, stronger/less strong student to practice vocabulary for guided reading lessons. It must be noted that some people may not be strong readers in their native language and reading, especially when asked to read outloud. This anxiety may be lessened by having the class read outloud as a whole. The reading experience should never be an exercise in torture but the teacher can talk about how some reading is necessary for finding a job and working at a job or for furthering their education but reading ia a key with which to open an entire universe of fun, excitement, enjoyment, relaxing, learning. Keeping a vocabulary notebook should be encouraged, the teacher can help the student start the own notebook. A student might, ask should I stop reading and look up the word or wait until I have finished the reading. This will vary from student to student and the best answer might be: try both and use what works for their need. It is perfectly acceptable to reread a selection after learning the word definitions. The teacher can stress that learning vocabulary will enable them to understand more of what they read but also in conversing with attention to pronunciation. Vocabulary acquisition is necessary in higher English testing. Students might look to learning word definitions as a personal achievement savings account that increases in value. Words have the ability to take us on adventures, help us learn to fill out forms, reading letters from their children' teacher, PTA/school announcements/homework assignments and even reading their prescription container directions, to list a few possible reading encounters. Teachers should always take the time for help with pronunciation, this is a critical need for students because mispronouncing a word might bring criticism and cause embarrassment, and shyness to attempt to use that word again and cause a reluctance to continue with their English studies. A good resource for students is, which offers audio pronounciation, IPA symbols, alternate pronunciation, definition, origin, thesaurus, a rich resource. For beginning students a picture dictionary may be less inimidating and therefore more useful to those who don't have yet a firm knowledge of English. A teacher must be a light for students to see a path that is theirs to follow and the enriching rewards of reading, whether that is for reading for a higher level English proficiency exam or daily practical needs, such as, PTA school announcements, bus route pamplets, medicine prescription, banking, a magazine article or a book. A lifetime investment.