Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yanghuping Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zhangjiajie Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Yanghuping Zhen - Zhangjiajie Shi
Why complete a TEFL course? Teaching English as a foreign language has different benefits, which attracted me to apply for and complete my course. These benefits include the growing market of English teaching jobs, to learn about classroom management strategies, to learn about lesson planning, to learn about resources and materials suitable for different class levels, to polish on the teaching skills of younger learners and gain more knowledge about what should be considered while teaching young learners, to gain confidence in teaching Business English to all professionals at the International level, to achieve the goal of being able to teach English to all levels at different age groups that is to say from young learners to Business professionals, and finally to learn about modern teaching techniques especially ESA where E- stands for Engage, S-stands for Study and A-stands for Activate. The growing market of English Teaching jobs at the International Market. For the past decade, English has gained popularity due to the influence of globalization many countries especially Asian countries have embraced English to train the future generation and the business people to learn English in order to negotiate good deals for the International corporations like Toyota. For International companies to be successful in their overseas missions or market expansion, English as a tool of communication is necessary. To learn how to create lessons plans; A lesson plan can be defined as a step by step guidance of the flow of the activities from the start to the end. Lessons can be used for different purposes like for future reference, it helps in case of emergencies like sickness, another teacher can assist and conduct the class the way it was supposed to be without panic, it helps in the smooth flow of the lesson since you can easily refer to it from time to time. To learn about the strategies of classroom management. Classroom management can be defined as a way how a teacher can control the class for the smooth running of the lesson as planned without a behavior disruption from the students. As a new teacher learning how to handle discipline in class is extremely important. To learn how to teach language skills like reading, writing, speaking, and listening. As a teacher it's important to learn how to conduct classes for the students to achieve learner's objectives. As a teacher you always have a target what you expect your students to be able to do at the end of the lesson. To polish on my skills of teaching children. As a new teacher, I always search for new ways to improve my teaching skills for the benefit of me and my students. To learn about resources and materials to use in class. For materials its good to have a balance between authentic and non-authentic materials. For non-authentic materials refers to materials which are used for classes by are not made for study purposes like newspapers, menu, magazines. While non-authentic materials refers to materials which are made mainly for study purposes by an education board or individual teachers like games, worksheets, and textbooks. To gain confidence in teaching Business English to all professions at an International level. As an English Language Teacher (ELT), it's a great opportunity for me to learn about Business English. To achieve my goal of specializing in teaching English to all levels with different age groups for example from young learners to Business clients. To learn about modern methodology of teaching English. ESA is so far the most efficient and effective methodology adopted by most of the schools and Language centres to teach all the four language skills of speaking, listening, writing, and speaking. ESA stands for Engage, Study, Activate. In conclusion, there are different reasons why I applied for and completed this TEFL course. As mentioned above, they include to achieve my goal of specializing in teaching English language, to learn about ESA as a modern methodology used by schools and language centres, to learn about lesson planning, classroom management and above all to increase my opportunities of getting a job at an International level.