Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhushitou Linchang? Are you interested in teaching English in Zhangjiajie Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Zhushitou Linchang - Zhangjiajie Shi
That question is one that has had many answers since the beginning of time. Perhaps that is an exaggeration, but it’s one that never seems to have a definitive answer. With the introduction of new act of education to all,right of all children to get education,many good things have happened. Also, teachers are expected to behave in a friendly manner with students. Many institutions have framed code of conduct for teachers. Now a days a teacher is not supposed to punish a student. An important point about possible punishers is that they affect different people in different ways. Imagine a scenario, for example, in which a teacher uses time-out as a behavioral intervention for two students who frequently call out in the classroom. One student stops calling out almost immediately. For this student, time-out is clearly a punisher. The second student persists in calling out, despite being placed repeatedly in time-out. For that student, time-out has no effect and is not a punisher at all. Punishment can take various forms in classroom discipline programs. Sometimes an event is presented whenever the student shows an undesired behavior. A teacher may reprimand a student, for example, each time that the student leaves her seat without permission. In another form of punishment, the student may temporarily be removed to a less-reinforcing setting (e.g., by being sent to a time-out room for a 10 minute period of seclusion) whenever she displays a negative behavior. In a type of punishment known as response-cost, a student has rewards, tokens, privileges, or other positive reinforcers taken away whenever he or she engages in a problem behavior. An example of response cost is a student who earns stickers for good classroom conduct having one sticker removed from her sticker chart for each episode of misbehavior. Teachers should interact with students and motivate them not to do any indiscipline activity. They should spare sufficient time to the students, those who are not performing well in classroom. They should try to know the main or basic cause of their poor performance and try to support them to become as a good learner. Research indicates that punishment is sometimes accompanied by significant negative side effects. Students who are regularly the object of punishment may over time show a drop in positive attitudes toward school (resulting in poor attendance and work performance), have a more negative perception of teachers, and adopt a more punitive manner in interacting with peers and adults In essence, due to the gradual erosion of teacher authority and the dilution of consequences to what is considered “acceptable” by today's standards, the strong premise that students must take ownership of their own behaviour is what currently prevails. Natural consequences that relate to the misdemeanour are generally what teachers use nowadays when deciding how to deal with student misbehaviour. It is only nowadays that frequent incidents of disproportionate and brutal punishments are seen or heard. That is due to the immaturity and the lack of sensitivity in the individual teachers. Hence they are to be dealt as separate individual aberrations and reacted.