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Teach English in Fuli Zhen - Zhuzhou Shi
EFL in kindergarten and pre kindergarten in China What can be easier than paying with kids?Unprepared person or parent could think...Grab some toys, better that can make funny sounds, books and let the child discover those by himself. Of course, this is far from educational reality, where a teacher and parents should develop the schedule of repetitive activities that will develop knowledge and desire to learn English language. Especially if english is foreign language. Here I'll share my experience as EFL kindergarten teacher in China and will answer on question why some students have vast advantage than others, When their parents don't speak english at all. Teaching EFL in China becomes more and more popular nowadays.Parents often want babies start to learn english as early as possible. There are several types of kindergartens, the ones that focus on pre kindergarten child development, Montessorian like, and usual kindergarten. Throughout my teaching career I started to notice that some studets,just being 3 years old,have great understanding of English language for their age where listening, speaking and sometimes reading skills far superior then other students. That time my curiosity level was very high,that I started to do research with main intention to find out WHY this happens,and how to IMPROVE students who is behind. Teaching to younger learners is challenging because their attention span is very short.Thus, teachers should change activities often and make class full of different ones. Activities with lots of songs and idea that repetition is the key.A set of five words can be taught every day for one month and still most of the kids won't remember the meaning of the flashcards. From other hand there is kids who can grasp words very fast, it took them around five classes to remember.I was totally sure that those kids had either previous English teaching experience or one of the parents can speak English. I decided to make a list of students who stand out.After that I used to talk to their parents trough assistants.I did ask what exactly they do with kids in daily life.How they spend the weekend together.What music they listen to, because i knew that at this age everything is matter. I was super excited with results, because nine out of 10 families did have almost same teaching style.It was set for actions and limitations that lead to amazing results.Now let's have a look in details what exactly they did. 1.Educational video on mobile phones or tablets. - Choose only best educational video for kids, with good pronunciation and meaning.Most students used to watch same cartoons like Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Sesame street show that lead to great understanding. They could watch this show for several hours per day.Of course there are drawbacks too, kids little bit shy because they spend so much time with tablets.Still most kids do same, but watch everything, without been carefully chosen by parents. 2.English music. - Same as above,parents use to choose English songs by themselves!And it was so fun to hear that parents used to listen english classics like Queen or Abba and etc.,while riding a car or travellining.It was carefuly and consciously chosen songs. 3.Spend more time with kids.- This step is crutial but really hard to do for most paretns because they are so bussy. I noticed that those kids from my list spent way less time with a babysitter and spend more time with parents, also that their facial expression are more open and mood levels are higher than other kids. They used to cry less! This step is hard to improve in class, but it is possible to give extra attention to those who in need, with intention to fulfill emotions that they lack at home. We can clearly see that parents whom kids excel than others, give more attention to choice of information on english that child grasp, meanwhile developing their mother language on same level as others. Right after I got results I started to develop a list of DO's and DO NOT's fo parents at home to get best result in English.I understood that not all parents would follow but at least those who encouraged with good results of other students will. I started to download materials for home use, as I mention above, carefully chosen English songs and videos with an idea that 20-30 minutes per day is enough for home use.When they have a walk for example, don't play Super Simple Songs over and over(excessive repetative listening can lead to loosing interest),but listen to music from my playlist, where songs are different and only will lead to increase of child interest. For class activities i choose diffrent types of dancing, singing and learning through flash cards to encourage kids learn new language,but because is EFL in such young age additional work at home is necessary. I truly believe that EFL teachers should explain this to parents with clear guidance what to do at home. Links of the resources meantioned in article: Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Sesame Street Super Simple Songs