Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in GuAnzhuAng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zhuzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in GuAnzhuAng Zhen - Zhuzhou Shi
From the moment we can remember, a child is tuned to hear a beat. Wither it is the beat of a heart or strum of a drum, kids always respond in a unique way. Incorporating music into lessons in the classroom can help a child’s learning experience and grow their mind. Creating songs to relate to lessons can enhance a student’s listening, reading, and writing skills. A common game to use in the classroom is typing up lyrics and have the students read them and place them in the correct order. These simple phrases can help reinforce vocabulary they know and introduce new words as well. This also stimulates students to see and identify nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. These are all areas that music can help keep young students engaged and advance their reading skills. Their listening skills will also advance throughout the time within your class. They will be able to hear certain words which they know will lead to a response. For example, I currently teach 2 and half year old’s and I have seen how music impacts their learning experience. I have two students who do not know how to speak English. While communicating is challenging with the two young learners, they respond very well to music. Through songs like “Bear Hunt” and “Baby Shark” they understand words such as running, stomping, and whispering. They understand the meaning and motions that go with these actions after learning it through the rhythm of the song. To add, even when I was younger, I had a hard time focusing and memorizing topics. My mom turned my math times tables into songs, and I was able to memorize the patterns. Still today I use those songs to remind me whenever I am needing to work out a math problem. Listening to songs in a classroom create a fun way to get educated. Also, a student’s writing skills can even be impacted. Picking out key words to songs and writing them down can help a student practice their penmanship and identify words on a paper. Also, songs can help students sound out a vocabulary word that can be giving them trouble. Even as a English major, I have to write out words I hear to help me practice spelling and memorization. Songs can become a valuable tool in pushing your young students forward. It can become a necessary stepping stone to helping them understand the English language. They can gain skills such as reading, writing, and listening. Young learners also need to have their attention put on something every moment. It is important that a teacher utilize this resource and use songs to keep a child engaged and happy. From my own personal experience and learning from my course work I have been able to identify the importance of music in the classroom. My TEFL course opened me to new ideas on how to connect with my students and bring a little more fun into my classroom. I try to be as goofy as possible with the children while dancing so every child feels comfortable and happy. I am excited to see how my children respond to more music incorporated lessons that I have learned from my TEFL young learner courses.