Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Liantang'ao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zhuzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Liantang'ao Zhen - Zhuzhou Shi
Acacia Wells Summative Task Course Experience My experience with the ITTT course was mostly quite positive. First, I appreciated how the whole thing was online and at my own pace. I was finishing up my final semester in college and teaching English online so I had no time for an in-person course. I was able to complete multiple units at a time when I wasn’t super busy. That said, I do wish there were a few more things to make the course more immersive. For example, the two videos used to compare the quality of teaching were very helpful. If every unit, or nearly every unit, had a video demonstrating the material in that unit, it would be incredibly helpful. For example, a video demonstrating some of the activities, like how to effectively conduct a student debate, or a video showing how to calm down a rowdy class, or maybe how to better engage a bored class, would do worlds for my confidence. On the other hand, the sample worksheets and tests and such in most units helped me to no end. I would appreciate an additional unit on how to go about getting a job as a teacher. Just knowing how to get started would be helpful. Perhaps that unit could also cover some brief description for what to expect as a teacher based on region. I am looking to teach in China next year, and it would be nice to know what will be expected of me and what the major differences are between the language classes I’ve taken and the language schools in China. I also appreciated the depth into which the course went as far as teaching techniques and managing classes. The unit on how to teach individuals, beginners, children, and business learners, made me feel more confident about my ability to handle a variety of learners, and chances are I will end up teaching a variety of different kinds of learners. The examples of activities that could be used to teach each English concept covered by the course will also come in handy. However, I think the number of English concepts the course covers is strange and unnecessary. The course covers everything from tenses to passive voice to phrasal verbs. Many of these things are concepts native speakers are not even familiar with, so I would hardly expect a non-native speaker to learn them. Also, if I am to assume that most English learners will eventually need to know these things, then I’m not sure why some concepts were covered but not others. The English reviews were by no means comprehensive. Why wasn’t there a unit on contractions, for example? It seems that since this course couldn’t possibly include a comprehensive review of English grammar rules, more attention should be paid to units on how to teach and not reviewing English. Lastly, the reflections at the end of each unit could have used more definition. I was not entirely sure what was expected of my reflections, or what they were supposed to be accomplishing. After completing a test showing that I had absorbed the material, I wasn’t sure what else there was to say. Overall, this course allowed me to learn things and work toward a certification I never would have been able to otherwise due to time constrictions. It also gave me lots of sample activities, lessons, worksheets, and tests I can draw from later. The downloadable unit lessons are also reassuring. I like knowing I can go back and re-read any unit at any time. The opportunities this course has opened for me and the confidence it has given me will be invaluable for my future.