Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Longtoupu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zhuzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Longtoupu Zhen - Zhuzhou Shi
Teaching is not a profession but a passion. The passion to be part of someone's life and to share their knowledge to someone is priceless. As a teacher, you will have different kinds of students especially with the age level, like young learners and adults. We have different techniques and approaches to each level and there will be advantages and disadvantages between the two. It is more fun to teach younger learners because they will treat you as their first teacher as a foundation on their first-time journey in a formal classroom. They have a lot of respect to you and look up to you. They will listen to all the things that you will say to them. It is easier to teach them when they are in the mood because on this stage they have a good memory in familiarizing things and they will easily remember the lesson especially if they learned it in a fun way. They are more honest in what they say like if they don't like something then they will say it anyway. So it is easier for us to determine the things that they want to do. Another advantage is that they are more interested to learn new things. On the other hand, teaching adults is easier than the young learners because they are independent and self-oriented. There will be a more direct approach and doesn't need too many visual aids and materials needed to motivate them because they have goals to achieve. They already know the reasons why they are inside a classroom. However, there are also disadvantages in teaching young learners and adults. With young learners, we need to set up the whole classroom as if it will be a more interesting to learn for them. We can set it up like a playground on a side, there will be a mini-stage in the center and small library for books for stories and coloring time. During the discussion, we as teachers need to use a lot of creativeness to retain their attention, and for them to listen to the entire topic during the lesson. The activities on the latter part should be more on playing but the teacher needs to make sure that they are still learning while having fun. One of the challenge in teaching them is on how to handle their mood swings especially on the first week of the class, because that will be their first time to go to a school. It is also a part of being a teacher to take care of them as well while inside the classroom like if they need assistance in going potty and for some students that doesn't know hot to eat by themselves. The teacher will have an extra mile for these situations. For adults, there will be a challenge especially if they are elder than a teacher. They will have doubts, and it is not easy to gain their trust. Because they might think that they have more experiences in life and they have more knowledge than their teachers. With all these advantages and disadvantages, as a teacher regardless whether you will be teaching young learners or adults. As long as we have the right attitude towards them and we apply all the things that we learned, we can be an effective teacher. All we need to do is to know our students for us to know what techniques to apply and how can we teach them effectively.