Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Lukou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zhuzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Lukou Zhen - Zhuzhou Shi
Can anyone predict how successful a child will be in their years of education? There isn't just one important predictive measure. Some say that it's socioeconomic. Some parents have scheduling or transportation issues that make volunteering or attending parent-teacher conferences tough. Others, like low-income or minority families, feel that staff makes them uncomfortable or shows a lack of cultural awareness.Some families criticize school personnel for not understanding the plight of single parents, grandparents, foster parents, or other caregivers or have no child care for younger siblings. Some families think that attending private school with small classes is the answer.Kids from the same socioeconomic class have similar outcomes, whether they attend public school or private school. In other words, it's the ability to afford private school that makes the difference, not private school itself. The best predictor of student success is the extent to which families encourage learning at home and involve themselves in their child’s education. Parents who get involved in their child’s education before they attend kindergarten can greatly influence their child’s future development. Students aren’t the only ones who benefit from family engagement: parents and teachers do, too. Teachers can prepare parents to help with homework or academic concepts. Engaged parents tend to think highly of teachers, which improves teacher morale. Knowing more about a student’s family life can also help teachers prepare lessons that better fit that student’s needs or interact more efficiently with families. And because students receive more support, classrooms with engaged parents perform better as a whole. The most effective learning starts at home, parents who engage children in regular learning activities give their child a head start on education.Parents who get involved in their child’s education before they attend kindergarten can greatly influence the child’s future development. The most effective learning starts in the home, as parents who engage children in regular learning activities give their child a head start on education. When students feel supported at home and school, they will have a more positive attitude toward attending school, have more self-confidence, and place a higher priority on academic success. Children will develop better social skills and will cultivate better behavior when their parents are involved in their child's education. Studies have also shown that kids are less likely to skip school, less disruptive in class, and more likely to do their homework when their parents are involved. One study showed that when dads are highly involved in school, their children enjoy school more and are less likely to get in trouble, suspended, expelled, or required to repeat a grade. Kids whose parents are involved in their education get better grades and have higher test scores. There has also been research showing that parent involvement can increase the reputation of the school and the teachers tend to expect more from the student which in the long run helps the student have a better chance of continuing their education after high school.To promote student growth and school success at every grade and age, well thought out parent-community school partnerships, linked to school improvement goals,are needed in every community. When community, parents and teachers team up, everyone wins! Resources NEA/PTA Parent Guides. A series of 10 parent guides were developed to give parents and caregivers some tips to help their children with a variety of subjects and school transition experiences. Private School vs. Public School Breakdown.” Taking A Closer Look: A Guide to Online Resources on Family Involvement. Family Involvement Network of Educators (FINE), Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP), 2005