Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Miandu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zhuzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Miandu Zhen - Zhuzhou Shi
Teaching is a great art which needs a lot of work and patience from the person who wants to become one. It takes time, hard work and experience to become a valuable teacher. I think that for being a great teacher you have to be gifted with the needed qualities, it is not enough to only study a specific course or to get a specific degree, you have to feel it in your soul and always want to become better and better, finally it is a continuous job. Teaching different categories of people from the age point of view is very interesting and at the same time it can be daring to find the balance in doing it as better as possible. It requires perceptiveness to any acquiring situation, understanding the needs of the age categories and its weakness and power. Some can say that teaching children is much more difficult than teaching adults, but I don’t agree with this idea. For example, I have the chance to teach both categories daily and I can feel the difference very precisely. I can say that none of these groups are difficult to teach when you are well prepared, when you know the goals of each class and when you feel the student’ needs and wants. In most of the cases of course, children come to study English because their parents want to. But, speaking of adults – they come because they have to learn English for a new job, for emigrating or for any other reason – only not their only wish. That is very rarely. So here I could say that both categories come to study because of someone else’s choice. Now speaking about discipline. Some can say that children are more difficult to control and to calm. I don’t agree here because they become impatient and noisy when they are bored, in most of the cases. Or when they don’t see their teacher as a leader who should be treated with respect. This doesn’t mean that a teacher shouldn’t be friendly with his/her students, it only means that there should be a very clear line between the joking and studying time, otherwise – anything the teacher will try to explain or teach – it will be perceived as “another adult’s lessons about how and what should I do”. Especially this kind of attitude would come from teenagers. I would say that this is the category which needs the most work because they are very fragile now and anything they say or do, any activities they get involved in are changing their mood considerably. At this age they are very sensitive and this should be understood and respected by a teacher. While young learners of the age embracing 5 to 12 years old are more active and excited about everything new, when adult learners are tired of their jobs and everything that happens in their lives – so a new game or any entertaining activity done at their English lesson would be perceived very and very well. It is interesting also that a teacher can clearly see when a young learner is tired of an activity or bored – while it doesn’t work the same with the adult learners. They can somehow cover it so that you can see it only when you start checking their understanding about specific topics. I would say that the difference in teaching young and adult learners also consists in their energy. For me – people’s energy is very important. I think it is so for all the people, only not all of us understand it. Young learners give you a lot of energy, they are still pure and innocent and even if they need more of your energy, if they enjoy the lessons – you receive it back from their gratitude. The adult learners, though, (especially if the class is at 6.30 pm as it is in my case) are exhausted by the end of the day and even so – they have to come to an English class. As you understand it is very difficult to teach when all the 12-14 students in a class have no energy to participate in any activity. So in this case, without even realizing it – it is the teacher’s job to offer the needed energy which bring you great results and also lack of it by the end of the lesson. Anyway, it is very pleasant to see the results of your students and it doesn’t matter if they are young or adult. It matters the desire, aims and hard work from both parts and the good quality of the teaching.