Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in SAnhe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zhuzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in SAnhe Zhen - Zhuzhou Shi
Traveling is one of the best things that any person can experience. It is through traveling that a person learns to be accepting of the culture that he or she will be immersed in. Not everyone is given the opportunity to travel to different countries because one, it’s expensive and two, getting a visa approved is tough. And once you have already traveled across international borders, being in a foreign country can be both exhilarating and terrifying. Exhilarating in a sense that you get to know people, experience a different culture, gaze at sceneries that you only once see in pictures, and get to taste foods that you have never tasted before. Being in a foreign country can also be terrifying because you may find yourself estranged due to language barriers and sometimes you cannot do away with discrimination. And yet, many are still wander lusting because nothing is better than widening one’s horizon. There are a lot of reasons why people travel to other places and one of these is to work to better their profession. In 2017, I was given the opportunity to come to the United States of America to teach. I am a Special Education major, but I have different teaching experiences while still teaching in my home country, the Philippines. I started as a college instructor and when I got accepted in the Department of Education, I was assigned to teach elementary grade students. After four years, I began teaching children with special needs. When I applied and received my work contract to teach in the US, I was designated as a high school teacher. You can say that my experience as a teacher is multifaceted but honestly, it is my first time to teach high school students and it is in a foreign country. I can really say that it was a struggle at first because aside from they have a different culture, we all know how high schoolers behave nowadays. During the first week, I treated them like how I treated my students in my home country but it did not work. They laughed at me and sometimes they cannot understand what I was saying because of how I pronounced the English words. Back in the Philippines, we were taught to pronounce words by articulating the letter sounds. Unfortunately, students in the US are different. They utter words and talk in slang and it gave me a culture shock. As days, weeks, and months go by, I was able to get along with them though at times I still struggle. I sometimes don’t get why they are acting in a certain way. The students deal with adults differently and there are times they get to be disrespectful just because they were not allowed to do the things they wanted to do. As a foreign teacher in the US, you really have to be patient to students because most of the time, they are acting out due to something that is bothering them outside of school which is beyond your control as a teacher. Even when there are days that students are too disruptive, you still need to keep your cool because the more learning will not thrive if you let them get the best out of you. Teaching is a noble profession because you are molding the new generation to become better citizens. You are not only preparing them to be good citizens in the community where they live, but you have to develop them to become globally competitive both mentally and psychologically. As a teacher, wherever your career leads you and no matter what kind of students you have, always remember your mission – to educate. Educating or influencing the minds of the students is a tough job. You have to remain a good role model for them because you may never know how you are affecting them. As Henry Adams said, “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops”. As for me, it is exciting to travel and live in another country to experience the culture, but to educate or affecting young minds is more inspiring. And if you ask me, is it worth it? Yes.