Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shiyangtang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zhuzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Shiyangtang Zhen - Zhuzhou Shi
TEACHING TO YOUNG LEARNERS The teaching of English to young children has become especially important in recent years. One of the reason of it English has become world-wide phenomenon and it has been teaching in a number of countries. Even an English Language teacher knows everything about the language, he may not be successful while teaching children in kindergarten or primary school. The adult world and the child’s world are not the same. So there are some points about which a teacher should be careful. Here are some information; Characteristics of the Young learners; (what five to seven years old can do at their own level) 1. They can express themselves in their mother language. 2. They can use logical reasoning. 3. They can interact with other people. 4. They use language skills even if they aren’t aware of it. 5. They have a very short attention and concentration. etc. 6. They are full of enthusiasm and energy. 7. They can argue for something. 8. They understand situations quickly. 9. They have difficulty in knowing what is fact and what is fiction. 10. They love to play. 11. They can use their imaginary Teachers should be aware of young learners and take into account in their teaching. What a teacher should do teaching English to young learners? What a teacher should be careful about while teaching English to young learners? 1- They should respect children. 2- They should be realistic and their expectation should be realistic. 3- They should be aware of their ability and use it in class. 4- They should help the children to feel secure. 5- They should be avoid physical rewards. 6- They should establish routines in classroom. 7- They should do plan what to do in class. (They should do short term and long term planning) 8- They should avoid organized competition. 9- They should give the children the responsibility for doing practical jobs in the classroom 10- They should not use direct correction Teaching young learners four skills Nobody spends a whole lesson a skill, so We should not teach or learn in isolation.a Listening is the first skill which is acquired by learners ( if they don’t know reading) Reading is the language skill which is the easiest to teach if they know the alphabet. Although speaking is the most demanding skill , it the last skill which is acquired by learners. Writing and oral skill are combined in the classroom, writing has certain characteristics which seem to make it difficult especially for young learners. Example activities For listening Listen and do Put up your hands Mime stories Drawing Listen and color Put things in order Listen for the mistake For Oral Work Using mascot and puppets Drawing Role Play Pair work, group work, whole class activities Chain work For Reading Look and say Phonics Whole sentence reading Reading a story Reading aloud Reading dialogues Silent reading Reading activities Picture dictionaries For Writing Straight copying Matching Organising and copying Delayed copying Dictation Letters/cards/invitation Fill in exercises Descriptions How the classroom language should be? A very important way of helping pupils progress from dependence on the book and on the teacher to independence is to give them the necessary tools. One of the tools is the classrrom language. Communication should be meaningfully. Use “ please, thank you”. Use picture dictionary. Keep your language simple but natural and keep it at their level. Use mime, acting, puppets and any other materials to get meaning clear. Use your body language and tone of your voice well.