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The home of intelligence is the brain, and the brain works by receiving messages in NEMs that consist of a cell or group of cells, and it travels at a speed not exceeding a few parts of a second from its cellular source to the various body organs involved in issuing the desired behavior, and defines intelligence as the correct awareness of accidents and things And producing correct and appropriate behavioral or mental reactions, cognition is the basic concept in intelligence, and theories that attempted to explain intelligence have multiplied, among them: the theory of multiple factors for Thorndike, the theory of workers for Spearman, and the theory of sectarian factors for Thurston, The most important theories of intelligence is the theory of multiple intelligences Gardner. Professor Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard University in the United States, first introduced the theory of multiple intelligences in 1983, and Gardner was interested in playing piano and some other arts in addition to his scientific interests, and he drew his attention to the fact that science does not pay much attention to understanding the arts, and that the types of Intelligence and the associated abilities in art are still unclear, so this led him to think about the need to study intelligence from a broader perspective, and Gardner has had successive opportunities to study intelligence based on a diverse and expanding number of disciplines spanning psychology, neuroscience, humanities, and the arts. Gardner's studies have shown two main aspects of intelligence, on the first side that intelligence is not a single homogeneous component but rather that there are several types of intelligence that each form an independent format, and the level of performance in one type of intelligence does not determine the level of performance in another type, and the second aspect is The types of intelligence interact with each other, although each type of intelligence is distinct from the other type, but it works together to carry out different life tasks and discover here that people do not differ only in the level of each type of intelligence they have, but they also differ like the relationships between these types. With the new perspective on intelligence and with the need to define different types of it, Gardner identified seven types of intelligence in the first image of the theory of multiple intelligences, then added a new type of intelligence, which is natural intelligence, to make them heard eight, and they are as follows: - Linguistic intelligence: It is that the individual possesses the ability to understand the language through reading and listening, and possesses skills in producing the language through writing and speaking. - Logical Intelligence: The individual can sustain numbers effectively, recognize patterns, reasoning, and logical reasoning. This type can be measured using school achievement tests and in traditional intelligence tests. This type of intelligence is owned by mathematicians. - Spatial intelligence: It is the ability to interact from one place and move from one place to another; that is, to accurately perceive the visual-spatial world. This type of intelligence includes the ability to sail in the sea, travel in the air depending on visual perceptions, and requires sensitivity to space. -Musical intelligence: It includes mastery of musical skills such as singing, playing, and musical composition, and includes the ability to perceive musical formulas; that is, sensitivity to rhythm, class, melody, and tone color for a piece of music, often controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain. - Motor intelligence: It includes the ability to use the body as a whole or parts of it to solve a problem or creative production, so the individual has experience and efficiency in using his body to express ideas and feelings or using the hand easily to produce things, as is the case with a craftsman or a surgeon. - Social intelligence: In another term, the intelligence of relationships with others includes the ability to recognize the feelings and motives of others, as well as sensitivity to their facial expressions, voice, and gestures, and social intelligence is one of the types of intelligence that researchers have researched. - Personal intelligence: that is, intelligence of self-understanding, and it means the individual's ability to understand himself and to use this understanding in organizing his life and determining his goals and his relationship with others, so the individual is aware of his internal moods, his intentions, and motives, and personal intelligence is closely related to social intelligence. - Natural intelligence: It is the newest type of intelligence presented by Gardner in the theory of multiple intelligences. This type of intelligence includes the ability to perceive and classify patterns of types and their types in nature. The scientist Darwin represents the theory of evolution as a major example to illustrate this intelligence. Multiple intelligence theory is a good fit for developing teaching strategies in individual education programs in special education, so multiple intelligence theory can determine the strengths of the student and the appropriate learning style that he prefers, and teachers may often make a mistake in the field of individual education so the teacher ignores the student’s most developed and developed intelligence and focuses In terms of weaknesses, for example, that a special education student has dynamic physical intelligence and developing spatial intelligence and has difficulty in reading, the teacher neglects the developing side and focuses on the difficulty, but the student's educational plan must include an inch Oriented of my body or motor to achieve educational goals.