Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yantang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zhuzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Yantang Zhen - Zhuzhou Shi
Every teacher has his/her own teaching style. There are lots of different teaching methods and strategies that teachers can use in the classroom. My teaching style/strategies are depending on different classes that I do. As I am teaching few different classes, so I change my teaching style accordingly. I am teaching multi-age group students, from Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to primary level including Stage Drama and Trinity Level courses. My teaching style for EYFS class is very much play based and my aim is to have more fun during lessons through play based activities and exploring as much as possible. For these classes, I usually stick to the same routine every day for daily tasks such as morning greetings, introductions, story telling/play and snacks time, shoes and bags on/off and so on. As my classes takes place for 4 days a week and there will be a different theme every week. So on the very first day of the week I use large flash cards to teach new vocabularies and also use them throughout the week to reinforce students learning. I also use YouTube videos to reinforce their understanding about the week’s theme and I usually pause the videos after few minutes and ask them simple questions to check if they are really listening and understanding. On the second day of the week, I teach “Jolly Phonics” so we sing phonics songs, do relevant worksheets with kids and also lead a process drama using the week’s theme as a base for the story. I also use this time for other general songs to sing or dance too. On the third day of the week, I explain and work through the theme worksheets and mathematics worksheets (all the worksheets are prepared according to their abilities). I usually reinforce the worksheets on the whiteboard first and then set the worksheets after. On the last day of the week, I round up the weeks theme into fun revision games using the large flash cards or other relevant resources and I will complete my week’s theme with an Artwork. I decide which artwork the students should create in accordance to my studio space and resources. I usually let students tidy up once they have finished any task as it gives the student's ownership of their classroom and builds healthy habits for life. I also think that snack time is also great to reinforce self care and table manners by allowing the students to unpack their own bag and wait till everyone is seated and remember to say “Please” and “Thank you”. EYFS Students engage and learn better when they're in loving and caring environments and it’s my main job to create and ensure that my classrooms reflect this! I also take photos of everything usually when students are playing with the toys, using the Montessori materials, creating their artwork, dancing, singing and eating their snacks! It is because, Parents love seeing their children having fun and developing throughout the year and these photos will help build trust and rapport between me and their parents. Besides that, I am teaching other studio classes such as Music and Theater, Speech and Drama, Speech Communication and Arts and some Trinity Level Courses. For these classes, my teaching style involves all learning styles as Drama is very powerful teaching and learning tool. I use lots of drama games and improvisation games during class therefore children get to have great fun during lessons. As these games are fun & challenging and allow drama students to develop individually confidence and skills. My drama students are very creative and imaginative as I allow them a lot of opportunities to engage in their own imagination and once they are engaged, they are capable of doing so many things. Through that process, they find courage, great strength, good presentation skills and they can do much more than they thought they could do. Drama brings fun into my classroom and students learn so much while they are having fun and they start identifying different objects through pictures, arts and crafts. Drama also helps my students to improve their English and enhance their speaking and writing skills as they have to use their vocal techniques & expressions to enhance their story such as pace, pause, emphasis, mood or emotions and script writing helps them to be more creative and imaginative.