Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zaoshi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zhuzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Zaoshi Zhen - Zhuzhou Shi
To be able to answer this question, we need to think about what is the meaning of education. So education is the learning process for the individual to attain knowledge, especially at a school or university but it's difficult to imagine today's education without parents. The beginnings of a children's education take place in the family and even when the child is already in kindergarten or school, the family has the greatest impact on his development. The parents in the first period of the children's life influence their development through the presence, care, and organization of the environment. Talking with the children, reading books, joint activities or walks are the most basic forms of education taking place in the family. Parents play a big role in children's education. They should motivate, encourage their children to learn and acquire knowledge. It is not always possible that the students alone will build enough motivation to learn. The children often need the support of others, especially their loved ones. The children watch their parents as the first educators in their life. If parents read literature willingly, are interested in world events, science, history, etc. the children will want to imitate them, will be interested in various fields of knowledge. The parents' role is to instill in the children curious about the world and motivate them to learn. Unfortunately, parents often devote too little time to their children. The parents' role is to motivate their children to learn, develop and at the same time create favorable conditions for it. The children brought up in this way will willingly attend school, do not leave lessons, actively participate in class lessons, subject competitions, additional classes and they will be prepared for classes. Therefore, the role of parents in children's education is indispensable and necessary. So what should parents do to help their children’s education, so that children will achieve better learning outcomes? To help children, the parents should be interested in the children's progress in learning (attendance at parent-teacher conference in school, shows that the parents are interested in the children's education and that the children are important to them), parents should support their children as far as possible in doing homework, but do not do it instead of children, teaching the children regularity and accuracy, motivate and encourage learning wisely, be aware of the children's talents and shortages and prevent school arrears in time, teach good organization of work, introduce a reward system, but their use must be careful. The parents should set clear rules; duty first, then pleasure. Being consistent in raising children is very important. In order for all this to be realized, the students should have their workplace. Each child should have own room or desk or bookcase where will put textbooks and other school supplies in the right order. To sum up, it is important to emphasize the huge role of parents in the education of their children. Their interest in matters of their children's problems is an incentive to learn and to constantly develop. The parent should constantly notice the successes, failures and sorrows and joys of their children. The parents should motivate and support their children and showing a lot of patience and above all love their children and show this love. It is also important for the parents to remember that the teacher is their ally in education, not an enemy. That is why parents should keep in touch with the school, cooperate with teachers and educators, regardless of whether their children are successful or fail. Unfortunately, it often turns out that parents whose children are doing well at school are more willing to cooperate. Many parents in difficult situations cannot find contact with school and use avoid tactics, which is not a good solution. Parents should remember that in every difficult situation a solution can be found and by showing interest in school matters they motivate the children to effort.