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EFL & ESL JOBS - The Best Recruiters chosen by ITTT

How to Land the Perfect Job and Change your Life Forever Here, you will find everything you need to know about TEFL recruitment companies for teaching English abroad, including a list of our trusted recruiters with whom we have worked for several years. If you are a TEFL recruiter and would like to work with us, please contact us via email ([email protected]). The Advantages of Using a TEFL Recruitment Company Choosing a TEFL recruitment company for finding a teaching job is a popular option for many teachers. Recruiters specialized in the EFL market overseas have the professional know-how and network to connect teachers with suitable schools and companies. On top of that, recruiters know the local job market in their specialized region and know exactly what type of teacher is sought...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Teaching English Esl Efl Tips/difficulties For Students - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  This video looks at the difficulties students have when learning modal auxiliary verbs. The number of usages and the modal auxiliary verbs that can be used for various usages often bring about problems for the students. Also, the structure of sentences with modal auxiliary verbs can be confusing. Watch this video to understand all the difficulties students face with modal auxiliary verbs. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. With this unit, I...  [Read more]

ESL Games Joseph Hegel - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

In an elementary EFL/ESL class in South Korea, you may begin teaching a class and at the start and you are welcomed with the exclamation from a student “Game teacher!” This could even turn into a chant of “Game, Game, Game” with other students joining in. While the interest in games by children can’t be denied in general, are games an effective and useful in the ESL classroom'Games can be enjoyed by students of all ages in the ESL classroom, including adults. Students tend to welcome a break from the traditional lecture and study methods they may be used to. Games are a way to make learning fun in the classroom. This can be important for students who are children and may be working hard in school day and night and for adults who are busy working themselves. ...  [Read more]

What are the best books for teaching ESL? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

The market for ESL teaching books is very large and all the major publishers have some form of involvement in the production and selling of these resources. There are many different types of books and resources that are used in ESL teaching and we will consider three main categories. 1) Book series 2) General teaching theory books 3) Activity resources There are a number of well known book series. These are specifically written for the ESL teaching market and are generally set at the five levels most often taught. These levels are Starter or Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, and Upper-Intermediate. A typical book series at each level will contain three books. These are the teacher book, student book and resources book (or similar names). The teacher book gives an...  [Read more]

My Educational Philosophy Howard Cunningham - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The best teachers I remember in my life were respected by their students, and seen as mentors and role models. I hope to be such a teacher. My class is a place of mutual discourse, where students feel comfortable speaking their minds, a place where discussion and cooperation are encouraged. I believe learning is a social-cognitive interactive process.My classroom is not a classroom of rules. Students assume the responsibilities for many of the tasks that need to be done. These responsibilities are rotated among all students on a regular basis. Discipline in the classroom hopefully follows from the students' interest in the subject matter, and a sincere desire to learn.Learning in my classroom is collaborative. While I do see a role for the traditional lecture, where I impart my...  [Read more]

Multiple Intelligences Carolyn Kuipers - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

In each class, there are many different students. Each of these students has a different way of learning. A teacher in an ESL classroom will need to respect the many ways students learn and develop lessons with a wide range of activities and exercises that address these different intelligences. Howard Gardner''s theory of multiple intelligences emphasizes 8 different styles of learning that encompass most people. As the teacher begins to understand the students in his/her class, they will begin to develop a sense of how each student learns and be able to tailor lessons to suit.Word SmartStudents who are word smart learn best through verbal activities. Verbal activities are listening, reading, or speaking. To target these learners, a teacher may include discussions, worksheets,...  [Read more]

Motivating Students Eric & Sue Fisher - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

We both strongly believe that motivating EFL students is one of the most important ingredients to successfully teaching English to foreign language students. The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines motivation as factors within a human being or other animal which arouse & direct goal orientated behaviour. Our research article is presented from an EFL teacher's standpoint. We believe all humans have the same ability to achieve success, but the one big difference that affects the degree of success is an individuals belief in themselves. This is the first key to motivation. The subconscious mind is one of the most powerful instruments in the universe. It can not tell the difference between fact & fiction. It will believe anything you or anyone else tells it. Your brain is...  [Read more]

Student Motivation Diana George - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teachers everywhere can attests to the fact that motivating students is not an easy task. One really has to work hard, be persistent and be creative at the same time in order to even attempt to motivate an unwilling student. Despite the difficulties encountered, motivation is a crucial component involved with teaching any student. A student's desire to participate in the learning process will essentially determine whether he/she will succeed or fail. The reasons for a student's motivation can vary a great deal, however there are basically two types of ways in which a student can be motivated. They can either be intrinsically motivated, which means they take part in the activity for their own enjoyment and for their own learning benefits, or they can be extrinsically...  [Read more]

Motivating students Fabien Onissah - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Motivating students is an essential matter when teaching: a skilled learner cannot progress without motivation whereas a strong motivation will compensate a student’s weak skills. Indeed, motivation is what justifies learners’ efforts to convert their skills into full attention, work production and skills’ improvement. I)Motivation a)Attention and active participationEntertainment is the basic way to generate motivation. Hence, students should enjoy the lessons:-To motivate their attention, the course should be very lively and materials and topics should stimulate learners’ curiosity, centres of interest, feelings or opinions.-To motivate their active participation, the teacher must create or maintain fun and creative interactions and communication ...  [Read more]

Motivating Your Students Matthew Johnson - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Have you ever had trouble with a student unwilling to participate in the classroom, a student that no matter how hard you to inspire seems to remain unmotivated' This type of occurrence is very common in the classroom today. There are always the students that seem to be unmotivated, regardless of what positive encouragement you provide for them. There is no single formula to cure unmotivated students (David, 1993), but with the proper techniques and thinking, every student can be brought to participate in the classroom. There are many reasons a student may be unmotivated. Think about when you were in school; did you really want to be there learning' Most of us would have rather been outside playing, or hanging out with friends. Students go through many biological changes...  [Read more]

Teaching English to Japanese Students Sarah Breaux - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching English to Japanese students can be very difficult because of cultural and lingual differences. Japanese students are very different from American and European students. An advantage is their tendency to be more reserved and well behaved. However, they do not like to speak in class because they do not want to appear arrogant (Ikeda). This is a cultural custom and it will take extra encouragement to coax the students to talk. Also, students do not like to make eye contact and will become very embarrassed if they do not know an answer (Ikeda). Teachers must be sensitive to these manners in order to conduct a comfortable class for the students. A gradual progression toward a more English style class will be the most productive approach to classroom differences...  [Read more]

Motivating students Amanda Riessen - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Inspiring a high level of motivation among students of all ages and maintaining it, is an ongoing challenge for even the most experienced and skilled teachers. One thing is certain, the motivation of a student has no connection to the matter being taught, but can instead always be reliably linked to the reasons why the student is learning the matter and how (Barrakeet, 2005, p 73- 74).Knowledge of human learning, and the factors influencing human learning, has increased dramatically over the past 100 years. From early thoughts by Psychiatrists Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung between 1900 and 1920, arguing that we are born with a wealth of knowledge through a connection to a collective unconscious (Jung,1962), and that our motivation is based entirely around instincts (Freud,...  [Read more]

Building Confidence in Students: Striking a Balance in Teaching Styles Myles Brandt - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Building confidence and properly inspiring students is an especially daunting task for teachers of foreign languages. This is because of the sometimes seemingly endless amount of rules concerning grammar that can turn an exciting exercise into a mundane cause of depression. When students begin to feel this way about a language it is easy for them to lose motivation and when they fall behind, confidence. It is hard to regain these prized educational possessions. There are, however, things instructors can do to either prevent the loss of confidence or curb it. The main way to do this is to analyze the students' learning styles and model the teacher's style after it. Students internalize and process information in remarkably diverse ways. Learning styles depend on whether a...  [Read more]

Teaching Beginner Students Daren and Asako Smit - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

What are the challenges and rewards for teaching beginner students' The most difficult challenge is the keep them focused. Each student has different reasons, motivation, and goals when they start to take language lessons. It is very important for the teacher to learn and evaluate the students, so that, they will be placed in the right level of classes and attention that they require to stay focused to what they are learning.Young students come to class because of their friend or parents' choice. Also, their attention does not last for a long period of time. Hence, the teacher must make the lessons fun and interesting to make it effective. Adult students come to the class because they want to; possibly they may want to visit different countries, able to speak the language for...  [Read more]

Teaching Slang and Idioms Emily Lennox - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Imagine you are an ESL student who has studied quite hard. You have followed your courses; you have been actively participating in class activities and discussions; you have completed all assignments; you have read your texts. In fact, you feel quite prepared to travel to the English speaking world and use your English skills quite confidently. Your assumption is a logical one. You have had no indication that the proper English you have been taught is missing a large piece of the language: idioms and slang. When you arrive in the new country, you understand most of the conversations but have quite a hard time understanding seemingly nonsensical phrases and words. This is not a situation that should occur. Teachers of English that are native speakers have all the...  [Read more]

Problems facing Korean learners in the ESL classroom Rachel Waddell - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Students of English as a foreign language can possibly face a multitude of problems, many of which will be of the same nature for all nationalities. However, different countries will each throw up their own set of specific problems for learners. Having taught all ages/ class sizes and for all purposes in Korea, I have noticed and begun the process of resolving at least, several country specific problems. In Korea, as indeed with many Asian countries, the primary problem arises with beginner learners, of a different alphabet. Learning English must begin first with letter recognition which is entirely different from that of their own language. Although many sounds are similar, the English alphabet does introduce a number of letters unheard of in the Korean alphabet. As will be...  [Read more]

Teaching Beginner Students No name supplied - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Although some ESL teachers find the thought of teaching beginners a bit frightening, they can be a very rewarding group to work with. With beginners it is very easy to see improvement. As a teacher, being able to see your work pay off so quickly can be very encouraging.Of course not all beginners are the same. Beginners are usually split into two categories: complete beginners and false beginners.Complete beginners are students who have had no exposure to English. Because they have often had very little formal education, they can be much more challenging to teach than false beginners.Kenneth Beare, author of English as 2nd Language, defines false beginners as, 'Beginners that have already studied some English at some point in their life.' Most experts on the subject have a...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Teaching English Esl Efl Tips/student Groups - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  There are many different types of groups of students that you will encounter when teaching English as a foreign language. This video introduces you to the five different types of student groups. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This unit has identified how to effectively use verbal and non-verbal communication in a classroom setting. It also recognized different student grouping (with its advantages and disadvantages) and classroom arrangement...  [Read more]

Teaching styles He Hao Duan - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Just as students may vary from class to class, so are teachers and their teaching style. This paper focuses on the four basic teaching styles which are formal authority, demonstrator or personal model, facilitator and delegator. Which style is more effective' Do you want the students to focus on you or do you want to focus on the students' Which is your style'Lessons taught using the formal authority teaching style tends to be teacher centered. The most obvious example of this style is when a teacher is lecturing. In the class when the teacher is using the formal authority teaching style, the teacher is in control of the lesson and all of the attention and energy of the student is focused on the teacher. The formal authority teaching style is effective because it is...  [Read more]

Will TEFL certification help you teach English? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

In the same way that we would expect our surgeon, dentist or airline pilot to have undertaken some training, our students of English might also expect their teachers to be trained and competent. What does it mean that our English teacher is competent? Possibly there are two major components to the answer: 1. The teacher has adequate subject knowledge. 2. The teacher has some classroom delivery skills. First you need to find a course that offers these components. While many native English speakers have learned the rules of English grammar sub-consciously as part of their language development, this does not give them the necessary subject knowledge required to teach English. So both native English speakers (NES) and non-native English speakers (NNES) should have some background knowledge of...  [Read more]

Motivating young learners Edward Zanazzo - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Although, at the beginning of an English course, students can be very excited and enthusiastic when first confronted with their teacher, the person who will introduce them to a new, fascinating, foreign language, as time goes by the sense of novelty and curiosity that seemed so strong at the beginning, seem to gradually subside in the eyes of the pupils, especially those of young age, leaving the teacher with the sometimes difficult task of re-building their general interest in learning and not least, their level of motivation, which in nearly all warps of life, is the key to success. Motivation, in the field of learning, is a quality that can be more practically viewed by splitting it into three values: „XPure love of and interest in learning.The more fun and exciting the...  [Read more]

Teaching Groups Mathew Smallbane - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching students in groups is very common in most classrooms. If the group is fifteen or forty they still have the same needs and problems that all students have. Teaching groups is a very large topic so this essay will concentrate on a few certain topics that will be based on research and the experiences that I have encountered while teaching English to large groups. I will concentrate on three areas the first is using choral repetition as to encourage students to use English. The second will be concentrating on using group work to help all students to contribute to the class and the last is limiting the use of the native tongue while doing group work.Some students do not have the confidence to participate in class, due to many reasons, so Choral repetition helps to produce...  [Read more]

Seating Arrangements in the Classroom Lisa Katerman - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Seating arrangements are much more complex than students imagine. A proper and suitable seating arrangement can help a class thrive, but a poorly designed or chosen arrangement may result in classroom disorder. Seating arrangements are the key to classroom management and organization. Not only do they determine how well the teacher maintains control, but they also balance class dynamics. Teachers therefore must take several factors into consideration before settling on a seat arrangement, such as. how the teacher-student relationships will vary, how the arrangement will affect the classroom atmosphere, which arrangements allow the teacher to maintain control over the classroom, how it will affect the teacher's role, how well the students can still communicate, how it works...  [Read more]

How Teachers can Increase their Confidence in the Classroom Selina Oblack - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Confidence is very important for a teacher to have. How can students feel confident if their teaching is not' Confidence can be hard to come by especially if you are a new teacher. It begins with you and there are some things you can do to build up your confidence. Before you even enter the classroom imagine how you would like your class to run and set the appropriate goals to achieve that aim. Be sure that your goals are attainable and can be reached by you and your students without unnecessary pressure. 'Start slowly and simply. Establish a daily routine your students can handle.'*Prepare thoroughly for the class. This will take time and effort. To make the class interesting for your students you will probably add things to the lesson or have activities. For these to be...  [Read more]

Seating Arrangements in the Classroom No name supplied - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Classroom success for teachers and students encompasses classroom management, classroom discipline and seating arrangements; which are all dependent upon seating arrangement styles. In order to determine which seating arrangement style (SAS) is best for a class one must look at the reasons or the importance of a particular SAS.SAS are important for classroom control and management, student security, student interaction and socialization, ease of teaching, special needs of students such as seeing or hearing, and are a good way of memorizing students' names in the beginning. There are many factors in determining a SAS.Prior to selecting a specific SAS a teacher must determine how the class will be taught and which subject. Will there be a math class where every...  [Read more]

Establishing rapport in the classroom Neil Farquhar - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The rapport between a teacher and their students plays a very important role in determining if the class will be successful and enjoyable. Students are often very hesitant to speak out in class for a variety of reasons. Questions go unasked and unanswered; students remain silent because they are afraid to lose their self- esteem by being put down in front of their classmates and peers. Rapport is a tricky subject to understand and this is probably the reason that the majority of literature on teaching ignores it. 'Rapport has been avoided in favour of other variables, such as teaching, modes of testing, and techniques of assessing teaching effectiveness, which can be more readily conceptualised and manipulated' (W.Buskist and B.K Saville). Tickle-Degnen and Rosenthal (1990)...  [Read more]

Seating arrangements in the classroom William James Tripp - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Some people might think it is not so important where and how the students sit in the classroom. When they arrive for the first time, they leave it up to the students how they want to arrange the classroom and start teaching afterwards. Great care must be taken with this perception though. There are many different ways to arrange the classroom and each one of them has its own benefits and disadvantages. There is no 'best seating arrangement' for classes in general though. It depends on the available space, the type of chairs and tables, the age and personality of the students and the type of lesson that has been planned. The teacher must always take this into consideration and should plan very carefully how to arrange the classroom.The most common seating arrangements are...  [Read more]

Dictionary Training Chris James - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

It is a necessity for students to learn how to use a dictionary. Everybody owns one and requires to use one at a point in time. A dictionary is defined as 'a handy all-in-one reference book that provides up-to-date and accessible information on the core vocabulary of current English' (Soanes, vi). Some dictionaries contain encyclopedia information describing important people, places, and historical events. 'Its priorities are clear explanations of meaning, informative encyclopedia entries, and help with spelling pronunciation and usage' (vi). The dictionary text is up to date verification of how the language is used in the present day; these words are based on thousands of English words conceded. The explanation for the terminology is offered in an understandable and direct...  [Read more]

Why Complete a TEFL Course Doug Loner - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

In the spring of 2006, I was approached by one of my former students with the idea of joining her and her volunteer group to teach English in China. I was intrigued by the idea, but wondered how one who knew no Chinese could teach English. I had teaching experience from some twenty years prior, and had even majored in English with a BS degree in Education. Being assured that I was more than qualified, I volunteered to go with the group to Xian in July of 2006, and was appointed as one of the twelve, lead teachers for a private, summer camp school.Though the experience was rewarding, as I look back I wonder if these students really received what they had anticipated. They, or their parents, paid a good sum to attend the ten day long session. But I was less than prepared to...  [Read more]

Teaching mixed ability classes Peter Randall - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Students come from all walks of life, no person is the same whether it's personality, ability or background. Some students are quick to learn, some slow, others can be confident, some are shy.Schools all over the world have a very difficult time trying to stream students into similar capabilities or abilities, unfortunately this nearly impossible because of large class sizes due to the lack of funding and worst still poor management / organization in schools from the very top to the bottom , where lack of properly qualified teachers who are often over worked have far too much 'Red Tape' bureaucracy paperwork to actually have time to understand and identify individual student's needs. Unfortunately large mixed ability classes will be around for a long time to come...  [Read more]

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