Concept Questions Examples

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Teaching Grammar Steve Zakrzewski - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

There are many different methods to teach grammar, but this essay will present the three that might be the most effective in retaining student interest. 1.Situational Presentations2.Text and Recordings3.Test Teach Test 1.Teaching grammar via Situational Presentation In order for grammar to have meaning, it needs to be placed within a context. For instance the preposition 'beside' has no meaning to a student unless it's placed within a context. Using a model sentence such as the 'The bread is beside the toaster' gives the word a basic context. Situational presentation refines the context and thus the meaning by building a 'situation' around the model sentence. It can be presented in three stages with the following example of teaching prepositions based on an airplane ride.Stage...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - How To Pronounce Rationale - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this episode, we cover the pronunciation of the word rationale. This word is used as a noun and describes the reasons or the logical explanation for an action or a certain belief. Some synonyms for rationale include reasoning, thinking and logic. The word rationale comes from the modern Latin word rationalis meaning ‘endowed with reason’. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. I learned that using concepts like "interrogative" and "negative"...  [Read more]

Multiple Intelligence Ciara Steynberg - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

What makes a person intelligent' Is an intelligent person good at math or language' Howard Gardener theorized that there are many different ways people can be intelligent, this became known as multiple intelligence theory. In this paper I will briefly discuss who Howard Gardener is, what are the multiple intelligences and how can we use them in our TEFL classrooms.Howard Gardener was born in 1943 in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He went to Harvard to study history and had Eric Erickson as a tutor. ' Howard Gardner's interest in Psychology and the social sciences grew... and he graduated summa cum laude in 1965"(Smith) . In 1966 he entered Harvard's doctoral program and became part of the Project Zero ( a research team on arts education). He completed his PhD in 1971 and...  [Read more]

Multiple Intelligences Robert J. Stern - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Howard Gardner is a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a renowned author; his theory of multiple intelligences is a critique of the notion that there exists but a single human intelligence that can be assessed by standard psychometric instruments. Multiple intelligences theory proposes that it is more efficient to describe an individual´s cognitive capacity in terms of several relatively independent but interacting cognitive capacities rather than in terms of a single "general" intelligence. Gardner suggests that there are at least nine different or distinct intelligences: 1.Linguistic: the capacity to use language to express what´s on your mind and to understand other people. Any kind of writer, orator, speaker, lawyer, or other person for whom...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Multiple Intelligences #293 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Howard Gardner is a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a renowned author; his theory of multiple intelligences is a critique of the notion that there exists but a single human intelligence that can be assessed by standard psychometric instruments. Multiple intelligences theory proposes that it is more efficient to describe an individual´s cognitive capacity in terms of several relatively independent but interacting cognitive capacities rather than in terms of a single "general" intelligence. Gardner suggests that there are at least nine different or distinct intelligences: 1.Linguistic: the capacity to use language to express what´s on your mind and to understand other people. Any kind of writer,...  [Read more]

Role of the teacher Angie Oddone Aquino - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching is not merely sharing of information or knowledge, but also an expression of values and attitudes. What teachers usually get back from their students is what they themselves have brought to the teaching-learning process. The role of the teacher is multi-faceted and diverse. Just some of the roles that a teacher must take on are that of motivator, mentor, decision maker, coach, facilitator, psychologist, parent, speaker, actor/actress, assessor, organizer, model, observer and disciplinarian amongst others. Ultimately in the world of TEFL, the teacher teaches language, reading, writing, speaking and listening. To be able to do this, the teacher must take on many other roles which make it one of the most challenging professions. To put it mildly, teaching is not for...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Teacher Self-Analysis #248 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

When training to teach English as a foreign language, or any other subject for that matter, at some stage the need arises to examine what exactly it is that makes someone a good teacher. After all, if you do not know the qualities you should possess, how are you to become one? The TEFL International handbook provides a summary of teachers? own suggestions of the characteristics required, and lists personality traits such as patience and kindness, and skills such as the ability to motivate, understand and entertain (1). The handbook uses this list to surmise that a good teacher is one who ?cares about his/her teaching, but cares more about the learning of the students? (2). If the students? needs are therefore the number one priority, then self-analysis on the part of...  [Read more]

Teacher Self-Analysis Joanne Nicolson - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

When training to teach English as a foreign language, or any other subject for that matter, at some stage the need arises to examine what exactly it is that makes someone a good teacher. After all, if you do not know the qualities you should possess, how are you to become one' The TEFL International handbook provides a summary of teachers' own suggestions of the characteristics required, and lists personality traits such as patience and kindness, and skills such as the ability to motivate, understand and entertain (1). The handbook uses this list to surmise that a good teacher is one who 'cares about his/her teaching, but cares more about the learning of the students' (2). If the students' needs are therefore the number one priority, then self-analysis on the part of the...  [Read more]

TEFL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Home > Articles I never made a mistake in grammar but one in my life and as soon as I done it I seen it... So you've decided you want to teach English as a foreign language... There are many different practices that could be used for good classroom management and as with all techniques these need to be adapted to your own classroom, taking into account the age, culture, and personality of the class as a whole, and of you as a teacher... Classroom management requires a positive relationship between the teacher and the student... I believe that Classroom Management is the key component in any educational setting... I?m sure ?Classroom Management? holds many different meanings for many different people... Classroom management is a teacher?s ability to organize and control ...  [Read more]

Concept Questions Examples

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