Coolest Festivals Around The World

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TEFL Certification Tokyo - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Japan - Inclass Courses

Tokyo is the venue for the tefl international course in japan. An incredible city on the edge of the Orient, Tokyo is the last great conurbation before the Pacific Ocean, and is one of the world's most fascinating cities. Take a step back from the big city bustle and the frenetic main roads and you'll find yourself in a world of tranquil backstreets, where wooden houses are fronted by neatly clipped bonsai trees; wander beyond the high-tech department stores, and you'll find ancient temples and shrines. In this city of 24-hour shops and vending machines, a festival is held virtually every day of the year, with the locals regularly visiting their local shrine or temple and scrupulously observing the passing seasons. At the centre of it all is the mysterious green void of the Imperial...  [Read more]

Coolest Festivals Around The World

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