Culturally Responsive Teaching Methods

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Tefl reviews - Theories Methods Techniques Of Teaching The Classical Method - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Before looking at the methods or approaches themselves, there are some terms that we need to define. These are the approach, the method or the technique. Basically, these are hierarchical. The approach is an overriding set of principles that a method can actually make use of, whereas the technique are the things that we actually do in the classroom to approach that method. So, these three words are going to appear during the presentation. Again, for each of either the approaches all the methodologies we're going to ask four questions. So be it an approach or a method for each of those things: Where did it come from? What's its background? What does it involve when we're talking about actually in the classroom, in other words techniques? What is positive about it? What appears to...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Theories Methods Techniques Of Teaching The Direct Method - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  "In terms of the things that are negative about it, we've already said that it doesn't develop speaking but perhaps the biggest negative point about this particular methodology is that it's very unnatural. Ok, so despite the criticisms of this particular method, and particularly the fact that is unnatural, this particular methodology was in use all the way through the 17th, 18th and 19th century and indeed it's still in use today. However, Gouin in the 1880s and Berlitz in the early 1900s decided that this particular methodology was so unnatural that they wanted to come up with something new. The method that they came up with, they called the direct method. You will also sometimes see it as the natural method. What these two people were saying is that if we wish to learn a...  [Read more]

Teaching Methods Jacqulyn Sides - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

There are many different teaching methods that teachers all over the world use everyday. The type you use depends on the kind of person you are, what style fits you best, and what kind of students you are teaching. I am going to cover a few teaching styles ranging from very young learners to older learners, sharing the many methods that are in use today. The AudioLingualism method, is a style of teaching used in language instruction. It is based on behaviorist ideas, which states that certain living things, in this case humans, could be trained through a system of reinforcement. Correct use of a trait would receive positive feedback while incorrect use of that trait would receive negative feedback. Its exactly like Pavlov's study using dogs, every time the dogs would get...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Theories Methods Techniques Of Teaching Grammar Translation - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  The purpose of grammar translation then is to basically translate between L1 and L2 and vice versa. So, we could take a simple example. Let's imagine that our native language was English and our target language was French and let's assume that we want to translate a document from French into English. Let's take a simple sentence. Here's a sentence in French "Ouvre la fenêtre" and we'll add "s'il vous plaît" at the end. What we want to do is to take this L2 and translate it back into English. Now, if we have a reasonable knowledge of French then we may well know that this particular verb "ouvre" "to open" translates directly and this female form of the and finally the fenêtre "Open the window" and this polite form of "please". This is all very well if the two structures that...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Theories Methods Techniques Of Teaching Methodology Review - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Before we move on to the final methodology for today, let's just recap and see where we are at this point in time. We're looking at different learning methodologies. Each of those methodologies takes its premise from being somewhere on this particular spectrum of ?nature versus nurture? and where we are on this spectrum gives us a starting point for the background or theory to that particular methodology. So, we?ve had a look starting in the 17th century and the classical method and moving on as the ideas of psychology developed to various methods, such as audiolingualism, the silent way, Suggestopedia and TPR. Each of these showing a development as knowledge about learning increased and each of these takes a different starting point on our English spectrum. Below you can read...  [Read more]

The Immersion Method of Teaching English as a Second Language Kelly Brierley - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

There are various different methods which are used to teach a second language. One such method is the immersion method of teaching , developed in Canada to provide Canada's majority group English- speaking students with opportunities to learn Canada's other official language, French. Students are taught a second language exclusively throught he medium of the second language.The structured immersion approach, however, must not be confused with submersion (which is really a non-approach). Essentially, it is a ' sink or swim ' approach. For example, a non-English-speaking French child moves to England and is placed in a regular English- speaking classroom and is taught exclusively in English in the same way as the English-speaking children.Bull (1965) drew a distinction between these...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Theories Methods Techniques Of Teaching Suggestopedia - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Also in the 1970s la señal came up with a new methodology called "Suggestopedia". As psychological theory was developing, one of the ideas that came up was something called ?the effective filter?. Basically, the effective filter is a barrier to learning. It's the reasons why we inhibit our learning of a particular language. There are two main elements to the effective filter, two sets of factors, if you like, those are known as internal and external factors. The external factors to learning, the reasons why we have barriers to learning, may be just simple things such as external noise. So, people talking to us while we're trying to learn and so on and so forth. Perhaps more important are these internal factors and the internal factors one of the main things here is our previous...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Theories Methods Techniques Of Teaching Esa Methodology - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Our final methodology is accredited to Jeremy Harmer and it's known by the letters ESA. Around 1998, Jeremy Harmer produced a book called "How to teach English" and basically what Harmer did, is a background to this book is to do what we have done today and to work through all of the different methodologies that have come about over the last 300 years. He highlighted for each of those methodologies what was good about it, what was positive and what didn't appear to work and then put all of the positive things into a melting pot and came out with this methodology, which he called ESA. It's a three-stage methodology, where each of the letters represents a particular phase of the lesson. The first one being called the engage phase, the second the study phase and the final one the...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Theories Methods Techniques Of Teaching Audio Lingualism - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  So what we're going to do is to run through a series of methodologies that were created mainly in the 1900s that adopted the idea that language learning should be much more communicative, much more natural. The first one is called audiolingualism and it's also called the army method because of where it was developed. Basically, psychology, during the 1950s and 60s, was building up new theories about behaviorism. Perhaps the most famous experiments that were done in this particular area were by Pavlov, where he was showing that most animals undergo a stimulus response mechanism and he had a series of famous experiments, where by ringing a bell, he could cause a dog to salivate, that would be his response, in the expectation of getting some food. This behaviorist idea of stimulus...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Theories Methods Techniques Of Teaching Nature Vs Nurture - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  This presentation is going to focus on the theories, methods and techniques of teaching and we're going to start with a quote. This is an interesting quotation because it contains within it a philosophical argument and it's a philosophical argument in the way in which we learn. Basically, this one is saying that the intelligence of their own children comes about due to a natural process. So this one could be said to be due to nature. This is exactly the opposite of this one, which is saying that they're teaching the environment that we create, creates that intelligence. So this one can be said to be due to nurture and this argument 'nature versus nurture' has been going on for thousands of years. These two viewpoints are two ends of a scale, or a continuum if you like, and every...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Theories Methods Techniques Of Teaching Repition Drill Example - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  So let's take an example of what those drills might involve. So here is an example of a repetition drill. I will model the language and then my class will repeat after me. So "This is a cup." "Spoon" ? "This is a spoon." "Knife" - "his is a knife." Thank you. The reason that it's called or also called the army method is that it was the method adopted by the United States military who had personnel stationed around the world at the end of Second World War and they realized that they needed those personnel to pick up the language very quickly and one of the positive things about this particular methodology is that you do very quickly learn vocabulary. Another positive thing about it is that you quickly learn the correct pronunciation of that vocabulary. However, there are some...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Theories Methods Techniques Of Teaching Total Physical Response - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Our next particular methodology is accredited to James Asher around 1965 and is called total physical response. Asher looked at the way in which we learn our native language and he saw that most children, before they even went to school, have picked up a very large percentage of both the grammar and the vocabulary that they would use in their native language before any type of formal schooling. So Asher started to have a look at ideas of how to use the whole of our brain in language learning in the way that we do when we're very young. It's accepted that within our brain there are two hemispheres, one is the left hemisphere the other is the right hemisphere, and one of the functions of the left hemisphere is language learning. One of the major functions of the right hemisphere is...  [Read more]

Comparative Teaching Methodologies Susie Lord - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

There are a number of methods and approaches for teaching language to non-native speakers. This paper will attempt to compare four popular methodologies: The Grammar-Translation Approach, The Direct Approach, The Audio- lingual Method, and PPP (with ESA as an alternative to PPP). The Grammar-Translation Approach was historically used to teach Greek and Latin. Classes using this approach are taught in the student’s mother tongue, with little active use of the target language. Vocabulary is taught in the form of isolated word lists. Grammar instruction provides the rules for putting words together. Study involves the reading of texts, which are treated as exercises in grammatical analysis; little or no attention is given to pronunciation. 1The Direct Approach was...  [Read more]

Teaching Styles Jennifer Clasquin - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

There are many different language teaching methods and teaching styles. Diane Larsen-Freeman states in her book Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, that the term 'language teaching method' is a 'set of links between actions and thoughts in language teaching' (Larsen-Freeman 1). The actions and thoughts of teachers, worldwide, lead to many different teaching styles. Through the TEFL course offered by ITTT, students of teaching learn about the ESA method. Engage, Study, and Activate (ESA) is a great outline of how to run a classroom. Many different styles can be incorporated within this outline, as well.One method, the Direct Method, has been applied for many years by language teachers. The one very basic rule of the Direct Method is that there is no...  [Read more]

Comparative Teaching Methodologies Katrina Walker - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

It would seem as though everyone has their own customized method of teaching; however when these philosophies are reduced some fundamental trends emerge. Since any person's perception and interpretation would individualize these fundamental methodologies (especially once put into practice) I will attempt to focus on the more concrete objective bases of these notions. The specific methodologies I will be discussing include: The Grammar Translation Approach, The Direct Method, Community Language Learning, The Audio- Lingual Method and the Functional-Notional Approach. Grammar-Translation This approach dates back to the late 19th century and was primarily geared towards teaching dead languages- Latin and Greek. The name of the approach insinuates the method, translating...  [Read more]

Teaching Grammar Steve Zakrzewski - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

There are many different methods to teach grammar, but this essay will present the three that might be the most effective in retaining student interest. 1.Situational Presentations2.Text and Recordings3.Test Teach Test 1.Teaching grammar via Situational Presentation In order for grammar to have meaning, it needs to be placed within a context. For instance the preposition 'beside' has no meaning to a student unless it's placed within a context. Using a model sentence such as the 'The bread is beside the toaster' gives the word a basic context. Situational presentation refines the context and thus the meaning by building a 'situation' around the model sentence. It can be presented in three stages with the following example of teaching prepositions based on an airplane ride.Stage...  [Read more]

Comparative Teaching Methodologies Mark Fuller - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

For the inexperienced teacher of TEFL, the question of what to teach presents a very scalable hurdle. There is the matter of dividing the material into different lessons, gauging the students' levels and progress, and making sure what is being taught is relevant and technically accurate. However, for the native speaker who can always fall back on their own intuitive knowledge, these are not real problems. The true challenge, then, comes when a new teacher must determine how to teach their classes. There are a multitude of different TEFL-teaching methods for a teacher to choose from. Though most of these will ultimately be left by the wayside, it is important to gain an understanding of each before the teacher decides which is right for them. The first teaching method ...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - English Grammar Future Simple Teaching Ideas 2 English Teaching Certification - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. In this lesson, I learned about the many methods of teaching English as an L2 language. Of the teaching methods, I find that the ESA- Engage, Study, Activate- method is most interesting and thorough because of the versatility and flexibility it gives a teacher. As a teacher using ESA, I can gauge the understanding and interest of my students and add more study and activate materials to better suit their...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Motivation in the Classroom #332 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Motivation can be induced artificially, but its effects then are temporary? (2). It is important for teachers to learn skills to motivate their class in ways that will move away from a ?temporary?, to a lifelong or long term ?want? to learn. The International TEFL course as well as several others, suggest different ideas and methods of how best to use motivation in the classroom. Though there are different methods, the goal remains the same. The International TEFL course teaches using the ESA method, (Engage, Study and Activate). This teaching method allows the students to quickly become accustomed to the teaching structure. Students know that out of each lesson they should expect a well organized, clear teaching point with plenty of engagement and activation with...  [Read more]

Motivation in the Classroom Jessica Mouret - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

'Motivation can be induced artificially, but its effects then are temporary' (2). It is important for teachers to learn skills to motivate their class in ways that will move away from a 'temporary', to a lifelong or long term 'want' to learn. The International TEFL course as well as several others, suggest different ideas and methods of how best to use motivation in the classroom. Though there are different methods, the goal remains the same.The International TEFL course teaches using the ESA method, (Engage, Study and Activate). This teaching method allows the students to quickly become accustomed to the teaching structure. Students know that out of each lesson they should expect a well organized, clear teaching point with plenty of engagement and activation with their peers....  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - How To Pronounce Operationalize - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this epidose, we cover the pronunciation of the word operationalize. This word is used as a verb and refers to the action of putting something nto operation. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. Unit 2 taught me some of the methods and techniques for successful teaching. While reading through this unit, I was able to reflect and identify some of the techniques used by those who had taught language to me. By identifying these methods, I've been...  [Read more]

A comparative look at Teaching Children vs. Adults David Ruttinger - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching English has become a major industry worldwide, with countless adult and child students enrolled in courses worldwide. Teaching children and teaching adults are different tasks. There are natural differences in the abilities and predispositions of adults and children that makes the methods effective in teaching them different.One of the advantages of teaching any new language to any child is that they are closer to the state in which they learned their first language. There is debate as to how exactly an initial language is learned, and whether it is more through nature or throw nurture that children are able to undergo this process, but it seems to be universally agreed that children are at an advantage when it comes to learning languages ...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL A comparative look at Teaching Children vs. Adults #404 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching English has become a major industry worldwide, with countless adult and child students enrolled in courses worldwide. Teaching children and teaching adults are different tasks. There are natural differences in the abilities and predispositions of adults and children that makes the methods effective in teaching them different. One of the advantages of teaching any new language to any child is that they are closer to the state in which they learned their first language. There is debate as to how exactly an initial language is learned, and whether it is more through nature or throw nurture that children are able to undergo this process, but it seems to be universally agreed that children are at an advantage when it comes to learning languages ...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Foreign Language Experience #396 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

There are many different methodologies for teaching a foreign language. Here at TEFL international, we are exposed to the ESA (engage-study-activate) method, put to use in the classroom in a total emersion context, which is quite effective, yet very different from the way that many of us have been exposed to learning a second language in our native countries. Second language study in school in the United States was always done with the ?Grammar translation? method, usually in a bilingual classroom, a different yet somewhat effective way to learn some languages. These are contrasting methods yet they seek the same result, to increase communication skills in a tongue you are not familiar with, and until you are exposed to the both of them it?s hard to say which is...  [Read more]

Foreign Language Experience Will Skadden - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

There are many different methodologies for teaching a foreign language. Here at TEFL international, we are exposed to the ESA (engage-study-activate) method, put to use in the classroom in a total emersion context, which is quite effective, yet very different from the way that many of us have been exposed to learning a second language in our native countries. Second language study in school in the United States was always done with the 'Grammar translation' method, usually in a bilingual classroom, a different yet somewhat effective way to learn some languages. These are contrasting methods yet they seek the same result, to increase communication skills in a tongue you are not familiar with, and until you are exposed to the both of them it's hard to say which is more...  [Read more]

Correction techniques. Paul hand - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

When teaching English many problems arise. These range from discipline right through to a students comprehension. One of the more problematic areas is that of correction techniques, which contains writing corrections and speaking corrections. When correcting writing and speaking, writing is perhaps the easier of the two. A teacher can easily identify spelling and grammar errors. Although the error is easily identified, the reason for the error may not. There are many reasons why an error may occur. Perhaps the student clearly did not understand and was purely guessing, the result of the student trying to use more complicated grammar, or it is due to a lack of concentration1. Depending on why the error was made can affect how it is corrected. If it is an obvious error then the...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tefl Video Journal Linda Part 4 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In the fourth part of her TEFL review video journal of her TEFL course with ITTT Linda talks about her experience of studying unit 4. This grammar based unit is the first that covers the tense system of the English language. The unit focuses on the present tenses and Linda feels that while grammar can be quite boring to study, this unit does a great job in explaining how the tenses can cause problems for learners of English by pointing out issues that do not occur to native speakers of the language. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Comparative Teaching Methodologies #369 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

There are a number of methods and approaches for teaching language to non-native speakers. This paper will attempt to compare four popular methodologies: The Grammar-Translation Approach, The Direct Approach, The Audio- lingual Method, and PPP (with ESA as an alternative to PPP). The Grammar-Translation Approach was historically used to teach Greek and Latin. Classes using this approach are taught in the student?s mother tongue, with little active use of the target language. Vocabulary is taught in the form of isolated word lists. Grammar instruction provides the rules for putting words together. Study involves the reading of texts, which are treated as exercises in grammatical analysis; little or no attention is given to pronunciation. 1 The Direct Approach was...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this TEFL review video an ITTT course graduate discusses her experience on the course. She took the online TEFL course with tutor support and thoroughly enjoyed her experience. Despite finding the material challenging this challenge drove her on to continue on and complete the course and as with many ITTT graduates she is glad she did so. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. There are many methods for teaching language. What is important for...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Mary - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Mary from the US took the 120-hour TEFL course with tutor support and videos after being recommended the course by her friends who are already teaching. In this TEFL review video, Mary discusses her experience of taking the course. Mary found the course videos to be helpful in presenting the course materials in a more visual way, which helped her to better absorb the information. She also found the tutors to be very responsive to her questions often replying within 24 hours. One of the main benefits of the course was that Mary was able to study in her own time enabling her to fit study around her job. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that...  [Read more]

Culturally Responsive Teaching Methods

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