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Will TEFL certification help you teach English? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
In the same way that we would expect our surgeon, dentist or airline pilot to have undertaken some training, our students of English might also expect their teachers to be trained and competent.
What does it mean that our English teacher is competent? Possibly there are two major components to the answer:
1. The teacher has adequate subject knowledge.
2. The teacher has some classroom delivery skills.
First you need to find a course that offers these components.
While many native English speakers have learned the rules of English grammar sub-consciously as part of their language development, this does not give them the necessary subject knowledge required to teach English. So both native English speakers (NES) and non-native English speakers (NNES) should have some background knowledge of... [Read more]
Challenges for EFL Students and Teachers in Saudi Arabia Miles S. Traynham - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
I have been teaching English as a Foreign Language in Saudi Arabia for the past three years. During this time I have noticed a number of challenges for both the students and the teachers. In light of the material I have studied as part of an EFL certificate course and from letters and research from fellows in the field, I would like to highlight some of the difficulties in hopes of gaining some insight into problems and how we may best address them.To begin with, there is the challenge of the environment. Arabic is the main means of communication and has a different writing system as well as an extremely rich literary history. (Bello-'Teaching English in Saudi Arabia') This presents challenges in teaching the alphabet as well as practicing the language. Visuals are an ... [Read more]
Volunteer teaching , lesson planning and classroom management Taeko Toshima - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
I'd like to write about my experience in volunteer teaching with an ALT, Assistant Language Teacher, at the local elementary school.Through this experience, the following important points that were covered by the TEFL course have been re-confirmed.1. Planning and preparation before lessons.2. Usage of the whiteboard/blackboard, flash cards, and the CD player.4. Facilities: classroom or gym'3. Body language: gestures and eye contact4. Voice control: volume, pronunciation, and accent5. DisciplineChiba prefecture, north east of Tokyo, where I live has been employing ALTs from all over the world for a number of years. Most of them are just out of college. Some of them have lived in Japan as exchange students in the past. ALT stands for assistant language teacher and therefore they... [Read more]
Tefl article - TEFL The Changing Role of a Teacher #408 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
The role of a teacher has changed more dramatically in the past half century then in anytime in previous history. Schools are changing from a period where information was held by few to dispense to many, to a period where the flow of information freely exchanges between all varieties of media, most noticeably TV and the Internet. Therefore teachers are no longer needed as the supreme dispenser of knowledge but rather as a guide to learning who understands their student?s unique needs and barriers to learning. Traditionally, teachers have had the responsibility to dispense historically relevant information to students sitting obediently in rows. Although this model has worked in the past it often creates a distant relationship between student and teacher and places... [Read more]
TEFL for non- native English speaking teachers. Corentin Levant - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
(From own experience as a volunteer English and French teacher, different forums and talks with other native and non-native teachers)All over the world more and more EFL schools advertise their courses highlighting that they only employ native speakers and reject applicants on the ground that it is the customers' expectation, opening the gates wide for native teachers and giving more obstacles to non-native ones (until they find themselves in a desperate need for a teacher'). But is it really the customers' expectation' Unfortunately teaching ability is not part of the mother tongue package! Non-native teachers could be compared with young new teachers of any subject they have just graduated: depending on their teaching ability, their skills in the subject, their personality, ... [Read more]
The Changing Role of a Teacher Andy Aldrich - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
The role of a teacher has changed more dramatically in the past half century then in anytime in previous history. Schools are changing from a period where information was held by few to dispense to many, to a period where the flow of information freely exchanges between all varieties of media, most noticeably TV and the Internet. Therefore teachers are no longer needed as the supreme dispenser of knowledge but rather as a guide to learning who understands their student's unique needs and barriers to learning.Traditionally, teachers have had the responsibility to dispense historically relevant information to students sitting obediently in rows. Although this model has worked in the past it often creates a distant relationship between student and teacher and places the bulk of... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - Bazaar Vs Bizarre English Grammar Teaching Tips - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
In this video, we break down the difference between "bazaar" and "bizarre". These two words often cause confusion because of their spelling and similar pronunciation. The word ?bazaar? refers to a market, usually found in the Middle East, such as in this example: The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul is one of the largest and oldest covered markets in the world. ?Bizarre?, on the other hand, is an adjective and a synonym for "strange". "Everyone stared at the student who wore the bizarre outfit to school," is a good example for the word. We hope that this explanation clears up any confusion about the two words.
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that... [Read more]
Teacher Career Development , why complete a TEFL course? Ellie Marcus - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
What does Teacher Career Development and completing a TEFL course have in common' Me. I am an elementary school teacher who wanted to develop her career by learning how to teach English overseas. In signing up for this course, my goal was to obtain a certificate and go teach abroad. I had not planned on having a course book of English grammar that I could use in my 5th grade classroom. Without thinking about it I was able to develop my skills as a Language Arts teacher, as well as gain confidence in a subject I was not very familiar with. I found myself developing as an educator and completing the TEFL course all at the same time.In Unit 1 of the online TEFL course, it talked about what makes a good teacher and their roles. 'A good teacher should really love teaching. A... [Read more]
TEFL Certification Phnom Penh - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Cambodia - Inclass Courses
If you crave adventure and a lifestyle that’s out of the ordinary, Phnom Penh, Cambodia is the perfect location to launch your ‘teach English abroad’ journey. The transformation of Cambodia over the past three decades from a country characterised by occupation and trouble, to a Southeast Asian powerhouse, is phenomenal. There’s an insatiable demand for English language skills in Cambodia - and a chronic shortage of TEFL qualified people to teach English. What does this mean for people just like you? Simple! It means opportunities galore.
Phnom Penh is the capital city of Cambodia and the nation’s international gateway. With a population of around 2.5 million people and a relatively confined central business district, it has a noticeably slower pace of life than you’ll find in... [Read more]
Language learning in France and Teacher/Student relationship Christopher Simon - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
The teaching of languages in the French educational system is slowly starting earlier and earlier, with the students learning some English as early as Ecole Premiere (US equivalent of elementary school). Because France is situated in the middle of Europe, it is very important for the people to have some background in several languages. That is why it is obligatory to study a minimum of two languages, and because English is becoming more and more important as a language, all students are required to study it as one of their two languages. Whichever language a student chooses to study first, the instruction will officially begin in the first or second year of Coll'ge (middle school), thus allowing the student to follow a language to the end of Lyc'e (high school), giving them 6... [Read more]
How much can I earn teaching English in Oman? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Although countries such as the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar often hog the limelight when it comes to teaching English in the Middle East, Oman is another that you should certainly consider. With thousands of kilometers of pristine coastline, a wide expanse of desert and mountain ranges to explore, and a more laid-back atmosphere than many of its neighbors, there is much to recommend about Oman. The people are warm and friendly and there are plenty of well paid jobs waiting to be filled.
If you are a fully qualified teacher working in a local school you can expect to earn around $2,000 to $3,000 USD per month, tax-free. TEFL qualified teachers generally start on around $1,000 to $2,000 per month depending on the employer and your level of experience. Many jobs in Oman also include free... [Read more]
Cultural Sensitivity in the EFL Classroom Brenda Gray - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Savvidou - Understanding Chinese Names: Cross-Cultural Awareness ...Diversity and cultural sensitivity are important considerations in an EFL classroom. English is an international language and the numbers of English speakers are growing rapidly. It's important to understand how English translates in each culture and language. There is a growing body of literature addressing cultural differences and the importance of awareness. Our challenge is to meet the demand of student in a manner that incorporates linguistic and cultural competence. Language is primarily a communication tool. As language teachers it is paramount to help students take 'ownership' of the new language they are learning. H. G. Widdowson,, suggests taking 'ownership' of English as a way of shifting attitudes.... [Read more]
Problems for learners in China ANON - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) in China is for the most part pleasant and exciting. Students are eager to learn. However, one of the frustrations ESL teachers often complain about is that students seem to make the same mistakes repetitively. Learners will often transfer the rules of their first language to express something in their second language. This transference happens when they have insufficient knowledge of the rules of the second language. In China, students fall back on the rules of their first language (Mandarin) when they do not know the rules of the second language (English). The result is a poor form of English, informally referred to as "Chinglish". The errors that occur are also called language interference errors. These errors affect... [Read more]
Which countries have a TEFL placement program? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
If you want to have a job in place and all the paperwork sorted out before you leave your home country, a TEFL placement program is certainly worth considering. Several countries across Europe and Asia have government run schemes that recruit foreign teachers to work in their public school system. The following options are long established and respected programs that offer a great opportunity to live and work in some of the most popular teaching destinations.
The TAPIF Program, short for Teaching Assistant Program in France, is a government initiative that places applicants into French state schools to work as teaching assistants. The program provides a great opportunity to live and work in a country where long-stay visas can be difficult to secure for non-EU citizens. For those who... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - Lesson Planning Part 4 Lesson Plan Example - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Okay, so we're going to use this pro-forma as our lesson plan and we're going to fill one out as though we were planning for an actual lesson. So, we start off with some basic information about the class. So, the name of the teacher, date and time and the class level. In this particular case, our class is going to be an elementary class and the room will be room 3. Having looked through the registers we see that the expected number of students for this particular class is going to be 10. This will help us in creating our worksheet copies. The context of the lesson for this class is going to be present continuous tense and it may well be the first time that this particular level of class has been introduced to this tense. So, our focus is going to be fairly general and it's going... [Read more]
What is the Cultural Ambassadors Program for teaching English in Spain? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
The Cultural Ambassadors Program (also known as the North American Language and Culture Assistants Program) is run by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Every year as many as 2,500 North Americans are placed through the scheme into elementary or secondary schools across the country to work as assistant language teachers. As Spain can be a difficult place for non-Europeans to secure an official work visa, this program provides a great opportunity for Americans and Canadians to legally live and work in one of the world's most popular teaching destinations.
The program is open to American and Canadian citizens aged between 21 and 60, although the upper age limit for placement in the Madrid region is 35. If accepted, participants are assigned as assistant English... [Read more]
Learning teaching skills Bob Di Giulio - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Today, all teachers are faced with the ongoing challenge of working to make their teaching more effective. Whether they teach traditional students or EFL students, teachers must develop their skills to best meet students´ educational needs. We have a fairly clear idea today of the skills teachers should seek to develop. According to Robert Slavin, "research on teaching has made significant strides in identifying teaching behaviors associated with high student achievement" (Slavin, n.d.). These teaching behaviors include "essential teaching skills," which are "basic abilities that all teachers, including those in their first year, should have to promote order and learning" (Eggen & Kauchak, 2004, p. 579). The Key Teacher Skills include Preparation, Attention, Clarity,... [Read more]
Tefl article - TEFL Problems for learners in China #245 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) in China is for the most part pleasant and exciting. Students are eager to learn. However, one of the frustrations ESL teachers often complain about is that students seem to make the same mistakes repetitively. Learners will often transfer the rules of their first language to express something in their second language. This transference happens when they have insufficient knowledge of the rules of the second language. In China, students fall back on the rules of their first language (Mandarin) when they do not know the rules of the second language (English). The result is a poor form of English, informally referred to as "Chinglish". The errors that occur are also called language interference errors. These... [Read more]
Where can I join a TEFL placement program in Europe? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
If you want to teach English in Europe you will find that most jobs are secured following a face to face interview. If you would like to have a teaching job organised before you leave home, a government placement program might be a good option for you. The following are the most popular programs of their kind in Europe.
The TAPIF Program, short for Teaching Assistant Program in France, is a government initiative that places applicants into French state schools to work as teaching assistants. The program provides a great opportunity to live and work in a country where long-stay visas can be difficult to secure for non-EU citizens. For those who meet the necessary criteria, the TAPIF Program could be the perfect way to fulfil your dream of living and working in France.
The program is... [Read more]
What are the best books for teaching ESL? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
The market for ESL teaching books is very large and all the major publishers have some form of involvement in the production and selling of these resources. There are many different types of books and resources that are used in ESL teaching and we will consider three main categories.
1) Book series
2) General teaching theory books
3) Activity resources
There are a number of well known book series. These are specifically written for the ESL teaching market and are generally set at the five levels most often taught. These levels are Starter or Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, and Upper-Intermediate.
A typical book series at each level will contain three books. These are the teacher book, student book and resources book (or similar names). The teacher book gives an... [Read more]
Tefl article - TEFL Should Students Be Allowed to Use Their Native Language in the Classroom? #419 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
When I first began teaching lessons during the TEFL Course I found myself almost automatically saying to the students, ?English please,? after all it is an English class. However, I began to question myself about whether or not this was ?correct? practice or if the students should in fact use their native language to assist them in the learning process. After doing some research I found the TEFL Law Code of Ethics. The Law of Ethics provided many vague and open-ended ideas. It suggested things along the lines of, ?The foreign language teacher shall direct her whole professional effort to assist the students to develop his/her second language speaking ability.? It also mentions that TEFL teachers are to act with justice and fairness, to act with evolving concepts... [Read more]
Dictionary Training Chris James - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
It is a necessity for students to learn how to use a dictionary. Everybody owns one and requires to use one at a point in time. A dictionary is defined as 'a handy all-in-one reference book that provides up-to-date and accessible information on the core vocabulary of current English' (Soanes, vi). Some dictionaries contain encyclopedia information describing important people, places, and historical events. 'Its priorities are clear explanations of meaning, informative encyclopedia entries, and help with spelling pronunciation and usage' (vi). The dictionary text is up to date verification of how the language is used in the present day; these words are based on thousands of English words conceded. The explanation for the terminology is offered in an understandable and direct... [Read more]
TEFL Certification Bangkok - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Thailand
You only have to spend a short time in Bangkok to see why it was named as one of the world’s Top Ten Cities by Travel + Leisure and the number one visited city by Global Destination Cities Index.
The city is home to a wide variety of quality restaurants, frantic non-stop shopping, pristine temples and Thailand’s best museums. It is a unique blend of modern and traditional life with sleek city malls and floating markets. If you’re into nightlife, Bangkok, or the City of Angels as it is also known, is second to none.
Bangkok is arguably the best city in Thailand for Thai food whether you’re eating on the street or at five star restaurants. You can find a taste of each part of the country here as well as fantastic international dishes.
ittt’s training centre in Bangkok is a working... [Read more]
Learning Modes-Young learners vs adults Allison Wren - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
When you walk into a classroom of beginning learners, you will quickly notice that the activities are varied, exciting, and typically short lived, in hopes to keep the attention of the energized and full of life students. Young learners demand fun mingled with learning. It would be impossible to give a lecture to a child. However, on the contrary, an adult can tolerate a lecture granted that within seven minutes, their minds will drift to some other thought. Yes, all people prefer an entertaining lesson that will engrave the concept upon their minds however amusing lessons aren’t always time manageable nor profitable while dealing with a grander scale of information. Adults can endure lectures and retain information while young learners can’t as easily.However,... [Read more]
Tefl article - TEFL Learning Modes-Young learners vs adults #259 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
When you walk into a classroom of beginning learners, you will quickly notice that the activities are varied, exciting, and typically short lived, in hopes to keep the attention of the energized and full of life students. Young learners demand fun mingled with learning. It would be impossible to give a lecture to a child. However, on the contrary, an adult can tolerate a lecture granted that within seven minutes, their minds will drift to some other thought. Yes, all people prefer an entertaining lesson that will engrave the concept upon their minds however amusing lessons aren?t always time manageable nor profitable while dealing with a grander scale of information. Adults can endure lectures and retain information while young learners can?t as easily. However,... [Read more]
Multiple Intelligences in the ESL Classroom Stephen Blake - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences, in which he defines 7 different ways that people are intelligent, has become a driving force in educational theory in the English Speaking world. Personal experience in a Master's Degree in Elementary Education program with the University of Phoenix revealed that virtually every class which contained a lesson planning element required that the various intelligences be addressed in lessons. A Google search on 'ESL and Multiple Intelligences' conducted on June 8, 2006 returned approximately 450,000 internet articles on Multiple Intelligences in teaching English as a Foreign Language alone. The theory is certainly popular, and is used in training teachers and parents alike in educating their children.But does the idea that there are... [Read more]
Teaching EFL in a kindergarten Sirika Yong - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Although the benefits of learning foreign languages are undisputable, the implementation varies around the globe. When should we introduce it' Should we go for a bilingual education, foreign language classes or immersion schools ' Immersion elementary schools started to appear in Canada in the early sixties (CRAWFORD, 1989). In Europe, after a long tradition of a second language learning in secondary and high schools, the European Centre for Modern Languages conducted, in 2002-2003, a project called 'Janua Linguarum - the Gateway to Languages' in ten European countries to promote the introduction of language awakening at the end of primary schools. There are a number of arguments in favor of early language learning. Noam Chomsky, a 20th century linguist, referred to a... [Read more]
TEFL Courses in Athens - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Greece - Inclass Courses
As it is the exciting capital of Greece, Athens is a great destination to complete your CELTA training course. This dynamic city offers plenty of magnificent sites to explore and you are only a short trip away from some of the best coastal resorts in the region.
Athens is known as the birthplace of democracy and is home to the mighty Acropolis, one of the most famous landmarks in the whole of Europe. For a quick look at what Athens has to offer, click here for a virtual tour of the city.
Athens has a well earned reputation as one of the friendliest and safest cities in Europe and it has been welcoming visitors with its warm climate and rich culture for many years. Wherever you go in the city you will find authentic outdoor cafes, restaurants and taverns where you can sample the very best... [Read more]
TEFL Certification Athens - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Greece - Inclass Courses
As it is the exciting capital of Greece, Athens is a great destination to complete your CELTA training course. This dynamic city offers plenty of magnificent sites to explore and you are only a short trip away from some of the best coastal resorts in the region.
Athens is known as the birthplace of democracy and is home to the mighty Acropolis, one of the most famous landmarks in the whole of Europe. For a quick look at what Athens has to offer, click here for a virtual tour of the city.
Athens has a well earned reputation as one of the friendliest and safest cities in Europe and it has been welcoming visitors with its warm climate and rich culture for many years. Wherever you go in the city you will find authentic outdoor cafes, restaurants and taverns where you can sample the very best... [Read more]
Songs in the Classroom Noriko Harasawa - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Songs in the classroom are a wonderful way to learn English but did you also know that it has been proven that they can 'help ['] acquire vocabulary and grammar, improve spelling and develop the linguistic skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening (Jalongo and Bromley, 1984, McCarthey, 1985; Martin, 1983, Mitchell, 1983, Jolly, 1975)'1. The following research assignment will go over different methods that can be used to implement songs when teaching English language. Depending on the age and level of the class songs can be used in a variety of ways. Three age groups will be covered: young children (aged 3-5 without any previous knowledge of English), elementary to early teens (aged 10-14 with basic English grammar knowledge), and adults (intermediate level). These... [Read more]