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Tefl article - TEFL Classroom management #217 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
I believe that Classroom Management is the key component in any educational setting. I believe that if a classroom is well manage by the teacher, the students can learn more not by punishing them with their behavior problems but to engage each students in every activities that takes place in the classroom. My goal is to make my classroom well manage so no students will be left behind in the lesson and make the environment organized. I believe that teaching is a very difficult job because we have to deal with so many people with different personalities in our daily life. But if we make our classroom enjoyable and make the students feel that they are big part of the class, it will make them feel comfortable and they will participate more in class. I have always had... [Read more]
Classroom management Ma Therese Pabillo - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
I believe that Classroom Management is the key component in any educational setting. I believe that if a classroom is well manage by the teacher, the students can learn more not by punishing them with their behavior problems but to engage each students in every activities that takes place in the classroom. My goal is to make my classroom well manage so no students will be left behind in the lesson and make the environment organized. I believe that teaching is a very difficult job because we have to deal with so many people with different personalities in our daily life. But if we make our classroom enjoyable and make the students feel that they are big part of the class, it will make them feel comfortable and they will participate more in class. I have always had large... [Read more]
Tefl article - TEFL Importance of Games in TEFL #354 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
In the teaching of English as a Second Language (ESL), games are very important, with adults and especially with children. Let?s face it, no matter how much one wants to learn another language sometimes class discussions about verb tenses and vocabulary can be monotonous, slow, and boring. Games make learning fun and can be used to add a little spice to class. Many people are motivated by competition so games can stimulate this enthusiasm and help to stimulate participation. Games can be used to aid in: learning vocabulary, verb usage, vocabulary review, pronunciation practice, phrase building, confidence building, and encouraging students to think and respond in English. Games are great ways to begin or end a class. Openers for classes are used to introduce... [Read more]
Importance of Games in TEFL Maegon Williams - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
In the teaching of English as a Second Language (ESL), games are very important, with adults and especially with children. Let’s face it, no matter how much one wants to learn another language sometimes class discussions about verb tenses and vocabulary can be monotonous, slow, and boring. Games make learning fun and can be used to add a little spice to class. Many people are motivated by competition so games can stimulate this enthusiasm and help to stimulate participation. Games can be used to aid in: learning vocabulary, verb usage, vocabulary review, pronunciation practice, phrase building, confidence building, and encouraging students to think and respond in English. Games are great ways to begin or end a class. Openers for classes are used to introduce new... [Read more]
Lesson Plans: Who Needs?em? Claire LaForce - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
I suspect that most of us know that having a plan when we walk into a classroom is better than not having a plan. However, we may need to be reminded just how much having a plan can contribute to the quality of the class experience for the students, as well as the learning goals we have set for ourselves.In fact, the lesson plan acts as a framework for the time spent together. It helps us be clear about what we hope to accomplish with this particular class, or a series of classes, and outline how we are going to achieve that learning goal, step by step.Sometimes the plan will get tossed out the window, (figuratively speaking), when an urgent reason to deviate from the plan arises during class. Special situations may make it inappropriate to insist on sticking to a plan, and it... [Read more]
Teaching Slang and Idioms Margaret Johnson - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
In consideration of whether or not teachers of English as a second language should teach slang or idioms in class, or rather, why English teachers should teach idioms or slang, I did some research on the internet regarding this particular topic. For the most part, I found one David Burke's article on the subject to be most informative (Burke, 1). I have formed my own opinion on the matter, which I will discuss at length later in this essay.First, it is constructive to define exactly what slang words and idioms are, to differentiate between the two as well as to be completely precise in this pursuit. defines an idiom as 'an expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meanings of its constituent elements' (, 1). In contrast, slang is... [Read more]
Motivation in Classroom Jinmei Li - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
TEFL teachers often work in different countries and face different national students. Sometimes, the students keep silent or show no interest on the course content. How to motivate them in the classroom has become a leading concern for teachers. Through my personal experience and TEFL course study, I find some effective ways as below:1. The teacher need know about the students' culture background. We know, every nation has its distinctive clothes and food customs, religious belief, value points and so on. If the teacher gets some information and knowledge, he/she can talk about relative topics in the class, especially, in first class. The students are great likely to communicate on these topics. This is a good beginning for following lessons.2. The teacher must have some ideas... [Read more]
Tefl article - TEFL Field Research: Student Evaluations #415 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
In September of 2006, I had the opportunity to teach conversational English to graduate students at Huazhong University in China. On the last day of teaching, I asked students to write up an evaluation regarding the activities they liked best. Highlights included: the importance of establishing teacher rapport, the need to provide a wide variety of engaging activities and the value of peer interaction. Establishing rapport between the students and the teacher is a key factor in encouraging students to participate in class. The littlest things?like remembering names -- can make a big difference: ?As a student when you said my name without looking at the name list. I?m so excited and joyful. I think it?s important to a student.? Smiling is another simple thing any... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - The Esa Methodology Of Teaching The Engage Phase - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
This presentation is going to focus on the ESA methodology of teaching. In our teaching methodologies section, we briefly had a look at what ESA was about, but in this presentation, we're going to look in greater detail about that particular methodology. This particular methodology is accredited to Jeremy Harmer from his "Practice of English language Teaching" book. It's a three-stage methodology and what we're going to do is to look at the purpose of each one of these stages and some typical activities that take place during those stages. So, the first stage is known as the engage and its sole purpose, as the name implies, is to get the students talking and thinking in English. There is no reason whatsoever, when these students come to your class, that they should have said a... [Read more]
Tefl article - TEFL Teaching EFL in a Kindgarten #309 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
My article is based on personal experiences as I teach a French Kindergarten class on a voluntary basis. One September afternoon my sons? new teacher asked if I would be interested in teaching English to her Kindergarten class. Standing in front of the class for the first time I realized how dreadful it could be. I didn?t have any real experience, only teaching my children at home. Armed with a few songs, an alphabet chart, and a mini lesson plan, I found myself defenseless in front of a class whose concentration span was short. They just wanted to play. It didn?t help that their teacher was there and kept telling them to be quiet in French. I finally managed to speak to all the children and ask them their names. It was difficult and I had to revert to asking questions... [Read more]
Tefl article - TEFL Teaching English In China 1993 vs. The Present #244 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
China has been proclaimed to be the largest market for English learners. In the last twenty years, progress in teaching and learning of English has exploded. Arriving in China August 1993 was not my first time there. Though it was my first time in the Northeast. I was to spend the next twelve years of my life in the city of Shenyang. An industrial city of 7 million people. My first impression was that it was like being in a 1950´s black and white movie with no sub-titles.. I was to teach at Shenyang Institute of Technology. My first year, I had 800 students. All except one of the classes, were freshmen. One was a class of 25 graduate students. Shenyang was my home until October 2005. There were tremendous changes in China during those years affecting... [Read more]
Teaching English In China 1993 vs. The Present Patricia Eckel - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
China has been proclaimed to be the largest market for English learners. In the last twenty years, progress in teaching and learning of English has exploded. Arriving in China August 1993 was not my first time there. Though it was my first time in the Northeast. I was to spend the next twelve years of my life in the city of Shenyang. An industrial city of 7 million people. My first impression was that it was like being in a 1950´s black and white movie with no sub-titles..I was to teach at Shenyang Institute of Technology. My first year, I had 800 students. All except one of the classes, were freshmen. One was a class of 25 graduate students. Shenyang was my home until October 2005. There were tremendous changes in China during those years affecting all aspects of life.... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Amy Gosewisch - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
In this TEFL review student Amy describes her experience during her TEFL/TESOL course in Seville, Spain. She talks about the course location and the accommodation and the friendly and helpful staff. Amy, like many trainees, was fortunate enough to be offered a teaching position while doing the course. ITTT's courses are designed to give you the skills and confidence you need to teach English as a foreign language. We welcome all applications from native speakers as well as fluent non-native English speakers, regardless of nationality, age, gender or race.
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language... [Read more]
Tefl article - TEFL The Internet in the Classroom #366 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Teaching EFL in the 21st century increasingly involves teaching students how to sift through and evaluate information in English using the Internet and other new technology. This is especially important for English-language students who plan to study or work in countries with knowledge-based economies. “[T]he vast amount of information available on the Internet means that critical learning and literacy skills are more important than ever before,”Mark Warschauer wrote in a recent U.S. State Department publication. “We as teachers should help learners think critically at the microlevel, for example, by analyzing the perspectives and biases of individual World Wide Web sites.”1<br /><br />As a teaching and learning tool, the... [Read more]
Teaching Approaches for Adult and Adolescent EFL Learners Zachary Shtogren - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
One of the starkest contrasts in ESL instruction is the difference between the adult and the adolescent class. Teachers must become versed in the very different motivational factors, learning styles, and pitfalls associated with each group to effectively instruct English. First, the kids. The most important thing to remember when working with adolescents (and by adolescent let's consider anyone of secondary school age) is that the student would probably rather be doing something else. This is not always the case, but teenagers are assaulted by myriad social, familial, and societal influences. Their attention and priorities vary on a daily basis. Whether in a one-to-one or group class setting, the student(s) is/are probably being required to attend by their parents or... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Corinth Greece 6 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
In this TEFL review video a group of international TEFL students share their experiences during the four week TESOL/TEFL course in Corinth, Greece. ITTT's four week in-class courses are intensive but you will still have sufficient time to explore the local area, meet lots of new people and experience the local culture.
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next.
What I liked about this unit is that it talked about the use of media in the lesson. Film and... [Read more]
Games in the classroom Phillip Nedd - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
In the past when someone had a diploma from a school like Harvard or Yale it automatically means that they'll find a good job in the future. This myth has been proven wrong in the work place. Students with great diplomas are now finding it harder to find jobs that will accept them. Why' The students are leaving schools with knowledge that is unapplied and unused making them, in a sense, robots. This phenomenon reminds us of a famous quote, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.' So, how does one solve this dilemma' Very simply put, application, and what better way to do it than through games.One of the hardest things to do is getting the students to use and apply the knowledge that was taught, this could be done easily with game. Games don't only help motivate the students... [Read more]
Teaching English to Japanese Students Sarah Breaux - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Teaching English to Japanese students can be very difficult because of cultural and lingual differences. Japanese students are very different from American and European students. An advantage is their tendency to be more reserved and well behaved. However, they do not like to speak in class because they do not want to appear arrogant (Ikeda). This is a cultural custom and it will take extra encouragement to coax the students to talk. Also, students do not like to make eye contact and will become very embarrassed if they do not know an answer (Ikeda). Teachers must be sensitive to these manners in order to conduct a comfortable class for the students. A gradual progression toward a more English style class will be the most productive approach to classroom differences... [Read more]
Problems for Learners in Costa Rica Tina Newton - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Teaching English to students in Costa Rica is probably one of the easiest countries in the world in which to teach English. First of all, English is now required in the schools, Spanish is much closer to English in most sounds, almost identical alphabets are used, the general culture is open, the students like to talk, and the education of Costa Ricans is relatively high. However, there are several problems that can be encountered, some of which are rather unexpected, which include pronunciation, spelling, discipline, motivation, and general education level. There are certain pronunciation difficulties that Costa Ricans encounter. The primary one is with the 'th' sound. There is no sound like that in Latin American Spanish so they want to say it with just a 't', 'd', or 'f'... [Read more]
Should we teach culture in the EFL classroom? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Put simply, language is a verbal expression of culture which means that culture clearly has to be seen as an important part of language learning. Although it is important to learn the vocabulary and grammar of English during lessons, to truly grasp what the language means to native speakers it is vital that EFL students learn as much as possible about the culture of English speaking nations. The good news is that students generally love learning about cultural issues, whether it is music, films, books, and TV, or other things such as food or fashion. So, how can we incorporate culture into our EFL lessons to make them interesting and productive?
Authentic materials can be anything that native English speakers might use that can be adapted for use in an EFL classroom. This type of material... [Read more]
Songs in the classroom Soohee Choi - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Listening to music stimulates students to learn English and works as a change of class atmosphere. Songs make an enjoyable learning environment. Songs have a small amount of information and a high degree of superfluity; they make songs sound simple and this aid to understanding. They contain authentic language, are easily attainable, provide vocabulary and cultural aspects and are fun for the students. They provide enjoyable speaking, listening, vocabulary and language practice both in and out of the classroom. Songs are a good resource for English Teaching; ''They are funny and can be selected to suit the needs and interests of the students. Students think songs are natural and fun. Fun, even silly songs abound in English. As texts, songs are interesting because most do not... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - The Esa Methodology Of Teaching Sample Esa Lesson - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Now an example of a straight arrow ESA lesson for our engage phase. What we're going to do is to show the students a video of animals and they are going to say what they like about those animals and try to create a list of some more. So, remember what we're trying to do here is to get the students talking and thinking in English. We're using a typical engage activity, which is to create a list and we try to make sure that all the students have been involved in some way in creating those lists. Moving on to the study phase, the first part is going to be the board work and the teacher is going to try to elicit from the students what each of those animals can and can't do. Typically, what the students will say is just single words, so "run," "jump," "fly," etc. What we would then... [Read more]
Problems for Learners in Thailand Andrew Thompson - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Like the people of other nations, Thai people face many problems when trying to learn English; some of these problems are cultural and some are more rooted in the many obvious differences between the two languages. Different age groups or students of different levels may not always face the same problems. A class of intermediate children is likely to have different problems to those of an adult class of beginners. One issue that can be quite frustrating as a teacher is rooted in the Thai culture of not wishing to lose face. This often leads to students being shy and unresponsive in class. They are scared of making mistakes in front of their peers as this would cause them to lose face. Another issue that is based on culture and can also be frustrating for a teacher is a tendency... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - Overview Of All English Tenses Present Tenses Overview Present Perfect Continuous - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
We can see that this particular usage of the unfinished past can be used for both the present perfect and the present perfect continuous. Where we've got action verbs, we usually prefer to use the present perfect continuous. However, there are state verbs which don't usually go into the continuous form, such as 'know'. We would say 'I have known her for 10 years,' not 'I have been knowing her for 10 years.' So when we have these state verbs, such as 'know', 'be', 'seem' and 'appear', we would usually put these in the present perfect but with the action verbs, such as 'play', 'cook', 'work', we will use these in the present perfect continuous. Normally, we also use the present perfect continuous fairly frequently with words, such as just or recently to express a recently completed... [Read more]
Tefl article - TEFL Lesson Planning #318 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Lesson planning is one of the most important but controversial aspects of teaching. Some teachers and educationist are of the opinion that it is very important to make a detail plan of what they are teaching. They spend hours and hours making a daily or weekly plan. Others are of the opinion that it is simply a method devised by the administration to keep the teachers in lengthy but useless paperwork. I personally think that a good plan is like a good movie or a piece of music. If a good movie or music is made keeping in mind all the important aspects like rhythm , tempo, beat etc it will always hold the attention of the viewer or the listener. In the same way a good, well organized lesson plan will keep the students interested in what they are doing. An ill prepared... [Read more]
TEFL Certification Bogotà - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Colombia - Inclass Courses
Bogotá is an exciting and South American city. The capital of Colombia, it is located in the heart of the Andes at 2,640 meters. It is one of the highest capitals in the world and is home to Colombians from all parts of the country. Bogotá is the energetic centre of a number of different Colombian cultures as well as other countries from South America.
Bogotá always has something interesting to see or do in the city. Whether it’s experiencing the local culture in the old downtown area, or exploring the country’s beautiful landscapes and wildlife. There are a number of quality restaurants, clubs, cafes and bars to enjoy in Bogotá as wells as old houses, churches and convents, which date back several hundred years. There are also numerous parks where you can find a variety of... [Read more]
Lesson Planning Nilofar Naqui - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Lesson planning is one of the most important but controversial aspects of teaching. Some teachers and educationist are of the opinion that it is very important to make a detail plan of what they are teaching. They spend hours and hours making a daily or weekly plan. Others are of the opinion that it is simply a method devised by the administration to keep the teachers in lengthy but useless paperwork.I personally think that a good plan is like a good movie or a piece of music. If a good movie or music is made keeping in mind all the important aspects like rhythm , tempo, beat etc it will always hold the attention of the viewer or the listener. In the same way a good, well organized lesson plan will keep the students interested in what they are doing. An ill prepared lesson plan... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - Lesson Planning Part 2 What Does A Lesson Plan Contain - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
So, the document itself needs to contain some general information about the class, for example the name of the teacher, the date and time of the lesson, what level of class is being taught and in what room, how many students are we expecting, this is important, when we've got things like photocopying and materials to do, what is the context of the lesson, in other words, what is the lesson actually about, what vocabulary or grammar point is this lesson covering and sometimes it's also useful to write out what the focus of the lesson is. So, in effect, the context of the lesson is telling us the grammar point, for example, that might be the present continuous tense, whereas the focus is telling us how we're going to go about teaching it. Another example to illustrate this: Let's... [Read more]
How do online English teachers make money? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
How much money you can earn teaching English online depends on a variety of factors, including your qualifications, prior experience, and the platform you work for. Online English teachers are paid on an hourly basis, typically ranging between $15 and $30. If you decide to work through an online platform, as most online teachers do, a fee for connecting you with students and providing materials is also deducted in the form of a commission.
There are different ways to earn a living as an online English teacher. Some teachers work for an online ESL company, some offer their lessons on an open marketplace, and others even start their own online ESL business.
Depending on your qualifications and the type of platform, online English teachers can typically earn between $10 and $40 US per hour.... [Read more]
Tefl article - TEFL Motivating Students #382 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Motivation ? ?a feeling of interest or enthusiasm that makes somebody want to do something that causes such a feeling? Encarta Dictionary: English Student motivation is required in the classroom for obvious reasons ? they have to feel that they want to learn to help with the learning process. Different students will be motivated in different ways. Some students are naturally very enthusiastic and have the will to learn and gain information whereas others may need a bit of help from the teacher. Different age groups will quite often have different motivation needs: -The young learner is not often in an English class from their own choice and therefore is not that willing to learn the language so lacks in motivation. -The teenage learner once again might not have... [Read more]