English Learning Games For Adults

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The Importance of Games in a Classroom Jaime Grocock - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Play. Much can be learned in play that will afterwards be of use when the circumstances demand it. 
A tree must also transpire, and needs to be copiously refreshed by wind, rain, and frost; otherwise it easily falls into bad condition, and becomes barren. In the same way the human body needs movement, excitement, and exercise, and in daily life these must be supplied, either artificially or naturally. (1) The first thing that most people think about when they say the word game is fun. Since we were adolescent a game is what we did to entertain ourselves, compete with our friends and enjoy free time. So why not put it into the sometimes dreaded location of a school or even worse an English class' The classroom is one of the best scenarios to have games. The game gives a...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL The Importance of Games in a Classroom #350 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Play. Much can be learned in play that will afterwards be of use when the circumstances demand it. 
A tree must also transpire, and needs to be copiously refreshed by wind, rain, and frost; otherwise it easily falls into bad condition, and becomes barren. In the same way the human body needs movement, excitement, and exercise, and in daily life these must be supplied, either artificially or naturally. (1) The first thing that most people think about when they say the word game is fun. Since we were adolescent a game is what we did to entertain ourselves, compete with our friends and enjoy free time. So why not put it into the sometimes dreaded location of a school or even worse an English class? The classroom is one of the best scenarios to have games....  [Read more]

ESL Games Joseph Hegel - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

In an elementary EFL/ESL class in South Korea, you may begin teaching a class and at the start and you are welcomed with the exclamation from a student “Game teacher!” This could even turn into a chant of “Game, Game, Game” with other students joining in. While the interest in games by children can’t be denied in general, are games an effective and useful in the ESL classroom'Games can be enjoyed by students of all ages in the ESL classroom, including adults. Students tend to welcome a break from the traditional lecture and study methods they may be used to. Games are a way to make learning fun in the classroom. This can be important for students who are children and may be working hard in school day and night and for adults who are busy working themselves. ...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL ESL Games #349 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

In an elementary EFL/ESL class in South Korea, you may begin teaching a class and at the start and you are welcomed with the exclamation from a student “Game teacher!” This could even turn into a chant of “Game, Game, Game” with other students joining in. While the interest in games by children can’t be denied in general, are games an effective and useful in the ESL classroom? Games can be enjoyed by students of all ages in the ESL classroom, including adults. Students tend to welcome a break from the traditional lecture and study methods they may be used to. Games are a way to make learning fun in the classroom. This can be important for students who are children and may be working hard in...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Importance of Games in TEFL #354 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

In the teaching of English as a Second Language (ESL), games are very important, with adults and especially with children. Let?s face it, no matter how much one wants to learn another language sometimes class discussions about verb tenses and vocabulary can be monotonous, slow, and boring. Games make learning fun and can be used to add a little spice to class. Many people are motivated by competition so games can stimulate this enthusiasm and help to stimulate participation. Games can be used to aid in: learning vocabulary, verb usage, vocabulary review, pronunciation practice, phrase building, confidence building, and encouraging students to think and respond in English. Games are great ways to begin or end a class. Openers for classes are used to introduce...  [Read more]

Games in the classroom. Beata Troup - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Games are an integral part of the learning process. So what is the definition of 'games'' Games are rule-based, and have variable, quantifiable outcomes. Different potential outcomes of a game are assigned different values, some positive and some negative. The player is emotionally attached to the outcome of the game in the sense that the player will be a winner and 'happy' in case of positive outcome, but a loser and 'unhappy' in case of the negative outcome. 'Play' is a free form activity that is often not rule based . Often there are some rules and fixed goals, and time frame, but mostly marked by fluidity of rules and goals.So games are distinguished from play by:- Play is a free ' form activity - Games are rule based, the rules structure the activity and make it...  [Read more]

Importance of Games in TEFL Maegon Williams - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

In the teaching of English as a Second Language (ESL), games are very important, with adults and especially with children. Let’s face it, no matter how much one wants to learn another language sometimes class discussions about verb tenses and vocabulary can be monotonous, slow, and boring. Games make learning fun and can be used to add a little spice to class. Many people are motivated by competition so games can stimulate this enthusiasm and help to stimulate participation. Games can be used to aid in: learning vocabulary, verb usage, vocabulary review, pronunciation practice, phrase building, confidence building, and encouraging students to think and respond in English. Games are great ways to begin or end a class. Openers for classes are used to introduce new...  [Read more]

Which online English teaching platform pays most? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

We have good news if you are interested in teaching abroad but are hesitant to settle down in one place: Teaching is one of the best-paying online jobs from home and one of the fastest growing career paths for remote workers. The best part about online teaching jobs is that you can not only get paid to speak English, but you can also find opportunities to teach English online with no prior experience. If you want to travel while earning money for speaking English, check out the best-paying online teaching jobs that you can do from anywhere in the world using your laptop. Preply is an online language learning platform that allows students to work with their preferred tutor at their own pace and on their own time. Preply, in general, invites any enthusiastic individual to join their...  [Read more]

Course materials Ann Stampfl - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

A balanced approach to using a combination of created and authentic materials can be beneficial to both the students and the teacher in an ESL classroom.Created materials can be either a previously published course text or something the teacher has specifically created to supplement a lesson. Often students will expect some published materials such as a course book and view it as a form of security as well as a way to gauge their progress, i.e. how many chapters of the book they have completed. Published course materials have generally been tried and tested before release and thus are graded to a level suitable for the students and contain a balanced mix of vocabulary, grammar and skills exercises. As well, they can be very useful in pointing out certain structures or language...  [Read more]

The First Day with Adult True Beginners- The Alphabet Linda Zillweger - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching adult true beginners from day one is an interesting challenge and requires a strategy which must be formulated in advance. Do you begin with phonics' Can you start with rote memorization' How can you approach people with different learning styles' What has been the students experience in school previously' There are many considerations but in the end a good plan smoothes the way to the first day. When teaching the alphabet the issue of using phonics comes to the forefront. Many programs use a system of phonics instruction along with grammar and vocabulary topics. Teaching the sounds rather than the letter names per say has advantages and disadvantages. The learner will make more progress in speaking skills when he starts by learning the sounds. He will be able...  [Read more]

Teaching EFL in a kindergarten Sirika Yong - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Although the benefits of learning foreign languages are undisputable, the implementation varies around the globe. When should we introduce it' Should we go for a bilingual education, foreign language classes or immersion schools ' Immersion elementary schools started to appear in Canada in the early sixties (CRAWFORD, 1989). In Europe, after a long tradition of a second language learning in secondary and high schools, the European Centre for Modern Languages conducted, in 2002-2003, a project called 'Janua Linguarum - the Gateway to Languages' in ten European countries to promote the introduction of language awakening at the end of primary schools. There are a number of arguments in favor of early language learning. Noam Chomsky, a 20th century linguist, referred to a...  [Read more]

Teaching EFL in a kindergarten Julia Karag?z - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The demand for a second or third language at an early age has increased over the last years. Many parents decide to raise their children bi- or multilingual and therefore more and more kindergarten and preschools offer English as a second language. There are many advantages in teaching English as a foreign language at such an early stage in a child's life. Learning a language for a child is a lot easier than for adults. They listen and learn without analyzing sentence structure, grammar, stress or intonations such as adult learners. The child will simply grow up having two first languages. English is generally taught as the first foreign language in school. A child having been exposed to English in kindergarten will have head start in school and even later when he or she wants...  [Read more]

TEFL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Home > Articles I never made a mistake in grammar but one in my life and as soon as I done it I seen it... So you've decided you want to teach English as a foreign language... There are many different practices that could be used for good classroom management and as with all techniques these need to be adapted to your own classroom, taking into account the age, culture, and personality of the class as a whole, and of you as a teacher... Classroom management requires a positive relationship between the teacher and the student... I believe that Classroom Management is the key component in any educational setting... I?m sure ?Classroom Management? holds many different meanings for many different people... Classroom management is a teacher?s ability to organize and control ...  [Read more]

Problems for Learners in Costa Rica Tina Newton - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching English to students in Costa Rica is probably one of the easiest countries in the world in which to teach English. First of all, English is now required in the schools, Spanish is much closer to English in most sounds, almost identical alphabets are used, the general culture is open, the students like to talk, and the education of Costa Ricans is relatively high. However, there are several problems that can be encountered, some of which are rather unexpected, which include pronunciation, spelling, discipline, motivation, and general education level. There are certain pronunciation difficulties that Costa Ricans encounter. The primary one is with the 'th' sound. There is no sound like that in Latin American Spanish so they want to say it with just a 't', 'd', or 'f'...  [Read more]

TEFL Cities - TEFL - Accreditation Affordable TEFL - Dip TEFL Online - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

I?ve definitely learned how useful a lesson plan can be, especially for thinking back on a lesson you?ve taught and making it better... I have gained a lot from this course... Al, ireland This course has taught me to take the time to really understand new information and to look from a teachers and a student?s perspective in order to achieve the best results when planning lessons... This course has provided me with a good review of the english grammar and has given me the opportunity to reflect on my teaching... ... This has been an excellent course and we would recommend it to anyone who is interested in teaching TEFL or just want to brush up on their grammar skills! There was so much great information in the course it?s hard to talk about what was most beneficial... The first main...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Phnom Penh - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Cambodia - Inclass Courses

If you crave adventure and a lifestyle that’s out of the ordinary, Phnom Penh, Cambodia is the perfect location to launch your ‘teach English abroad’ journey. The transformation of Cambodia over the past three decades from a country characterised by occupation and trouble, to a Southeast Asian powerhouse, is phenomenal. There’s an insatiable demand for English language skills in Cambodia - and a chronic shortage of TEFL qualified people to teach English. What does this mean for people just like you? Simple! It means opportunities galore. Phnom Penh is the capital city of Cambodia and the nation’s international gateway. With a population of around 2.5 million people and a relatively confined central business district, it has a noticeably slower pace of life than you’ll find in...  [Read more]

English Learning Games For Adults

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