English Speaking Teacher

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TEFL for non native English speaking teachers Bonnie Gape - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

TEFL or Teaching English as a Foreign Language refers to teaching English to students for whom it is not their mother tongue. TEFL can take place in English-speaking regions, for example in language schools or summer camps or before the start of a university degree, but usually occurs in the student´s own country. There, TEFL can be either within the state school system, or private, either in an after-hours language school or with a one-on-one tutor. The teachers may be native or non-native speakers of English. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)Taking a TEFL course as a non-native English speaker was a great experience, with a wild awakening. Life has a way of bringing surprises, not bad or good, they become what you make them to be, and the outcome depends on how you embrace...  [Read more]

TEFL for non native English speaking teachers Daniel Granquist - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The human mind loves simplicity and to generalize complicated matters. Talking about non native English speaking would assume that at least our English would be on the same level.The truth is that even among native English speaking people there is huge difference between understanding and knowledge about the language. That's why I can only share my thoughts on the course. Quick look on my background, I am 22 years old guy from Sweden that grew up with two Swedish parents.Understanding the courseA few days in the course we were asked to perform a simple task. We had one hour and I got in the same group as two native English speaking persons that both were 10 to 20 years older then me and with teaching background. We spent our first 30 min to discuss what we were supposed to do. ...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL for non native English speaking teachers #301 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The human mind loves simplicity and to generalize complicated matters. Talking about non native English speaking would assume that at least our English would be on the same level. The truth is that even among native English speaking people there is huge difference between understanding and knowledge about the language. That?s why I can only share my thoughts on the course. Quick look on my background, I am 22 years old guy from Sweden that grew up with two Swedish parents. Understanding the course A few days in the course we were asked to perform a simple task. We had one hour and I got in the same group as two native English speaking persons that both were 10 to 20 years older then me and with teaching background. We spent our first 30 min to discuss what we were ...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL for non native English speaking teachers #302 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

TEFL or Teaching English as a Foreign Language refers to teaching English to students for whom it is not their mother tongue. TEFL can take place in English-speaking regions, for example in language schools or summer camps or before the start of a university degree, but usually occurs in the student´s own country. There, TEFL can be either within the state school system, or private, either in an after-hours language school or with a one-on-one tutor. The teachers may be native or non-native speakers of English. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Taking a TEFL course as a non-native English speaker was a great experience, with a wild awakening. Life has a way of bringing surprises, not bad or good, they become what you make them to be, and the outcome...  [Read more]

TEFL for non- native English speaking teachers. Corentin Levant - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

(From own experience as a volunteer English and French teacher, different forums and talks with other native and non-native teachers)All over the world more and more EFL schools advertise their courses highlighting that they only employ native speakers and reject applicants on the ground that it is the customers' expectation, opening the gates wide for native teachers and giving more obstacles to non-native ones (until they find themselves in a desperate need for a teacher'). But is it really the customers' expectation' Unfortunately teaching ability is not part of the mother tongue package! Non-native teachers could be compared with young new teachers of any subject they have just graduated: depending on their teaching ability, their skills in the subject, their personality, ...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Evaluation And Testing/placement Tests - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  This video is part of our video series on "Evaluation and Testing of Students". In this video, we look at placement tests. This type of test is also referred to as a level test. Its goal is to find out the current level of the student tested. A placement test generally tests all four skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking) and progresses from easy to hard questions. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This unit discussed the two...  [Read more]

Correction techniques. Paul hand - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

When teaching English many problems arise. These range from discipline right through to a students comprehension. One of the more problematic areas is that of correction techniques, which contains writing corrections and speaking corrections. When correcting writing and speaking, writing is perhaps the easier of the two. A teacher can easily identify spelling and grammar errors. Although the error is easily identified, the reason for the error may not. There are many reasons why an error may occur. Perhaps the student clearly did not understand and was purely guessing, the result of the student trying to use more complicated grammar, or it is due to a lack of concentration1. Depending on why the error was made can affect how it is corrected. If it is an obvious error then the...  [Read more]

Songs in the Classroom Kim Lawler - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Music is an amazing phenomenon; it holds the power to sway emotions, recall memories, and invoke understanding. Music has often been used as an effective learning tool in many classroom environments. In the EFL classrooms, music and songs can provide invaluable depth and knowledge for students.Music and songs can create a non-threatening environment for students. Students often feel intimidated when they are asked to speak aloud in a classroom setting (Lo and Li, ' 1). When asked to speak, students are terrified of making mistakes; therefore, they will be too nervous to answer, or they may give an incorrect answer, causing them to look foolish before their classmates. Songs give students an opportunity to practice their spoken English in a way that is familiar and...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Productive Receptive Skills/accuracy Vs Fluency - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Before we move on to the planning of a lesson for speaking skills, something that we need to look at first is the idea of the accuracy versus the fluency of speaking. Accuracy relates to the correct usage of grammar and vocabulary, whereas fluency relates to our ability to continue speaking without any interruption. Now, ultimately within a whole ESA lesson or within language learning itself fluency and accuracy are equally important. Within an ESA lesson, however, depending upon which stage we're at in that lesson, then we're either focusing on accuracy or we're focusing on fluency. Remember in the ESA lesson, in the study phase, this is where we're looking at the target language where we're doing our language learning, so it's very important in this stage that we focus on the...  [Read more]

The First Day with Adult True Beginners- The Alphabet Linda Zillweger - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching adult true beginners from day one is an interesting challenge and requires a strategy which must be formulated in advance. Do you begin with phonics' Can you start with rote memorization' How can you approach people with different learning styles' What has been the students experience in school previously' There are many considerations but in the end a good plan smoothes the way to the first day. When teaching the alphabet the issue of using phonics comes to the forefront. Many programs use a system of phonics instruction along with grammar and vocabulary topics. Teaching the sounds rather than the letter names per say has advantages and disadvantages. The learner will make more progress in speaking skills when he starts by learning the sounds. He will be able...  [Read more]

Teaching Multilingual Vs Monolingual Classes Luc Osstyn - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Rapid globalisation has developed the need to find a common means of international communication. Throughout modern history English has been the language for most of the worlds economic, political and scientific leaders. Now-a-days if any non-English speaking country want to communicate outside its borders then English is usually the language of choice. To meet the demand of teaching non-English speakers, many language courses have been developed e.g. TEFEL, TESOL etc. These courses have to meet demand in many different situations one of which being multi-lingual and mono-lingual classes. Multi--lingual classes consist of students speaking different languages and are most often found in English speaking countries where students have come with an aim to learn English. ...  [Read more]

Problems for learners in Italy Tonte Rita - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The Italian and the English language are totally different in writing, speaking and listening. The first derives from the Latin language family , the second from the Anglo- Saxon. Although the English language adopts many Latin words, they are not commonly used, and the pronunciation is completely different. Because of this, it's very common to come through 'false friends' like the word 'actually' 'attualmente' in Italian, which means 'at the moment', while in English we know that it has a different meaning. For this reason Italians are inclined to use many Latin words which are not used in everyday English. There are dozens of similar examples like this that can be very confusing for the Italian students.The Italian language is quite a simple language at least for what it ...  [Read more]

Building Teachers Confidence in the Classroom Adrienne Fifield - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Anyone who has ever had to stand up in front of a group of people to give a speech knows it can be a daunting task. When we are nervous, our bodies conspire against us, leaving us with such physical symptoms as sweating and shaking, not to mention amnesia and a general feeling of dread. However, there are some tips you can follow to make public-speaking easier and to have it feel like second nature.First, we'll look at ways to build self-confidence outside of the classroom. Then, we'll look at methods teachers of English as a second language (ESL) can use to build their confidence while teaching. One of the easiest ways to overcome shyness is to feel good about yourself by repeating a personal mantra such as 'I feel terrific' into the mirror as you wake each day. (John...  [Read more]

TEFL - Cambridge Online Celta Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Check out about TEFL - Cambridge Online Celta Courses and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad. You could also be interested in: This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned: C.H. - China said: As time goes by, I have spent over five months on taking this course since December last year. Frankly speaking, I really appreciate the TEFL course which offers me lots of beneficial and practical teaching methodology, and this content plays a crucial role in my teaching career. Firstly, it gives me scientific guidance in terms of the teaching theory. To be specific, I become much clear about what roles a teacher needs to play at the different stages of a lesson...  [Read more]

Can I teach English abroad without any teaching experience? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Yes, you can start a new career teaching English abroad without any form of teaching experience. Due to a huge demand for English language teachers in countries all over the world, tens of thousands of English speakers head overseas every year to work in a variety of different classrooms. Of this number, approximately 90% will have never worked in any kind of teaching role before. Wherever you find yourself living and working as an English language teacher, you will most likely teach your students using a method known as total immersion, whereby no other language is used in the classroom besides English. As most learners are not in a position to move to an English speaking country in order to be surrounded by the language, it is the teacher's job to bring this immersion to the student...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Overview Of All English Tenses Present Tenses Present Continuous Overview - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Now, let's take a look at the present continuous tense. The continuous tense is used to talk about actions in progress at the time of speaking or around the time of speaking. The first thing to notice with the continuous tense is that we must use the verb plus '-ing' form, also known as the present participle. You'll see it in any continuous tense, especially with the present continuous. We have three different forms of this tense. First, we have the subject 'I' used with 'am teaching'. Then, we have 'you', 'we' and 'they are teaching'. Finally, we've got 'he', 'she' 'it is teaching'. The 'am', 'are' and 'is' are forms of the verb 'to be' and here with this tense is used as an auxiliary verb or a helping verb. In order to form negative sentences, we simply add the word 'not'...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Lesson Planning Part 2 What Does A Lesson Plan Contain - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  So, the document itself needs to contain some general information about the class, for example the name of the teacher, the date and time of the lesson, what level of class is being taught and in what room, how many students are we expecting, this is important, when we've got things like photocopying and materials to do, what is the context of the lesson, in other words, what is the lesson actually about, what vocabulary or grammar point is this lesson covering and sometimes it's also useful to write out what the focus of the lesson is. So, in effect, the context of the lesson is telling us the grammar point, for example, that might be the present continuous tense, whereas the focus is telling us how we're going to go about teaching it. Another example to illustrate this: Let's...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Building Teachers Confidence in the Classroom #342 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Anyone who has ever had to stand up in front of a group of people to give a speech knows it can be a daunting task. When we are nervous, our bodies conspire against us, leaving us with such physical symptoms as sweating and shaking, not to mention amnesia and a general feeling of dread. However, there are some tips you can follow to make public-speaking easier and to have it feel like second nature. First, we?ll look at ways to build self-confidence outside of the classroom. Then, we?ll look at methods teachers of English as a second language (ESL) can use to build their confidence while teaching. One of the easiest ways to overcome shyness is to feel good about yourself by repeating a personal mantra such as ?I feel terrific? into the mirror as you wake each day....  [Read more]

Problems for Learners in Spain/Catalonia Laurie Ford - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

There are common issues that all learners inevitably face. : The complexities of future tenses, modal and phrasal verbs. Aside from this, study habits and memorization of vocabulary are other hurdles that all students must jump. But each country, region, city or village will have its unique set of issues that will make language acquisition more complex. Having lived and worked in the region of Catalonia for the last 3 years a number of complexities of English learning have been brought to my attention Though the problems for learners in Spain/Catalonia may not be altogether unique in all aspects, I will attempt to clarify those that seem of particular issue in my short experience teaching here. The culture of language acquisition has become a larger issue as Catalans have...  [Read more]

Motivating students Fabien Onissah - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Motivating students is an essential matter when teaching: a skilled learner cannot progress without motivation whereas a strong motivation will compensate a student’s weak skills. Indeed, motivation is what justifies learners’ efforts to convert their skills into full attention, work production and skills’ improvement. I)Motivation a)Attention and active participationEntertainment is the basic way to generate motivation. Hence, students should enjoy the lessons:-To motivate their attention, the course should be very lively and materials and topics should stimulate learners’ curiosity, centres of interest, feelings or opinions.-To motivate their active participation, the teacher must create or maintain fun and creative interactions and communication ...  [Read more]

Songs in the classroom Jamie McCarthy. - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The use of songs in the ESL classroom can be a fun and innovative way of covering a range of English language topics. Songs can be used for vocabulary, grammar, dictation, pronunciation (stress and intonation), phonetics, speaking, writing, listening, integrative skills, and many other ESL points. Furthermore, songs can invite the non-native speaker into the English speaking culture. For instance, pop music gives the learner a taste of what is trendy at the moment. Meanwhile, the lyrics to classic rock songs can give a sense of history and the attitude of the country at the time of recording (for example, 'Give Peace a Chance,' John Lennon, 1969). Additionally, children's songs are crucially important for the young learner...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Songs in the classroom #358 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The use of songs in the ESL classroom can be a fun and innovative way of covering a range of English language topics. Songs can be used for vocabulary, grammar, dictation, pronunciation (stress and intonation), phonetics, speaking, writing, listening, integrative skills, and many other ESL points. Furthermore, songs can invite the non-native speaker into the English speaking culture. For instance, pop music gives the learner a taste of what is trendy at the moment. Meanwhile, the lyrics to classic rock songs can give a sense of history and the attitude of the country at the time of recording (for example, ?Give Peace a Chance,? John Lennon, 1969). Additionally, children?s songs are crucially important for the young...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Teaching Efl To Beginners: Initial Approaches & Techniques #363 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

This research article will highlight and investigate two major aspects of preparing and starting an EFL course to beginner-level students. They are; 1) the approaches (i.e. the mindset, theoretical beliefs and methodologies that a teacher applies to the course, short and long term), 2) the techniques - (i.e. the specific assignments, arrangements and tools/aids utilized to carry out the teacher´s approaches and achieve the student´s goals). The article will move through the various, early stages of planning and teaching an EFL Beginners Course, in (roughly) chronological order. Its focus will only be to shed light on common, recommendable teaching approaches and techinques for an EFL Beginners Course. Along the way, a teacher - in reality...  [Read more]

Language learning in France and Teacher/Student relationship Christopher Simon - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The teaching of languages in the French educational system is slowly starting earlier and earlier, with the students learning some English as early as Ecole Premiere (US equivalent of elementary school). Because France is situated in the middle of Europe, it is very important for the people to have some background in several languages. That is why it is obligatory to study a minimum of two languages, and because English is becoming more and more important as a language, all students are required to study it as one of their two languages. Whichever language a student chooses to study first, the instruction will officially begin in the first or second year of Coll'ge (middle school), thus allowing the student to follow a language to the end of Lyc'e (high school), giving them 6...  [Read more]

The Immersion Method of Teaching English as a Second Language Kelly Brierley - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

There are various different methods which are used to teach a second language. One such method is the immersion method of teaching , developed in Canada to provide Canada's majority group English- speaking students with opportunities to learn Canada's other official language, French. Students are taught a second language exclusively throught he medium of the second language.The structured immersion approach, however, must not be confused with submersion (which is really a non-approach). Essentially, it is a ' sink or swim ' approach. For example, a non-English-speaking French child moves to England and is placed in a regular English- speaking classroom and is taught exclusively in English in the same way as the English-speaking children.Bull (1965) drew a distinction between these...  [Read more]

Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Non Native English Teachers Simona Tufcea - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

How many of the students learning English as a foreign language have had the chance of having native teachers' I don’t believe they are that many. The reasons are various: not many of them (students as well as native teachers) are willing to travel; costs are usually much higher; the students are afraid that their English level is not strong enough to have a teacher that can only communicate in English, etc. This last reason is one of the most common because learners are so used to having a teacher that speaks their mother tongue and explains in their own language different expressions, words, grammar issues, etc. They do not know that even if the teacher does speak their native language, it is much better if he doesn’t use it at all. Any other method of explaining...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Problems facing learners of different nationalities #238 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

I am a ?Purist? at heart. For me the only acceptable, the only correct, the only ?propah? way to speak (and spell) English is as illustrated in the Encyclopedia Britannica ? the British English, so to speak. I have always been a staunch champion of Dr. Doolittle and all the other guardians of the English language. However, being a teacher of the English language, I can no longer turn a blind eye to the ?globalization? of English, which is - ?now a mish-mash of words incorporated from over 350 languages, and is still undergoing constant change, with hundreds of words/phrases coming into existence every year, some fading away, but many finding their way into dictionaries and thesauruses! One can pronounce words in many different ways and still be understood!! The...  [Read more]

Problems facing learners of different nationalities. Devanshe Chauhan - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

I am a 'Purist' at heart. For me the only acceptable, the only correct, the only 'propah' way to speak (and spell) English is as illustrated in the Encyclopedia Britannica ' the British English, so to speak. I have always been a staunch champion of Dr. Doolittle and all the other guardians of the English language.However, being a teacher of the English language, I can no longer turn a blind eye to the 'globalization' of English, which is - 'now a mish-mash of words incorporated from over 350 languages, and is still undergoing constant change, with hundreds of words/phrases coming into existence every year, some fading away, but many finding their way into dictionaries and thesauruses! One can pronounce words in many different ways and still be understood!! The emergence of so ...  [Read more]

Teaching Efl To Beginners: Initial Approaches & Techniques Byron Jones - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

This research article will highlight and investigate two major aspects of preparing and starting an EFL course to beginner-level students. They are; 1) the approaches (i.e. the mindset, theoretical beliefs and methodologies that a teacher applies to the course, short and long term), 2) the techniques - (i.e. the specific assignments, arrangements and tools/aids utilized to carry out the teacher´s approaches and achieve the student´s goals). The article will move through the various, early stages of planning and teaching an EFL Beginners Course, in (roughly) chronological order. Its focus will only be to shed light on common, recommendable teaching approaches and techinques for an EFL Beginners Course. Along the way, a teacher - in reality - would encounter more, and have to...  [Read more]

Suggestions for a Writing Skills Workshop James Vallis - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Writing may be the most difficult and the most neglected of the four cardinal language skills.1 Speaking gets the most attention followed at some distance by listening, and reading. Writing, in comparison, is often ignored all together. The website calls it the 4th language skill.2 There are reasons for this. The simple fact is that most people, teachers included, never really learned how to do it and therefore are unable to pass it on. Another reason is that it is lonely, tedious work. (No teacher ever had to carry home a bag full of speaking assignments and labour into the wee hours marking them for return in the next day.) Still there are those of who continue to make the effort. What follows are a few suggestions on how to ease the burden.Adjust your...  [Read more]

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