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Can I teach in China without a TEFL? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

The requirements for teaching English in China have changed frequently in recent years. They are also frequently misunderstood and the situation has become even more complicated due to COVID-19. So let's dive into it. The main requirement for teaching in China is a valid Z-Visa in your passport. This is the only type of visa that allows you to work in the country legally. This means that those who want to teach English in China must meet the Z visa requirements. To obtain a Z visa you must meet certain requirements, which range from nationality and age to qualifications and a few other crucial details. It is critical to understand that many of the rules outlined below have exceptions. The following are the primary Z Visa requirements: You must be a citizen of one of the seven approved...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Classroom Management For Teaching English As A Foreign Language Giving Instructions - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Our next consideration is that of giving instructions to our students. In order for those students to effectively carry out an activity, we need to make sure we have given clear and unambiguous instructions. It's also very important to check that the students understand the activity before you start. If you've done that work correctly then the teacher shouldn't need to say anything once an activity has started because the students are very clear about what they're supposed to be doing. So some ideas when giving instructions. As we've mentioned use simple language. Secondly, rather than trying to explain an activity, then do a demonstration which is visual. Thirdly, try to use wherever possible common words that come up within every activity. These would be things like ?look?,...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Classroom Management For Teaching English As A Foreign Language Desk Layout - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  So now we'll consider the actual classroom arrangements themselves in terms of the physical desk layout. There are possibly three main types of arrangements that are used within classrooms and we're going to indicate the desks here as being boxes and the arrangements of the students within those desks will be blue crosses. So here we have the desks ranged in rows and the students sitting within those rows. The second arrangement could be the use of horseshoes or semi circles and finally the use of individual desks. So for each of these arrangements what are the potential advantages and disadvantages of arranging our seating in this way? Let's take the rows first of all. One of the potential advantages is that it does give the teacher the opportunity, if it's arranged correctly,...  [Read more]

Assessment and Evaluation Paul and Catherine L - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. Information gathered through assessment helps teachers to determine students’ strengths and needs in their achievement of the curriculum expectations in each course. This information also serves to guide teachers in adapting curriculum and instructional approaches to students’ needs and in assessing the overall effectiveness of programs and classroom practices. In order to ensure this primary purpose, assessment and evaluation must:be communicated clearly to students (and/or parents if applicable) at the beginning of the course and at other appropriate points throughout the course;address both what students learn and how well they learn;be based both on the categories of...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Assessment and Evaluation #345 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. Information gathered through assessment helps teachers to determine students? strengths and needs in their achievement of the curriculum expectations in each course. This information also serves to guide teachers in adapting curriculum and instructional approaches to students? needs and in assessing the overall effectiveness of programs and classroom practices. In order to ensure this primary purpose, assessment and evaluation must: be communicated clearly to students (and/or parents if applicable) at the beginning of the course and at other appropriate points throughout the course; address both what students learn and how well they learn; ...  [Read more]

What is the TaLK Program for teaching English in South Korea? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

TaLK stands for Teach and Learn in Korea which is a government sponsored program that places foreign nationals into elementary schools across South Korea. TaLK is a similar program to the much larger EPIK; however, the TaLK Program differs by focusing on placements in underprivileged areas that might otherwise struggle to attract foreign teachers. Participants on the program will gain valuable teaching experience throughout their time in South Korea. There is also plenty of free time for exploring the local culture and for travel across the country and wider region. The TaLK Program is open to college graduates or current undergraduate students who have completed at least two years of a degree course. You must also hold a passport from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada,...  [Read more]

What is the Teach and Learn with Georgia Program for teaching English in Georgia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

The Teach and Learn with Georgia (TLG) program was setup in 2010 with the intention of improving the country's foreign language skills and to promote greater ties with the global community. Sponsored by the Georgian Ministry of Education and Science, TLG actively recruits native English, French and German speakers to teach in public schools throughout the country on a voluntary basis. While the primary goal is language teaching within a school environment, the program also has a strong focus on cultural exchange. The TLG program is open to native speakers of English, French and German who are open-minded and highly motivated to make a positive difference in an unfamiliar environment. Contracts are for one academic year during which time you will teach alongside local language teachers...  [Read more]

Evaluation and Testing Lisa Trafford - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The importance of Monitoring, Assessment, Recording, Reporting and Accountability is to enable us to understand what has been understood and the areas the student needs to develop. This can be in the form of written tasks or in individual or group discussions. Also this can be observational where there is no teacher interaction. Formative assessment informs future teaching and learning. A diagnostic test diagnoses the cause of problems, so the teacher would focus on that particular area of learning. Summative assessment marks the point when results are presented, and evaluative is evaluating and analysing the results. Learning objectives for the areas of language are a way of monitoring the students ability to carry out a task and if they are confident in this objective, there...  [Read more]

Where can I join a TEFL placement program in Asia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Although teaching jobs can be arranged in Asia once you arrive in your destination of choice, in many countries it is common for jobs to be arranged in advance from within your own country. One area where this is certainly true is if you join a government run placement program. The following are the most popular programs of their kind in Asia. EPIK stands for the English Program in Korea, a scheme run by the South Korean government that places foreign teachers into schools across the country to work as English language instructors. EPIK is one of the largest and most popular schemes of its kind as it offers a competitive salary, a good range of extra benefits, and the chance to experience living and working in a unique cultural environment. If you meet the specified criteria then you...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tivity - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this TESOL review video Tivity talks about how she benefitted from taking one of ITTT's online TESOL courses with tutor support. For Tivity the most useful parts of the course were the sections on English grammar and classroom management. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This unit is teaching about a lesson pan and the format or structure of developing or writing it. i learnt in this lesson that it is important for a teacher to develop a...  [Read more]

What documents will I need to teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

As teaching English abroad involves applying for jobs and traveling overseas, you will require a variety of documentation at different times. Although there maybe some things that you cannot arrange until you have arrived in your country of choice, it is best to organize the required documents as far in advance as possible so they are on hand in case you need them during a job interview or when applying for a visa. Typically, anyone traveling to a foreign country requires a passport that is valid for at least six months. In some situations your passport must be valid for a full year, so the best advice is to ensure your passport has two years or more remaining to allow for an extended teaching contract or further travel once your initial contract is complete. In many cases you will...  [Read more]

How do I get a job teaching English in Hong Kong? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

As it is a modern, vibrant city where English is a common language and most luxuries and comforts are available, Hong Kong is naturally a popular destination among TEFL qualified teachers. The city is a cultural melting pot where almost every language on Earth can be heard and there is an impressive number of major skyscrapers dominating the skyline, two reasons why it is sometimes referred to as the New York of the East. Due to its popularity, Hong Kong has strong competition for the best teaching jobs, so to have a good chance of landing one there are a few things you need to know. There have been government guidelines for employing foreign teachers in Hong Kong for some time; however, these have not been rigorously enforced until recently. These days it is very difficult, and...  [Read more]

Diploma Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

If you are already TEFL qualified and are looking to take your teaching knowledge and qualifications to the next level, or you have yet to start your training and want an advantage in the job market, then our Diploma in TESOL could be the perfect choice for you. This advanced level training course will build on your existing skills and knowledge, and provide you with a highly valued qualification that will allow you to apply for a wider range of jobs within the TEFL world. The course is a great choice for anyone with or without classroom experience as it begins with our standard 120-hour TEFL certification course that covers all the basic subjects required before you move onto the advanced diploma stage of the training. The course also includes the assistance of a highly experienced...  [Read more]

Which countries have a TEFL placement program? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you want to have a job in place and all the paperwork sorted out before you leave your home country, a TEFL placement program is certainly worth considering. Several countries across Europe and Asia have government run schemes that recruit foreign teachers to work in their public school system. The following options are long established and respected programs that offer a great opportunity to live and work in some of the most popular teaching destinations. The TAPIF Program, short for Teaching Assistant Program in France, is a government initiative that places applicants into French state schools to work as teaching assistants. The program provides a great opportunity to live and work in a country where long-stay visas can be difficult to secure for non-EU citizens. For those who...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Ray - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this TESOL review video Ray talks about how the 120-hour online TESOL course he took with ITTT helped him to learn the necessary skills to teach English as a foreign language. Ray recommends the course to anyone considering a career teaching English abroad or online. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. In this unit useful tips were given for lesson planning. I learnt that a lesson plan helps to guide what you want to impart, it can be used as...  [Read more]

TEFL Videos - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Looking for more information on our TEFL courses? Check out these videos that cover many of the most commonly asked questions regarding Teaching English as a Foreign Language. For examples from our exclusive tutoring videos please visit our teaching videos page.  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Theories Methods Techniques Of Teaching The Classical Method - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Before looking at the methods or approaches themselves, there are some terms that we need to define. These are the approach, the method or the technique. Basically, these are hierarchical. The approach is an overriding set of principles that a method can actually make use of, whereas the technique are the things that we actually do in the classroom to approach that method. So, these three words are going to appear during the presentation. Again, for each of either the approaches all the methodologies we're going to ask four questions. So be it an approach or a method for each of those things: Where did it come from? What's its background? What does it involve when we're talking about actually in the classroom, in other words techniques? What is positive about it? What appears to...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Invite Vs Invitation English Grammar Teaching Tips - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  This video breaks down the difference between the two words "invite" and "invitation". They are often used interchangeably but actually aren't synonyms. The word ?invite? is a verb and refers to the action of asking someone if they?d like to do something or go somewhere, such as here: 'I want to invite all my friends to a BBQ party'. "Invitation", on the other hand, is a noun and refers to the actual message of asking someone if they?d like to do something or go somewhere. A suitable example would be: 'I sent out an invitation to all my friends'. A very common mistake is to use 'invite' as a noun instead of 'invitation'. However, the sentence ?I haven?t responded to her invite yet? is incorrect and 'invitation' should be used. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate...  [Read more]

TEFL Course Features - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Training Courses

Embarking on our in-class TEFL certificate course certainly requires a considerable commitment on the part of the trainee, in terms of time, effort and expense. At ittt we are fully aware of this commitment and in turn we aim to match it by providing the highest quality course possible, as well as dedicated ongoing support once you have received your certification. Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! In order to maintain the highest levels of service, we continue to update and improve our facilities and materials based on the feedback we receive from our trainees. Why not join the thousands of practicing EFL teachers worldwide who have earned their TEFL certification with ITTT by signing up for an in-class course today.  [Read more]

TEFL Courses in Athens - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Greece - Inclass Courses

As it is the exciting capital of Greece, Athens is a great destination to complete your CELTA training course. This dynamic city offers plenty of magnificent sites to explore and you are only a short trip away from some of the best coastal resorts in the region. Athens is known as the birthplace of democracy and is home to the mighty Acropolis, one of the most famous landmarks in the whole of Europe. For a quick look at what Athens has to offer, click here for a virtual tour of the city. Athens has a well earned reputation as one of the friendliest and safest cities in Europe and it has been welcoming visitors with its warm climate and rich culture for many years. Wherever you go in the city you will find authentic outdoor cafes, restaurants and taverns where you can sample the very best...  [Read more]

TEFL Courses in Melbourne - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Australia - Inclass Courses

Regularly voted as one of the world’s most popular cities, Melbourne has all manner of attractions on offer. Visitors to the city can enjoy the most vibrant culture and art scene in Australia, as well as great sports and live music. Throughout Melbourne you will find a huge choice of venues, from hip coffee spots and world-class restaurants to local cafes and lively bars. The city is also known for its excellent public transport, top quality educational facilities and the diverse nature of its student population. The CELTA training center is located close to the Central Business District and Melbourne University's student precinct which is famous for its entertainment options such as bars, restaurants and art attractions. The area attracts many locals, tourists and students thanks to its...  [Read more]

TEFL Courses in Madrid - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Spain - Inclass Courses

Madrid is not only the capital of Spain, but also the most populated city in the country and the nerve center of the government and economy, all of which make it a great location for taking a teacher training course. Famous as one of the most welcoming and hospitable capitals in Europe, Madrid is a very cosmopolitan city that is home to a wide range of cultures from all corners of the globe. Here you will find countless opportunities to make friends and to work alongside people from all backgrounds and walks of life. Regardless of the time of year, you will never be short of things to do in Madrid. Indoors you can explore many fascinating art galleries, including the Museo del Prado, Museo Reina Sofía and Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, as well as numerous museums. When the weather is fine...  [Read more]

TEFL Courses in Torbay - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ England - Inclass Courses

The Torbay CELTA training center enjoys a great location only a 10 minute stroll from the beach. Other popular attractions nearby include a waterpark, cinema, go-karting, and a range of nightclubs, bars and restaurants. In the immediate area you will also find some of the most beautiful towns and villages in the UK, including the fishing port of Brixham, the popular resort of Torquay and the quaint town of Totnes. Torbay is particularly popular with nature lovers as it offers miles of stunning coastline and the rugged beauty of Dartmoor National Park which is just a short drive away. Urban fans will also be happy as the lively cities of Exeter and Plymouth are also close by. Another popular place to visit is the historic town of Bath which is surely one of the most unique destinations in...  [Read more]

TEFL Courses in Darwin - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Australia - Inclass Courses

The laid-back city of Darwin is a great choice for your training course in the tropical north of Australia. The city offers a friendly atmosphere and a range of entertainment and cultural activities that are mostly connected to the outdoor lifestyle that is typical in this part of the country. During your stay you will get to enjoy some of the best sunsets in the region in a city that is famous for its multicultural feel and its rich indigenous heritage. The training center in Darwin is located at one of the city’s major universities, where you will find lush gardens and birdlife and easy access to the nearby Casuarina beach and nature reserve. Transport in and out of the complex is provided by the locally famous ‘Number 4 Bus’ which offers unlimited travel for only A$7 per week. The...  [Read more]

CELTA & Trinity Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Work and Live Abroad! ITTT

At ITTT we are able to offer four-week in-class CELTA and Trinity College CertTESOL courses as part of our overall training course options. These courses are conducted by independent organisations at a variety of locations worldwide. The course contents are outlined below. This course involves 120 contact hours, which equates to 6 hours a day for 20 days if you enrol on the full time CELTA. To successfully complete the course you will need to: The CELTA course covers the following subjects: OTP is one of the most important parts of the course and is undertaken in small classes of genuine English language students. The overall course requirement is 6 hours of assessed teaching practice which may be divided into several lessons of between 40 and 60 minutes duration. Following every lesson...  [Read more]

Discounted TEFL Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️TEFL Courses Special Offers

At ITTT, we have a range of special offers when signing up for our courses. Purchase an Online Course (with Tutor Support and Videos) before the end of the month and receive an additional free course in Teaching Business English, Teaching Young Learners, or Teaching English Online. Certificate included. Purchase an In-class Course or Combined Course before the end of the month and receive an additional free course in Teaching Business English, Teaching Young Learners, Teaching English Online or an advanced TEFL/TESOL Diploma Certificate/Diploma included. We also are able to offer special discounted prices for enrolments of multiple students. Please contact [email protected] for further information. Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

English as a global language Emili Lauble - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

"Global English" in a sociolinguistic context refers almost literally to the use of English as a global language English.html. The English language as a global language has proved itself to be taught and learned by people from all across the world. In many countries English is usually taught as second language and there is a big demand for knowledge to speak. TEFL courses will help to create English as a global language by continuing to create in classroom sights around the world, especially in countries where English is only spoken as a second language or not spoken at all.The English language is important for 'science' as it brings efficiency to a subject, but in the scheme of literature, the English language is...  [Read more]

TEFL TESOL Corinth - 3 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Our trainees have plenty of time to explore Corinth and its surroundings during their four-week in-class training course. We explore nearby villages, temples and many more attractions with you during your stay.  [Read more]

In-class Course Materials - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Trainees will be given detailed handbooks for the following areas of the course: These high quality materials are the basis for the input sessions and will provide the trainees with valuable reference resources. The center provides course handbooks and materials for the course, as well as two A4 folders which should be organized as follows: These logs form a record of the course and will be checked during moderation. During input sessions you will receive numerous handouts and may want to take your own notes as well. We suggest dividing the file under the following headings:  [Read more]

TEFL Courses in Mexico City - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Mexico - Inclass Courses

Mexico is a cosmopolitan and diverse country that provides one of the very best environments for completing a CELTA course anywhere in the world. The capital Mexico City, also known as the City of Palaces, is a destination like no other where you will be dazzled by the vibrant nature of the local culture. Throughout Mexico various cultures have shared it as their home for centuries, all the way back to the Aztec Empire and beyond. Wherever you go in this spectacular country you will bear witness to its glorious past and its bright, multicultural present. Ancient structures, modern development and lush parks and gardens are all blended to create the Mexico of today. Within this backdrop, our CELTA course is run in colonial buildings that are perfectly suited for the classroom aspect and the...  [Read more]

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