Korea Tesol Journal

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TEFL Certification South Korea - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Courses in South Korea

Our TEFL course in South Korea gives you the chance to complete your teacher training in one of the most popular destinations for EFL teachers in the world placing you right at the heart of one of the world’s largest markets for English language learning. South Korea is a country of contrasts; it is highly urbanized with half the population living in high rise buildings yet you are never too far from the natural delights on offer. Beautiful mountains rising out of densely forested national parks give great opportunities for hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter. Remote islands are home to friendly fishing villages where you can sample the day’s catch at local cafés and restaurants. South Korea is also technologically advanced with a highly educated population. It has the...  [Read more]

TEFL South Korea - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Courses in South Korea

Our TEFL course in South Korea gives you the chance to complete your teacher training in one of the most popular destinations for EFL teachers in the world placing you right at the heart of one of the world’s largest markets for English language learning. South Korea is a country of contrasts; it is highly urbanized with half the population living in high rise buildings yet you are never too far from the natural delights on offer. Beautiful mountains rising out of densely forested national parks give great opportunities for hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter. Remote islands are home to friendly fishing villages where you can sample the day’s catch at local cafés and restaurants. South Korea is also technologically advanced with a highly educated population. It has the...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tefl Video Journal Linda Part 10 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In part 10 of her TEFL review video journal, Linda tells us that she has been studying unit 11 of the 120-hour online TEFL course from ITTT. Unit 11 covers receptive skills which involve the ability to listen and read. The unit teaches trainees how to develop strategies for helping students improve their ability to understand English through reading and listening. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This unit covered common problem situations for...  [Read more]

Pronunciation Problems in Korea Scott Cianciosi - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

In Korea, English is big business. As the English language is (perhaps) the closest thing to a universal language that is present in the world today, South Korea places a large amount of importance on a student´s ability to effectively communicate to native English speakers. English is part of their curriculum from at least middle school on (in public schools) and many students have access to English education from three years old and up, whether through home schooling or formal English academies.As such, learning English is a large facet of success later in life. Business is extremely big in Korea, and to be a good businessman, you must speak English. Testing well on the state English tests also helps considerably in getting into a good university.The spoken Korean...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tefl Video Journal Linda Part 2 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  This is the second part of Linda’s video journal of her 120-hour TEFL course with ITTT. In this TEFL review video Linda has just finished unit 2 of the course. This unit covers parts of speech and is the first grammar related unit in the course. While unit 2 is a little longer than unit 1 she found that it was not too much work for her to cope with. In the next video we will find out how Linda coped with unit 3 of ITTT’s 120-hour TEFL course. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each...  [Read more]

Teaching English in Korea Robert Merchant - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

After spending the last year in Korea I feel sharing my experiences there will be of great assistance to any ESL teachers who are considering or have accepted a position in the country. Firstly, I would like to outline the basic conditions of employment in the country The average salary is around 2,000,000 Won per month, which is equal to around $2,200, this amount is fairly standard whether working at a government school, university or the most common place of employment the all prevalent language school or “Hagwon” in Korean. Furthermore, your employer will provide free accommodation, round trip air fare and will make a contribution to both the government run health insurance program and pension fund.Additionally upon completion of your contract you will receive...  [Read more]

What is the EPIK program for teaching English in South Korea? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

EPIK stands for the English Program in Korea, a scheme run by the South Korean government that places foreign teachers into schools across the country to work as English language instructors. EPIK is one of the largest and most popular schemes of its kind as it offers a competitive salary, a good range of extra benefits, and the chance to experience living and working in a unique cultural environment. If you meet the specified criteria then you could be one of the thousand plus teachers heading to South Korea this year to join the program. If you are interested in the EPIK program, we recommend reaching out to our TEFL recruitment partner Reach To Teach. Reach To Teach is an official partner of the EPIK program (English Program in Korea) and works with the Korean Ministry of Education...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Seoul - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL South Korea - Inclass Courses

South Korea is a small but incredibly beautiful country, and during the 4 week TEFL you will have fantastic opportunities to experience the rich culture and history. Not only will you have the chance for local excursions, but based in Incheon, you will be less than an hour away from the lively city of Seoul on the express train. The first week of your program includes in-depth cultural orientations, ensuring you deeply understand the Korean way of life and culture. This includes a welcome dinner, tour of the local neighbourhood and the “Grand” Palace (Gyeongbok Palace), taekwondo class and learning South Korean cookery and language. Incheon is home to Korea’s only official Chinatown, where you can try jajangmyun (noodles with black bean sauce) at the Gongwachun restaurant and for...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tefl Video Journal Linda Part 4 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In the fourth part of her TEFL review video journal of her TEFL course with ITTT Linda talks about her experience of studying unit 4. This grammar based unit is the first that covers the tense system of the English language. The unit focuses on the present tenses and Linda feels that while grammar can be quite boring to study, this unit does a great job in explaining how the tenses can cause problems for learners of English by pointing out issues that do not occur to native speakers of the language. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means...  [Read more]

How do I get a job teaching English in South Korea? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Teaching English in South Korea has become increasingly popular over the last decade and it is no secret that the country offers some of the best salaries for foreign teachers to be found anywhere in the world. English teachers in Korea can expect to earn between $1,500 and $3,000 US per month and it is certainly possible to save up to half of this depending on your lifestyle. On top of the basic salary you can also expect other benefits such as paid airfares, free housing and an end of contract bonus. Unsurprisingly, the high salaries and good benefits on offer have led to a high level of competition for the best jobs. If you have any teaching qualifications and experience in the classroom, you will find you have the pick of the available jobs. However, thanks to a continually high...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tefl Video Journal Week 1 13 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. Unit Two mainly talks about English grammar--parts of speech.It shows the usage and main types of each part of speech. With examples, I have learnt many parts of speech today,such as nouns, verbs,adjectives,adverbs,articles,gerunds,pronouns,propositions,conjunctions,etc.Grammar is an important element for English learners if they want to improve their language proficiency and accuracy.As an English teacher I...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial John 4 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  John is currently teaching in Seoul, South Korea in a local school and at his home. John completed the TESOL course with ITTT. In this TESOL review video, John tells us what he gained from taking the course. The knowledge he gained from the course has already helped to improve his lessons and he is getting positive feedback from his students. John runs all of his own classes and is responsible for creating and choosing the materials for his classes as well as planning the lessons. Having completed this TESOL course, John is now considering taking further courses including a TESOL diploma and possibly a master’s in TESOL. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Ogsun - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  OgSun from South Korea took the 120-hour online TESOL with tutor support and videos. In this TESOL review video OgSun tells how she had always wanted to take a TESOL course but struggled to be able to fit studying into her already busy schedule. The online course from ITTT solved this problem by allowing her to study where and when she wanted. With a six-month time limit and the ability to study anywhere, ITTT’s online courses are ideal for those who need to fit their study time around their busy schedules. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Seoul - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL South Korea

With a population of around 11 million people, Seoul is a thriving, modern capital and is one of the world’s most dynamic cities. Located on both sides of the Han River, Seoul has a fascinating and long history which can be witnessed in the ancient neighborhoods that are nestled amongst the gleaming towers of the city’s current skyline. Despite offering a low cost of living compared to other major cities around the world, Seoul is a thoroughly modern destination with excellent infrastructure. Seoul remains a popular destination for TEFL teachers as it enables them to have a high standard of living no matter which part of the city they choose to live in. Seoul is a cosmopolitan destination with over 700,000 foreigners calling the city home. Multi-national areas such as Itaewon and...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Why Teach In Korea - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. The first unit talked about what it takes to be a good teacher and how you have to change roles for every type of setting so that the class can not only benefit from the teaching but also learn something. Learning about what makes a good student was also discussed and how have to resist the temptation to spoon feed or be too stiff with them, there is a time a place for everything. We discussed the different...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tefl Video Journal Week 3 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This unit features shows how course books and lesson materials are used in a lesson. Authentic and creative materials are defined, examples of these provided and we see why teachers should include them as teaching aids. ↵↵Then the following points pertaining course books are considered: various books and materials used by students and teachers in an English course, advantages and disadvantages, how...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tefl Video Journal Week 4 3 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This unit goes over the present tenses (simple, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous), suggests possible in-class activities to teach these tenses, and warns of common mistakes made by learners. This unit has taught me how to classify various present tense examples, but more importantly it's made it abundantly clear how many exceptions there are to the "formulas" for the different tenses. I'll have to...  [Read more]

What is the TaLK Program for teaching English in South Korea? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

TaLK stands for Teach and Learn in Korea which is a government sponsored program that places foreign nationals into elementary schools across South Korea. TaLK is a similar program to the much larger EPIK; however, the TaLK Program differs by focusing on placements in underprivileged areas that might otherwise struggle to attract foreign teachers. Participants on the program will gain valuable teaching experience throughout their time in South Korea. There is also plenty of free time for exploring the local culture and for travel across the country and wider region. The TaLK Program is open to college graduates or current undergraduate students who have completed at least two years of a degree course. You must also hold a passport from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada,...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Ben 3 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Ben taught English in South Korea for four years before returning to his native California. In this TEFL review he describes how after returning home, he decided to seek out further qualifications in teaching English and found ITTT’s online TEFL course was the right one for him. Despite teaching English for several years, Ben found that the course had several new things to teach him including new methods and techniques. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tefl Video Journal Week 4 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this TEFL/TESOL review trainees Emma and Angelo talk about their experiences with ITTT's in-class course in Phuket, Thailand. They outline the challenging but fun program of the fourth week of the course. They also talk about some of the assessment components of the course and the certificates that are awarded at the conclusion of the course. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. I can see from this unit why students of another language can be...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Chelci - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Chelci completed her course with ITTT and is now teaching at a school in South Korea. In this TESOL review video she shows us how the school day ends as students finish studying for the day. Completing a TEFL TESOL course with ITTT enables you to work all over the world as an English teacher and is a great way to experience new countries and cultures. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. To be honest while studying English at school I didn't...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tefl Video Journal Linda Part 9 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Linda updates us on her progress with ITTT's 120-hour online TEFL course. In the ninth part of her TEFL review video journal, Linda tells us about her progress with units 9 and 10 on the course. As Linda points out these two units are closely related with unit 9 covering lesson planning while unit 10 looks at two very different lessons, one good and one bad, taught by the same teacher. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. In this unit I have...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tefl Video Journal Week 4 1 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this ITTT video former trainee Ben talks about his experiences during the final week of his four week TEFL/TESOL certification course and what he plans to do now that he has gained his teaching qualification. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This unit changed my thoughts to some extent,in that, I have always believed that a teacher must be extrovert, amuse the class. Yet, I now see that it is not actually necessary. I have always tried to...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tefl Video Journal Week 3 12 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this TEFL/TESOL review video trainees Emma and Angelo discuss their experiences during the third week of their course in Phuket. They outline some of the course assessment components and they talk about their teaching practice sessions and how much they valued the experience. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. Evaluation and testing. The major concern of teaching English language for teachers has been assessing and evaluating student's...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tefl Video Journal Week 2 1 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this TEFL review video a student from South Africa talks about her second week at ITTT's training center in Phuket, Thailand. She discusses some of the course components, the training staff and the rewards of doing the course in Phuket. At ITTT all in-class trainers and online tutors are experienced and qualified professionals and they guarantee to deliver to trainees the most up to date training methods in the teaching of English to non native English speakers. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips...  [Read more]

How much do TEFL teachers make in Korea? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

It is no secret within the TEFL world that South Korea is one of the most popular countries for foreign teachers due to the huge number of jobs available every year and the higher than average salaries offered by schools who need to fill their vacant positions. Working conditions are generally very good and the facilities and infrastructure throughout this modern and high-tech nation are as good as any in the region. Crime rates are very low by western standards and the excellent public transport network means that teachers are able to explore all parts of this fascinating country, culture, and people whenever they have time away from the classroom. The actual figure you will see on your monthly payslip will depend on several things including the type of school you work in, your level of...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Marli - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this TEFL review, Marli from South Africa tells us she is heading to South Korea to teach English now she has completed her TEFL course online with ITTT. To help her as she starts her teaching career abroad Marli has compiled the materials from the 120-hour TEFL course for use in her lessons in South Korea. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. A good teacher should really care and be passionate about teaching but most importantly the learning...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Teaching English in Korea #418 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

After spending the last year in Korea I feel sharing my experiences there will be of great assistance to any ESL teachers who are considering or have accepted a position in the country. Firstly, I would like to outline the basic conditions of employment in the country The average salary is around 2,000,000 Won per month, which is equal to around $2,200, this amount is fairly standard whether working at a government school, university or the most common place of employment the all prevalent language school or ?Hagwon? in Korean. Furthermore, your employer will provide free accommodation, round trip air fare and will make a contribution to both the government run health insurance program and pension fund. Additionally upon completion of your contract you will receive...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - How Do I Get A Job Teaching English In Korea - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This unit was very interesting to me, as I am very into speaking and how others speak and feel this could be useful for explaining to my tutoring student, who wants to improve his English speaking and pronunciation. We use flash cards with the a pronunciation text, but not like these phonemes. I had not heard before all the terms of phonology, so I appreciated that and may show him page 3 about intonation and...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in South Korea? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

South Korea is one of the most popular destinations for teaching English abroad. Thousands of new and experienced teachers head to the country every year as it offers competitive salaries and good working conditions. When you also consider that South Korea is one of Asia's wealthiest and most developed countries, with low crime rates and a high-tech infrastructure, its' popularity comes as no surprise. The salary you can expect to earn while teaching English in South Korea will vary depending on where you work and your level of experience. The typical average monthly salaries are as follows. Public schools: First time teachers = 1.8 to 2.0 million KRW ($1,600 to $1,800 USD). Experienced teachers = 2.0 to 2.7 million KRW ($1,800 to $2,400 USD). Private schools: First time teachers = 2.0...  [Read more]

Korea Tesol Journal

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