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New technologies offer a world of help?so how do we get at them? Kristine Montamat - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

English teachers are encouraged to use diverse materials and approaches to reach students across the range of learning styles. Information and communication technologies ' computers and the internet ' provide access to an array of engaging and enriching materials, which any teacher might long for. If only we could feel confident that in starting down this road we won't just be heading for frustration or disaster. Using a computer has been likened to driving a car (Davies, 2006). It takes a while to learn, and it can be really bad when big things go wrong. But in return it offers us unparalleled capabilities.Digital resources allow students to practice at their own pace, and the variety means that specific needs or learning styles can be accomodated. Through software packages or...  [Read more]

The world according to English Irving Flores - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

If the addition of the 'one-millionth word' to the English language is any indication of its ever growing popularity and immense power, then it's safe to say that this language has indeed come a long way from its modest inception to the burgeoning behemoth that it currently manifests itself in worldwide. The research article I chose to write is based on the two hotly contested arguments (for and against) the English becoming the undisputed world wide language. I read the following articles:(1) by Neil Reynolds, The Globe and Mail, March 24, 2006(2) .ppt#1 power point presentation by Dr. Barbara Bettinelli to generate the following results:The world according to...  [Read more]

Can I teach English as a foreign language in Russia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you are looking for a destination to teach English abroad that is slightly off the beaten track, but still offers endless opportunity for culture and travel, then Russia could be a great choice. With a population close to 150 million and an increasing focus on cross border business, Russia has a very strong demand for English language teachers, particularly in cities such as Moscow and Saint Petersburg. As demand for teachers is so high in some parts of the country language schools tend to hire year-round, unlike many other countries across Europe that often have set hiring seasons. Russia also differs from most other destinations in Europe as schools routinely hire teachers in advance from within their home countries. This means the application process and interviews are conducted...  [Read more]

English ascending as a world language Henrik Larsson - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

According to, the term 'Lingua Franca' refers to a language 'widely used beyond the population of its native speakers'. [1] There are many different ways in which a language can reach 'Lingua Franca' status; through warfare and colonisation, through international commerce and through the distribution of information via various Medias, but to mention a few.Many languages have enjoyed Lingua Franca status in different parts of the world throughout history. The Lingua Franca of the Roman Empire during the period between c.300 BC ' AD 300 was Koine Greek. [2] From the 17th century up until quite recently, when it was replaced with English, French was the lingua Franca of diplomacy in Europe. Today, Arabic is the Lingua Franca of the Muslim communities of the world and...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL English ascending as a world language #261 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

According to, the term ?Lingua Franca? refers to a language ?widely used beyond the population of its native speakers?. [1] There are many different ways in which a language can reach ?Lingua Franca? status; through warfare and colonisation, through international commerce and through the distribution of information via various Medias, but to mention a few. Many languages have enjoyed Lingua Franca status in different parts of the world throughout history. The Lingua Franca of the Roman Empire during the period between c.300 BC ? AD 300 was Koine Greek. [2] From the 17th century up until quite recently, when it was replaced with English, French was the lingua Franca of diplomacy in Europe. Today, Arabic is the Lingua Franca of the Muslim communities of...  [Read more]

Teaching English In China 1993 vs. The Present Patricia Eckel - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

China has been proclaimed to be the largest market for English learners. In the last twenty years, progress in teaching and learning of English has exploded. Arriving in China August 1993 was not my first time there. Though it was my first time in the Northeast. I was to spend the next twelve years of my life in the city of Shenyang. An industrial city of 7 million people. My first impression was that it was like being in a 1950´s black and white movie with no sub-titles..I was to teach at Shenyang Institute of Technology. My first year, I had 800 students. All except one of the classes, were freshmen. One was a class of 25 graduate students. Shenyang was my home until October 2005. There were tremendous changes in China during those years affecting all aspects of life....  [Read more]

The Organization - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

International TEFL and TESOL Training works with some of the world's largest TESOL/TEFL certificate course providers (including TEFL International and The International TEFL Corporation) to offer the opportunity to take an internationally recognized certificate program in an interesting and exotic location abroad or online. We understand that choosing a TEFL/TESOL training course can be quite a daunting prospect. In our quest to raise the standards of TEFL/TESOL teaching world-wide, we offer several components unique to ITTT and TEFL International (our in-class course provider). As you will see in more detail on the following pages, the hours of observed teaching practice to local, non-native English speakers during our inclass courses is exceptionally high. Also included in your training...  [Read more]

Business English Wayne J. Loner - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The business world has been my world throughout my career. I've been involved in virtually every aspect of it: from being a laborer digging ditches in the hot sun, to giving major presentations before company brass in elaborate boardrooms while wearing a 3-piece suit. I've been on both sides of the desk, with domestic and international firms, large and small. There have been many things learned, and one of them is the importance of 'relationship'. In the sales arena, it is well known that a purchase is made from a friend. That is, relationship is key. After all, business is all about money, about survival of the company, and that means making a profit. It's a simple arithmetic dynamic:Income less expenses = 'the bottom line'That bottom line must be a positive number for...  [Read more]

Where to take a TEFL course? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Once you have decided on attending an in-class course the next decision to make is which location is best for you. To ensure you have the widest choice possible, we have plenty of locations to consider. If you would like to complete your TEFL certification in North America we have many options across the US, as well as centers in Canada and Mexico. You might also want to consider South and Central America where we operate training centers in a range of exotic locations, including Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala and Peru. As Asia contains the largest markets for English language teachers, we have plenty of centers to choose from throughout the region. If you want to take advantage of the countless job opportunities in China, we have four great locations to pick from....  [Read more]

Job Guidance - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Once you have completed your TEFL/TESOL course and gained certification to teach English as a foreign language you will be eligible for TEFL/TESOL jobs in countries all over the world. With our reputation as a world leading English teacher training institute, you could be teaching English as a foreign language in the location of your choice in no time at all. Many graduates of our courses worldwide have secured English teaching positions before completing their training program. The highly regarded training you receive during the course gives you a head start when applying for TEFL or TESOL positions worldwide. Our teachers are required all over the world, so it's never difficult to find a job that will suit you perfectly. There is a continued growing demand for qualified English teachers...  [Read more]

This is a list of ITTT’s most trusted TEFL affiliates

ITTT has been operating in the teacher training industry since 1998. We have developed relationships with many leading individuals, institutes and schools in the English education industry and have established a very successful partnership program in 2013. Today, we are working with thousands of affiliates through many channels to strengthen each other’s position on the TEFL and TESOL market. In 2019, we decided to showcase our most trusted partners and their role in the global ESL World on this page. If you are interested in finding out more about our recruitment partners, please visit our TEFL Recruitment Partner page. Below are some of our most renowned partners that are operating very successfully under the ITTT affiliate program. If you are an ITTT partner and want to be named in...  [Read more]

TEFL E-Guide - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Download our free Guide to Teaching English Abroad for a wide range of information regarding the world of TEFL/TESOL. The guide covers all the essential things you need to know before you begin your teaching career, from what qualifications are available to securing a teaching position in the country of your choice. Download it today and take the first step on an exciting new journey.  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Your Vs You_re English Grammar Teaching Tips - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  "Your" and "you're" often get confused, not only by English learners around the world but also by many native English speakers. Let's break it down. "Your" is a possessive adjective that indicates ownership, while "you're" is simply the contraction of "you are". Let's take a look at this example sentence: Your grades are great this semester. In this case, we use 'your' as we use it to indicate ownership. You're the best student in the entire school! This example require us to use 'you're' because it is the short form for 'you are'. Should you not be sure which one to use, think about if you want to express ownership or of you want to say "you are". Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online...  [Read more]

English as a Global Language Maliga Naidoo - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

English is currently spoken by more people all over the world than any other language. Every time we turn on the television to find out about what is happening in the world, local people are being interviewed in English. Wherever one travels in the world these days English becomes the common language of communication between nationalities. Much has been made of the Internet as an instrument for circulating English around the globe. Eighty percent of what’s on the Internet is in English.I quote Barbara Wallraff in her article from the Atlantic November 2000 on What Global Language' Technology is expanding English by requiring us to come up with new words to describe all the possibilities it offers. English is used more often in various technological domains such as...  [Read more]

Teaching Methods Jacqulyn Sides - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

There are many different teaching methods that teachers all over the world use everyday. The type you use depends on the kind of person you are, what style fits you best, and what kind of students you are teaching. I am going to cover a few teaching styles ranging from very young learners to older learners, sharing the many methods that are in use today. The AudioLingualism method, is a style of teaching used in language instruction. It is based on behaviorist ideas, which states that certain living things, in this case humans, could be trained through a system of reinforcement. Correct use of a trait would receive positive feedback while incorrect use of that trait would receive negative feedback. Its exactly like Pavlov's study using dogs, every time the dogs would get...  [Read more]

Professional Development and the Future of TESOL Derek Rinaldo - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

With communication technology and global economics making the world an increasingly smaller place, the need for a universal language is becoming increasingly important. Is it English' As a mono-language, more people on the planet probably speak Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, and maybe Spanish, but as a second language more people are learning English than any other language. Within the very near future, there will most likely be more speakers of English as a second language than native English speakers. Science and technology, and most business industries around the world are conducted with English as a common medium, reinforcing its own momentum. More people are traveling leisurely and professionally than ever before. Without at least a minimal grasp of English, if you travel...  [Read more]

What type of TEFL teacher is most in demand? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Before discussing the demand of different TEFL teachers we must first be aware of the different roles that these teachers can take. Perhaps the first distinction or grouping would be between online and onsite teachers. What are the different roles TEFL teachers take? For online teaching there are a few types of teaching jobs that you can undertake. These include: For onsite teaching there are also a few types of teaching jobs available, such as: There is no single answer to this question as it depends very much upon whether you want to work online or onsite and if so, which country you are considering. It will also depend to a certain extent on your qualifications and experience. In general, the minimum qualification is a 120-hour TEFL certificate and this immediately gives you access to...  [Read more]

The Evolution Of The American English Language Greg Engelhard - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

In a world full of languages how does one place the English language' Most languages have a full history going back thousands of years. Can this really be said of English' No, but we can say that the history is full, one full of war and violence as well as compromise and inclusion. We might start in the year 449 AD in the island of Britain. At this time the Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain as the Romans left to defend their homeland. The local Celtic people quickly adapted the ways of the German tribe and we saw the beginning of English, it is said that the majority of its words can be traced to this. As the next thousand years progressed we saw the invasion of the Danes, French Normans as well as the influence of the Church. This leads us up to the time when this...  [Read more]

English As a Global Language Nathan R. South - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The phenomenon known as globalization has been called by some "Americanization" (Hook, 2005, p. 288). American culture is the driving force creating the desire for acquiring English language skills. Several characteristics of the United States have made it the center of globalization (Nye, 2004, p. 41). The internet is anchored predominately in American culture. In addition, America is a multiethnic society and has connections with various parts of the world. Notice how Joseph Nye (2004) clarifies this point:America has borrowed freely from a variety of traditions and immigration keeps it open to the rest of the world. This makes the United States a laboratory for cultural experimentation where different traditions are recombined and exported. In addition, because of the...  [Read more]

Why Complete a TEFL Course Michael Kotevski - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The drivers for any person from any country around the world to complete a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) course are wide and varied. In this article I will impart my personal reasons for undertaking the TEFL course and present some reasons others that I have discovered through my research and interviews. I will also demonstrate the reasons for choosing TEFL from the number of available English Teaching certifications on the market. Finally I will conclude with a summary of my perceived benefits and challenges experienced whilst studying for TEFL Certification.Personally I was driven to TEFL with the aim of becoming an English Teacher in Japan. I hold a strong desire to live and work in a foreign country and teaching English has proved to be a popular and ...  [Read more]

Can I make money as a private tutor while teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

YES. Teaching English to private students is a very common practice for thousands of teachers who live and work abroad. For many it offers a great way to earn extra income on top of a salary earned from working in a language school, while for others it becomes a full-time job once they have found enough clients. In certain situations, working as a private tutor is the most common form of income for foreign teachers. In some large European cities where language schools tend to only hire teachers from within the European Union, you will find large numbers of American teachers working as private tutors due to the high demand for English language instruction. Whether it is your main income or just to top up your salary, working as a private English language tutor can be a perfect option for...  [Read more]

Teaching Business English Nigel Doughan - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

With the changing nature of the world today learning English is becoming more and more important in the business sector. As such, numbers of people from non English speaking backgrounds, specifically, business men and women, to learn English that is appropriate in a business environment is increasing exponentially. Globalisation of the macro environment of business means there is an increseasing need for there to be one international language for businesses and more importantly, business people to communicate in. Companies are changing from being national to multi national and global. The are also seeking to outsource certain functions within their business structure to attempt to gain a sustainable competitive advantage. With enormous differences in labour costs globally,...  [Read more]

Is it easy to get a TEFL job? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

As the demand for English language skills continues to grow in many parts of the world, there are always plenty of TEFL opportunities available, both online and in traditional classrooms. However, it is no longer the case that just being a native English speaker is qualification enough to simply walk into the teaching job of your choice. Many countries have cracked down on who they issue work permits to and many individual employers, both online and in-class, have increased expectations on the teachers they choose to employ. Also, due to the popularity of English language teaching, the competition for the top jobs increases every year. The bottom line is that TEFL jobs are plentiful and your chances of finding a suitable position are very good if you are willing to put in the necessary...  [Read more]

English as a Global Language Jarryd Brostrom - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

In today's world the term 'global' takes on an entirely new meaning. Initially termed to mean in reference to the world as a whole, as opposed to individual countries, but today, while still holding true, it also means something more. The internet, modern media, email, and even to a lesser extend telephones, have made it possible to communicate with almost every person on the planet, a thought not even considered possible one hundred years ago. People separated by thousands of miles have never been closer and it takes nothing more than a touch of a button. The French can talk to the United States of America, the Brazilian to the United Kingdom, Africa to Asia; you could probably even speak to someone studying in the Antarctic if you tried hard enough. Or at least these people ...  [Read more]

TEFL Testimonials - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ International TEFL & TESOL Training

What is it really like to take a TEFL training course with ITTT? Take a look at these video testimonials that feature course graduates describing their own unique experiences.  [Read more]

TEFL Glossary - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ International TEFL & TESOL

In order to become a great teacher, you should be familiar with the most important terms used in the classroom and the ESL world. The video glossary below covers the most widely used acronyms to help you get a head start in ESL.  [Read more]

English as a global language Paul Sherriff - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Wherever one travels in the world these days English quickly becomes the the common language of communication between different nationalities. This was a trend that began during the days of the British Empire with it''s global trade and political network. The process has accelerated dramatically since the end of the Second World War with the rise of the American world hegemony. ''A language becomes a world language for one reason only, the power of the people who speak it. Power means political, economic technological and cultural power of course.'' ( Crystall.D. 2001).More recently technology has made a huge impact in the form of satellite T.V. and the internet in particular, giving fresh impetus to the movement for English as the dominant second language of choice. According to ...  [Read more]

What can I do with a TEFL degree? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

First we will look at the different levels of study currently available and how they relate to the world of TEFL qualifications. Taking the UK as an example, there are nine qualification levels; examples of actual UK qualifications at each level are given below: From the above, we can see that a degree in TEFL/TESOL is at level 6 and is therefore a very high level of study in the English teaching world. A few examples of such Level 6 courses are shown below: If you have a TEFL/TESOL degree the most obvious use of it would...  [Read more]

Are online English teachers in demand? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Online English teaching is an area of English education that has exploded over the past few years. More and more online teaching platforms are popping up offering a variety of English language classes to students all across the globe. There are group or 1 to 1 options, lessons that focus on speaking and pronunciation, and some that are entirely aimed at business professionals. The world of online English teaching is seemingly limitless. Due to this huge variety, the demand for online English teachers from all sorts of backgrounds is immense. The beauty of online teaching is you can be based wherever you like. This means you do not have to move to another country or even leave your own home to earn a competitive salary and meet students from all across the world. Many people from...  [Read more]

How can I start teaching English online? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Teaching EFL online involves all the same skills and knowledge as teaching face to face, with the added requirement of being confident with technology. Many online teaching companies have their own platforms on which you teach your students or they may require you to use proprietary software such as Google Classroom or Zoom. There are a number of different teaching scenarios that you may be involved with which include teaching Kindergarten all the way up to adults. You may teach one to one or groups and it is also possible to teach specialized courses such as business English. As you do all the same things as face to face teachers, the qualifications required are basically the same. It is true to say, however, due to the large numbers of private online EFL companies that the qualification...  [Read more]

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