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How much can I earn teaching English in Ecuador? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
When it comes to teaching English in Latin America, countries such as Chile, Costa Rica, and Mexico tend to get the most coverage. However, there are several other countries in the region that have seen a significant growth in demand for foreign teachers in recent years, including Ecuador. Boasting a wide range of fascinating environments to explore, from the Andean Mountains to the Amazon rainforest, Ecuador is a truly unique destination for teaching English abroad. Teaching positions can be found in abundance in big cities such as Quito, Guayaquil, and Cuenca, as well as in smaller numbers in other towns and cities across the country.
As is the case in much of Latin America, salaries for foreign teachers in Ecuador are quite low in comparison to many other parts of the world.... [Read more]
How much money can you make teaching English in Latin America? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
How much you can expect to earn teaching English in Latin America will vary depending on the country you choose, your specific location within that country, and the individual employer. However, teachers typically earn enough to live a comfortable, middle class lifestyle. You can expect your income to cover all your daily expenses and have enough to enjoy a good social life, although you are unlikely to be able to save much during your stay.
As is the case in much of Latin America, teachers generally don't come to Costa Rica purely to make money. The average salary is considerably less than you will find in other more lucrative regions such as Asia and the Middle East, at around $600 to $1,000 per month. Your earning potential will increase considerably if you have a degree, TEFL... [Read more]
How much can I earn teaching English in Cambodia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
In recent years Cambodia has emerged as a popular destination for teaching English abroad. The capital Phnom Penh has plenty of great opportunities year-round, while other cities including Siem Reap, Battambang, and Sihanoukville also offer a significant number of teaching positions. A major attraction for some teachers is that, unlike many other countries in the region, there is no requirement to possess a 4-year degree. Whether you are a newly qualified TEFL graduate looking to gain classroom experience, or an experienced teacher looking to get off the beaten track, Cambodia is well worth considering.
The figure you can expect to earn while teaching English in Cambodia will vary depending on your previous classroom experience and the type of employer. As a rough guide, a teacher with... [Read more]
How much money can you make teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
There are many different reasons why people choose to teach English abroad and the chance to earn good money is certainly one of them. How much you can realistically expect to earn is largely dependent on where in the world you choose to teach. The highest salaries are generally found in the Middle East and East Asia regions where teachers can typically live well and still save a considerable sum each month. In Europe and Latin America it is harder to save money, but you should still earn enough to live comfortably.
Although the country's famously laid-back lifestyle attracts large numbers of foreign teachers, the average salary is generally less attractive when compared to other countries in the region. Teachers without experience can expect to earn around $1,000 per month, which... [Read more]
How much can I earn teaching English in Argentina? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Argentina is one of the most popular destinations in South America for both international tourists and those looking to teach English abroad. Teachers are drawn to the country from all over the world by the promise of a stunning natural landscape, a unique European influenced culture, and a relaxed way of life. There is a strong demand for foreign teachers throughout the country, although the largest market is located in the capital Buenos Aires. Significant markets for ESL teachers can also be found in other major cities such as Cordoba, Rosario, Mendoza, and the beach resort of Mar del Plata.
Although Argentina is a very popular destination for foreign teachers, few come here expecting to earn or save a large sum of money. Salaries are low in comparison to many other popular... [Read more]
How much money can you make teaching English in Southeast Asia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Although the average salary for EFL teachers in Southeast Asia is significantly less than that of some other countries across the continent, the region still draws a large number of teachers to countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. While you might struggle to save a great deal of your earnings during your stay, you should still be able to live comfortably in your country of choice.
Although the country's famously laid-back lifestyle attracts large numbers of foreign teachers, the average salary is generally less attractive when compared to other countries in the region. Teachers without experience can expect to earn around $1,000 per month, which should be enough to cover general living expenses, but is unlikely to leave much in the way of savings. Teachers with a high... [Read more]
How much can I earn teaching English in Colombia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Until recently, Colombia was famous for its high profile drug barons and very public acts of gang violence, however, things have changed dramatically in the last few years. Today, Colombia is a peaceful country with a rapidly growing tourism industry that is being held back by a lack of English speakers rather than violence on the streets. This exotic destination offers a great deal of adventure, but it is recommended that you head there soon before everyone finds out about it.
Although average salaries are not especially high at between $700 and $1,000 USD per month, teachers can still live very good lifestyles as the cost of living is relatively low. Jobs in private schools typically pay the best salaries, as well as extra benefits such as a housing stipend and health insurance. Hourly... [Read more]
TEFL Certification Malaga - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Spain - Inclass Courses
The tefl international course on the Mediterranean coast of southern spain is in the famous city of Malaga, capital of the Costa del Sol in Southern spain, where the sun shines 300+ days a year. Malaga is also renowned for its culture, preparing to be elected as the european City of Culture by 2016.
Malaga is exceptional. Art, nature, culture, beaches, fiestas/festivals, real Spanish traditions, enchanting neighbouring towns and villages and an abundance of sunshine; these are just a few of the reasons why you should choose Malaga as the city to earn your TEFL International Certificate. You’ll enjoy a Spanish cultural environment; real, motivated people wanting to learn English from you, and a flagship course proven to produce TEFL Teachers that can really teach.
Malaga is a strong... [Read more]
How much can I earn teaching English in Turkey? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
As it is one of the few countries in the world that overlaps two different continents, Turkey has long been a popular destination for international travelers. Due to a steadily growing demand for the English language across much of the country, it is now also an increasingly popular destination for teaching English abroad. Job opportunities can be found in many parts of the country, but the big markets for ESL teachers are located in Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir. Technically a degree in any subject is required for all teaching jobs; however, there are often not enough teachers to fill vacant positions so a TEFL certificate is sufficient for many employers.
The monthly salary you can expect when teaching English as a foreign language in Turkey will vary from around $800 to $1,800 USD per... [Read more]
Our Course Options - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
International TEFL and TESOL Training opens the door to a wide range of options for completing your TEFL certificate – you can literally adapt your TEFL/TESOL teacher-training to suit your lifestyle and expectations.
ITTT works with TEFL International to provide comprehensive, intensive four-week in-class training courses.
As the cost of living can be considerably lower abroad than in many western countries, the centers at many of our locations are able to offer their training courses at very competitive prices. Savings made on items such as accommodation, food, drink and entertainment during the four weeks are additional benefits of attending the course overseas.
Trainees studying with ITTT have the opportunity to experience the feeling and atmosphere of living and working abroad. As... [Read more]
How much can I earn teaching English in Malaysia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Situated just north of the Equator, Malaysia is a tropical destination that has plenty to offer TEFL qualified teachers. The country’s rapid development, diverse culture, and great food are all major attractions. The government is also keen to recruit more English teachers in the coming years, ensuring plenty of opportunities for international teachers. As there are a large number of local English language teachers, competition for jobs is relatively strong, but they are available for those who want them.
Salaries in Malaysia are not in the same league as some other Asian countries such as China, Japan, or South Korea, with an average wage being around $1, 000 USD per month. However, the cost of living is relatively low so this figure can go a long way if you live a normal lifestyle.... [Read more]
How much money can you make teaching English in Eastern Europe? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Due to a rapid increase in job numbers and fewer restrictions on who can legally work as a teacher, the Eastern European region is now beginning to catch Western Europe in terms of popularity. Typically, the balance between income and cost of living means that many teachers find they are better off financially in a country such as the Czech Republic than they are working in a traditional teaching hotspot such as Italy.
The monthly income of foreign teachers in Russia varies hugely depending on many different factors such as location, qualifications, experience, and number of contracted hours. Private language schools generally pay an hourly rate which averages around $650 per month for a first-time teacher. This figure can rise substantially with relevant experience. Many positions... [Read more]
How much can I earn teaching English in Romania? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
When people dream of teaching English in Europe, most do not immediately think about Romania as an option. However, they should as it has great potential for qualified teachers as it is one of the fastest growing nations in terms of people learning English as a second language. Although you will most likely be working in a city, as that is where the majority of jobs are located, you will still have plenty of free time to explore the country’s idyllic countryside. The historical region of Transylvania is probably Romania’s most famous attraction, where you will find the ancient castles that inspired Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
Salaries for English language teachers in Romania are not high in comparison to some other European countries and they vary depending on the type of employer and... [Read more]
What type of teachers get paid the most? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL), also known as teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL), is a rewarding profession that needs commitment and love. Luckily, you also won't have to sacrifice a good salary!
We are sure you are curious about what type of teachers earn the most when teaching abroad, so let's have a look.
The simple answer is your potential salary often depends on three main factors: your qualifications, the country you teach in, and the type of school you work for.
The fact is, TEFL and TESOL certified teachers earn higher salaries compared to teachers without a certificate. Saudi Arabia, Japan, and the United Arab Emirates are among the top-paying countries in the world to teach English, with salaries ranging from $2,000 to $4,000 USD a month.... [Read more]
Can you make good money teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Many TEFL qualified teachers head overseas to look for excitement, adventure, new experiences, and to simply get away from the daily grind, but not all are aware of the potential to earn a very good living whilst doing so. In some parts of the world teachers can earn more than enough to live a high quality of life and also afford to put aside a considerable sum each month to pay off student debts or to save for future travel etc. As demand for qualified teachers continues to grow in many areas, so do the potential salaries on offer.
When looking for a teaching job, it is always advisable to weigh up the salary on offer in comparison with the local cost of living as this can vary considerably from one country to the next. A monthly salary of $1000 in Bolivia would allow you to live a... [Read more]
How much can I earn teaching English in India? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
India is an exotic destination that has attracted curious travellers from all over the world for centuries. Today, the country has a booming economy in areas such as information technology and customer service outsourcing, both of which offer great potential for TEFL qualified teachers. Although English is an official language in India, the level of conversational English taught in everyday schools is generally poor. Hence, there is demand for English language teachers in many areas.
In comparison to many other Asian countries, good salaries can be difficult to find in India. In fact, a large proportion of English teaching positions in India are on a volunteer basis rather than a paid salary. However, volunteer positions generally provide accommodation and meals, and can be a great way to... [Read more]
How much can I earn teaching English in Taiwan? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
With a highly developed infrastructure, a stable economy, plenty of job opportunities, high salaries, and a relatively low cost of living, Taiwan has become an increasingly popular destination for teaching English abroad. Native English speakers with a TEFL certification should have little trouble finding a suitable position in a public school or a privately owned language academy. Teaching jobs can be found right across the country but are most numerous in large cities such as Taipei, Kaohsiung, Taichung, and Tainan.
There are several types of schools that employ foreign teachers in Taiwan, all of which offer various salaries depending on your previous classroom experience and level of teaching qualifications. Many positions are paid on an hourly rate that starts at around 600 NTD... [Read more]
Is an online TEFL certificate worth it? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Online TEFL courses come in a variety of formats and their popularity grows year after year. One of the most appealing aspects of this type of study is the ability to study on your own time from wherever you are in the world, as is the relatively low cost. However, before making a final decision on which type of course is best for you, make sure you know all the options out there.
Our 120-hour online TEFL course and our in-person TEFL courses cover nearly identical topics. The one area where the two versions differ is observed teaching practice (OTP).
Our in-person courses include extensive time in a real classroom where you can hone your teaching skills under the supervision of experienced trainers. As a result, in-person courses are generally valued more highly by employers.
While we... [Read more]
How much can I earn teaching English in Vietnam? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Due to a government backed scheme to improve English language proficiency across the country, Vietnam has seen a boom in ESL teaching jobs in recent years. As well as having plenty of teaching positions, Vietnam also offers a great mix of cosmopolitan cities, laidback beach resorts, and lush tropical countryside. The relaxed way of life is another reason why an increasing number of teachers are deciding to move here, particularly those who are used to working in other Asian countries with a more strict approach to life and work such as South Korea, China, and Japan. With so much in its favour it is no surprise that Vietnam is currently one of the fastest growing destinations in the world for teaching English abroad.
The average salary for ESL teachers in Vietnam is around $1,000 USD... [Read more]
How much money can you make teaching English in East Asia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
If you are looking for a region that has a huge job market for TEFL qualified teachers and you want to earn a good salary that allows you to save a considerable sum of money, look no further than East Asia. Jobs are abundant and the potential earnings are very high in countries such as Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and China.
As with any destination, the salaries on offer vary considerably depending on experience, qualifications, location, and type of employment. As a guide you should expect to earn somewhere between 200,000 and 600,000 yen (currently $2,000 to $6,000) per month. If the job pays by the hour then a figure of around 2,500 yen ($25) per hour would be typical. In addition to a basic salary, most positions will also include added benefits, such as paid airfares, housing,... [Read more]
How do I get a job teaching English in China? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
The popularity of China as a destination for English language teachers has steadily increased in recent years, and it is now right at the top of the list with an estimated 100,000 foreign teachers working in the country each year. As a result of an extraordinary economic boom, Chinese parents are more willing than ever to spend thousands of dollars on their children's English education to give them the best chance of success in the future. With over 300 million people learning English across the country, China's insatiable demand for English language teachers looks set to continue.
As there are often more job opportunities than there are teachers to fill them, schools are willing to offer very good salaries and other benefits to attract teachers. Salaries vary depending on the type of... [Read more]
How much money can you make teaching English in the Middle East? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
The Middle East continues to be one of the most popular regions for English language teachers as there are plenty of jobs on offer and the potential salaries are among the highest you will find anywhere in the world. Extra benefits such as paid airfares and free accommodation are also the norm in most cases. However, as the rewards are so good, the requirements and competition for each job is generally very high.
There are a wide variety of employment options throughout the country, all of which offer very competitive salaries. Monthly rates start in the region of 9,000 AED (currently $2,500), and rise to over 20,000 AED ($5,500) for those with high levels of qualifications and classroom experience. In addition, most teaching jobs will also include a benefit package that typically... [Read more]
How much can I earn teaching English in Japan? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Foreign teachers have been living and working in large numbers across Japan for decades. However, a significantly increased cost of living in recent years has led to a reduction in the amount that teachers are typically able to save from their salary every month. Having said that, there are still plenty of great opportunities across the country that offer attractive salaries and other benefits, particularly in cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Yokohama. Although it is no longer the top destination for saving large amounts of money, Japan still has plenty to offer both new and experienced teachers.
As with any destination, the salaries on offer vary considerably depending on experience, qualifications, location, and type of employment. As a guide you should expect to earn somewhere... [Read more]
How to teach English in Latin America? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Many TEFL qualified teachers head to Latin America as it is a region that promises endless opportunities for adventure. Teaching jobs are abundant in many areas and there are rarely any restrictions on who is eligible to apply. Whether you are a native English speaker or not, and whether you hold a degree are often irrelevant in many countries. Several countries also have clear structures in place for obtaining an official work permit, while salaries are typically high enough to afford a comfortable lifestyle.
Unlike some other popular regions for foreign teachers, there is generally no requirement for teachers in Latin America to possess a college degree or to have extensive experience in the classroom. However, most employers will expect their teachers to have completed a reputable... [Read more]
Can over 50s teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
If you are over 50 and looking to liven things up and add a bit of adventure into your life, teaching English abroad could be the perfect answer. For many people turning 50 can be a time to really consider your place in the world and plenty of people decide that hitting the road is the way to go. Sure, you can quit your job and jump on a plane to explore the world, but how about earning some money while doing it and even making a positive change to other peoples lives at the same time?
The short and simple answer to this common question is YES, there is very little stopping almost anyone of any age from teaching English overseas. Although it is true that most government-run teaching programs such as those found in Japan, South Korea, France, and Spain, have an age limit that restricts... [Read more]
How much can I earn teaching English in Kuwait? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
As knowledge of the English language has become increasingly important in the country and it is one of the richest nations in the Middle East, Kuwait is full of opportunities for TEFL certified teachers. There are plenty of jobs on offer, from kindergarten level all the way through to university and beyond. Kuwait City is the main hub of the country where you will find all the comforts you would expect from a modern capital. However, you will also find rich Arab culture, fascinating archaeological sites, white sandy beaches, and a vast desert terrain that is waiting to be explored.
As you might expect from an oil rich country, teaching jobs in Kuwait typically offer very competitive salaries. The average monthly salary for the majority of teachers is between $2,500 and $4,000 USD. Most... [Read more]
How much can I earn teaching English in Russia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Although most Russians study English during their senior school years the level of instruction is often poor. Because of this many people look to improve their language skills once they join the workforce as a way of moving up the employment ladder. An increasing number of parents also recognize the importance of English language skills in modern day Russia. As a result there is a huge demand for English language teachers across all age ranges in many parts of the country. Moscow and St. Petersburg offer the most numerous positions but there are also plenty of other towns and cities to consider if you want to stay off the beaten track.
The monthly income of foreign teachers in Russia varies hugely depending on many different factors such as location, qualifications, experience, and... [Read more]
How do I get a job teaching English in South Korea? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Teaching English in South Korea has become increasingly popular over the last decade and it is no secret that the country offers some of the best salaries for foreign teachers to be found anywhere in the world. English teachers in Korea can expect to earn between $1,500 and $3,000 US per month and it is certainly possible to save up to half of this depending on your lifestyle. On top of the basic salary you can also expect other benefits such as paid airfares, free housing and an end of contract bonus.
Unsurprisingly, the high salaries and good benefits on offer have led to a high level of competition for the best jobs. If you have any teaching qualifications and experience in the classroom, you will find you have the pick of the available jobs. However, thanks to a continually high... [Read more]
TEFL Certification Siem Reap - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Cambodia - Inclass Courses
Cambodia is one of the most exciting countries in Asia and it is not hard to see why. The country is blessed with rich culture, natural beauty, and ancient structures. One of the most-visited sites in the country is the temple complex of Angkor Wat. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1992, Angkor Wat attracts over 2 million tourists annually.
Gateway for the temples of Angkor, Siem Reap was always destined for great things. Visitors come here to see the temples, of course, but there is plenty to do in and around the city when you are templed out. Siem Reap has reinvented itself as the epicentre of chic Cambodia, with everything from backpacker party pads to hip hotels, world-class wining, and dining across a range of cuisines, sumptuous spas, great shopping, local tours to suit both... [Read more]
What can I do with a 120-hour TEFL? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
If you are interested in applying for overseas teaching jobs, you will almost certainly come across something called Teaching English as a Foreign Language, or TEFL, certification. As a result, you are probably wondering if getting a TEFL certification is a good idea.
Regardless of your other qualifications and experience, a TEFL certification is always a valuable addition to your resume. Furthermore, it will set you apart from the competition in the eyes of principals and hiring managers all over the world. Even if a TEFL certificate is not required for a specific position, it is always a huge plus and preference.
A TEFL certificate opens doors to exciting opportunities in teaching English as a foreign language in countries all around the world. The most common requirement is 120 hours of... [Read more]