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TEFL Brazil - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Courses in Brazil
ITTT offers one of the best quality TEFL training courses in all of Brazil. Located in the city of Natal, our centre’s facilities are ideally located for you to begin your teaching career.
All course participants will also have the benefit of our invaluable job support service, so finding a paid position after you complete your course shouldn’t be a problem. Whether you plan to teach in Brazil, elsewhere in South America, or anywhere else around the world, we will do all we can to help you secure a great TEFL job that will have you feeling like the world is your oyster.
Due to the vast size of the country and its large population, there is no shortage of teaching opportunities throughout Brazil. From the numerous urban areas to Brazil’s rural countryside, an EFL teacher certified by... [Read more]
TEFL Certification Natal - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Brazil - Inclass Courses
The brazilian ITTT course is located in the amazing city of Natal. Aptly known as the ""city of sun"", Natal enjoys a pleasant 360 days of sunshine a year, with a comfortable average temperature of 28°C. Natal is one of the closest spots in Brazil to both europe and North America, receiving direct flights from a number of European cities.
Natal is also famous for having the best air quality in the Americas and is blessed with more than 20 incredible beaches with crystal clear waters and coral reefs along the coast - a spectacular destination for your TEFL course. Every year, thousands of tourists are attracted by the gorgeous dunes, balmy weather and calm ocean, making Natal one of the most visited places in the north-east of Brazil. If you prefer your water just as wet but not as wild,... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Amanda - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Amanda from Brazil is currently living in Ankara, Turkey. Amanda completed her TEFL course with ITTT and found a job just two weeks after graduating. In this TEFL review video Amanda recommends ITTT’s TEFL course for those wanting to teach English abroad. Amanda liked how the course not only covered grammar but also taught methods and techniques that can help you become a great teacher.
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next.
A classroom is an... [Read more]
How much can I earn teaching English in Brazil? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
As the largest country in Latin America, Brazil has a wide range of opportunities for TEFL qualified teachers. The demand for teachers is high in major cities and popular tourist destinations thanks to a rapidly growing tourism industry and a booming economy. If you choose Brazil as your location for teaching English abroad you can enjoy some of the very best beaches in the world, a warm tropical climate, a vibrant nightlife, and an amazing array of natural wonders.
English teachers generally choose to live and work in Brazil for the lifestyle rather than the salaries. However, while you won’t get rich teaching here you should be able to earn enough to cover all your expenses and to enjoy a comfortable life away from the classroom. The average monthly income for TEFL qualified teachers... [Read more]
Where are the best places to teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
When choosing a destination for teaching English abroad there are a wide variety of options available to suit all tastes. For some this choice is based on where the best salaries and benefits are offered, whilst others may be more focused on cultural aspects or simply where to find the best nightlife. Each region and individual country has its own pros and cons, so here we give a brief overview of the most popular options to help you make the right decision to suit your plans.
The huge continent of Asia continues to be the most popular destination for teachers in terms of numbers. Across the region there are a wide variety of diverse destinations to suit everyone, from the high-tech modernity of Tokyo to the peace and tranquility of a Cambodian village, Asia has it all.
If you are... [Read more]
Can I get a job teaching English in the tropics? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
If you are tired of dark, cold winter nights and grey, windy days, then why not get TEFL certified and start a new life as an English language teacher in a tropical country? Every year, thousands of everyday people do exactly that and for most it will be one of the best decisions they ever make. So where exactly can you teach English in the tropics?
Although it is only a small country by area, Costa Rica has one of the best job markets for TEFL qualified teachers in Central America. The most common form of employment are private language schools that can be found in most built up areas. There is also a good market for private tutoring, either part time on top of a regular teaching job or full time once you have found enough students. The majority of positions are filled following an... [Read more]
British English vs. American English Garren K. Handson - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
The English language is spoken now by many countries around the world, according to the (English Department) website,, it is said that 75 countries speak English and that is equal to around 375 million people and another 750 million speak English as a second language also scientist say that 80 percent of the worlds information is stored in English and also that out of the 40 million users on the internet daily 80 percent communicate in English. So we see how the English language has taken the world by storm. But that brings us to the often discussed issue, “Which English is the best English to use for a foreign student, “American English (AmE) or British English (BrE).†In order to find out which is better per se, we must first... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Video Testimonial Andreea - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
This is a TESOL review video by ITTT course graduate Andreea. Andreea was unable to attend onsite classes and found that the online TESOL course was an ideal alternative. ITTT offers both online and in-class courses ensuring that there is a course to suit your schedule.
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next.
The use of equipment and teaching aids will vary in the classroom based on a variety of factors: country of origin, level of students, cultural... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - How To Pronounce Ingenuous - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
In this episode, we cover the pronunciation of the word "ingenuous". This word refers to an innocent or unsuspecting person or situation. Synonyms of ingenuous include naive, innocent and simple. The origin of the word is from the Latin word "ingenuus" meaning native or freeborn.
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next.
Chapter 7 was yet another chapter that helped me better grasp the "future tense' system: 1. the future simple ( I'll pick you up... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - How To Pronounce Canoodle - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
In this episode, we cover the pronunciation of the word canoodle. This word is used as a verb and describes the action of kissing and cuddling amorously. The origin of the word is widely unknown.
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next.
in this unit i learnt about ESA which is the engage,study and activate stage.The engage stage is considered as the warm up stage whereby the teacher introduces the topic to the students through pictures or... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - How To Pronounce Acumen - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
In this episode, we cover the pronunciation of the word acumen. This word refers to a person's ability to make good decisions in a particular field. Suitable synonyms for acumen are shrewdness, sharpness, or cleverness. The word is of Latin origin from acuere (to sharpen).
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next.
This unit discussed classroom management. It was very helpful in understanding the best and different ways to adequately maintain control... [Read more]
Can non-native English speakers take a TEFL course? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Absolutely YES! Large numbers of non-native English speakers complete our TEFL courses each year and go on to have successful careers teaching English either in their home country or further afield. In order to successfully complete the course you will need to demonstrate a high standard of English, but it is certainly not a barrier that will stop you from becoming a fully qualified EFL teacher.
In many cases being a non-native English speaker can actually be an advantage in the classroom as you have already been through the same experience that your students are currently facing. This can help to build a good rapport between the students and the teacher as they are often less afraid of making mistakes in this situation. It can also provide the students with a real incentive to succeed... [Read more]
TEFL - Earn TEFL Online - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Check out about TEFL - Earn TEFL Online and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.
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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:
N.K. - Brazil said: This course is exactly what I have needed. The course has taught me how to teach english grammar and understand it from an EFL student?s point of view. By learning some of the pre-conceived difficulties, it has allowed me to take these things into consideration about my students and classes. I had never taught classes, let alone english classes, before I started this course, and I feel confident that I have the principal tools to do so now. I enjoyed the additional materials... [Read more]
Tefl article - TEFL Language Acquisition and Language Learning #255 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Everyone agrees that learning a second language is more difficult than picking up our native language. However, why this is so is still a question of great debate in the scientific community. Most children with normal intelligence and neurological development will easily pick up their native language. The ease of this process is something that still mystifies scientists. Furthermore, parents do not usually make painstaking efforts to teach their children to speak. In many ways, the process appears innate; the child either ?absorbs? the language through immersion or models the language that he or she hears her parents speaking. Although we speak of language learning as innate, recent scientific studies seem to point to the fact that the brain is not hard- wired with... [Read more]
Have TEFL but no degree - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Demand for ESL teachers is high in all areas of the world and employers typically prefer those who have a TEFL qualification over non-qualified applicants. It is highly recommended that you first complete an internationally accredited TEFL certification before applying for an ESL teaching position. Having some form of teaching experience will also increase your options for employment, though as with a degree, this is not always a requirement.
With countries ranging from ancient to very modern, Europe offers a whole range of history, climate, and population density. There are many countries where a degree is not required and these include the ever popular, Spain, Italy and the Czech Republic. If you are looking for something quieter, areas of Greece, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria may be... [Read more]
Tefl article - TEFL English as a Global Language #266 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
The 19th century witnessed the onset of the industrial revolution, given rise through a symbiosis with advanced means of conducting intercontinental trade. For the most part, it was British explorers, pioneers and entrepreneurs who were opening the gates to the outside world in search of cheaper and more exotic resources and raw materials. Today, the colonization of these bountiful regions of the globe which formed the British Empire has not only left the imprint of our culture and civilization, but also the English language. Further promoted by the economic and cultural influence of the U.S, post WWII, English has progressively become the most widely recognized international language. In our current, globalized world, the access to recourses such as technology,... [Read more]
How much money can you make teaching English in Latin America? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
How much you can expect to earn teaching English in Latin America will vary depending on the country you choose, your specific location within that country, and the individual employer. However, teachers typically earn enough to live a comfortable, middle class lifestyle. You can expect your income to cover all your daily expenses and have enough to enjoy a good social life, although you are unlikely to be able to save much during your stay.
As is the case in much of Latin America, teachers generally don't come to Costa Rica purely to make money. The average salary is considerably less than you will find in other more lucrative regions such as Asia and the Middle East, at around $600 to $1,000 per month. Your earning potential will increase considerably if you have a degree, TEFL... [Read more]
English as a global language Charles Combee - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
English has become the global language of choice in this world. What other language can you easily find in any corner of the globe that you choose to travel' From Chile to Japan to Egypt to Russia and beyond English is the one language you can count on finding in your travels.So how did English become the language of choice for the world' Are there more native English speakers than that of other languages' Is English the easiest language for non-native speakers to learn, or are other speakers in love with the language for its eloquence and grace'The answer to the globalization of English is none of the above. A more astute answer would be to say that English, much like Microsoft Windows, was in the right place at the right time when standardization was badly needed due to... [Read more]
Language Acquisition and Language Learning Mary E. Croy - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Everyone agrees that learning a second language is more difficult than picking up our native language. However, why this is so is still a question of great debate in the scientific community.Most children with normal intelligence and neurological development will easily pick up their native language. The ease of this process is something that still mystifies scientists. Furthermore, parents do not usually make painstaking efforts to teach their children to speak. In many ways, the process appears innate; the child either “absorbs†the language through immersion or models the language that he or she hears her parents speaking.Although we speak of language learning as innate, recent scientific studies seem to point to the fact that the brain is not hard- wired with... [Read more]
English as a global language Caitlin Clark - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
As I was scanning the list of research options this topic caught my eye and made me stop and contemplate the status of the English language in the world today. As past units in this course have mentioned, many students of English take up the language in an effort to improve their salaries or their chances at a decent job in their home countries. If English is not even the official language in these countries, why then does a certain percentage of financial, economic, and industrial success depend on the knowledge of English' Is a world that speaks only one language really as simplistic and good as it seems'English is the most widely spoken of the Germanic languages and was initially spread to other parts of the globe with the expansion of the British Empire. By the end of... [Read more]
Common linguistic problems Anna Robinson - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Within the English Language there are many problems that as native speakers we don't really think about but when learning the English language as a second language there are many common misunderstandings and problems that arise. These can be divided into lexical and structural problems.One of the most common lexical problems is that of ambiguity. This is evident in idiomatic speech, homographs and homonyms within the English language.'Kick the bucket' is a classic idiom that describes death and someone physically kicking a bucket. 'This ambiguity cannot be resolved by syntactic structure' because they both have exactly the same structure so the only way to analyse the meaning of this sentence is to look at the context that it is said or written in. ... [Read more]
Slang and Idioms William Dolorito - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
What is slang' A simple online definition is, "The nonstandard vocabulary of a given culture or subculture, typicaly consisting of transitory coinages and figures of speech." (Catchword) What is an idiom' From another online source, "Idiom refers to a grammatical construction unique to a certain people, region, or class that cannot be translated literally into another language." (Pearson Canada) When learning any language, these two concepts are an important part of complete understanding. The first hurdle a language student must overcome is grammar. After getting a basic understanding of how to string a language´s words together to form something understandable to an average native speaker, the next step is vocabulary. While grammar and vocabulary are definately an... [Read more]
Tefl article - TEFL Common linguistic problems #247 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Within the English Language there are many problems that as native speakers we don?t really think about but when learning the English language as a second language there are many common misunderstandings and problems that arise. These can be divided into lexical and structural problems. One of the most common lexical problems is that of ambiguity. This is evident in idiomatic speech, homographs and homonyms within the English language. ?Kick the bucket? is a classic idiom that describes death and someone physically kicking a bucket. ?This ambiguity cannot be resolved by syntactic structure? because they both have exactly the same structure so the only way to analyse the meaning of this sentence is to look at the context that it is said or... [Read more]
Do I need a visa to teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Yes, most countries require foreign visitors to possess some form of visa in order to enter for tourism, business, education, or employment purposes. The requirements vary greatly from one country to the next, so we recommend that you contact the relevant embassy or visit their website to ensure you have the most up-to-date information. Here we break down the most common forms of visa that you are likely to come across.
These are generally issued to short term visitors who do not plan to work or study during their stay. There are several categories of tourist visa depending on the destination and your own country of origin. The most common is the 'upon entry' tourist visa that is issued in the form of a passport stamp on arrival at the immigration desk. For example, US citizens heading... [Read more]
What is an ESL teacher? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Globalization and the increasing demand for English speaking professionals all over the world, especially in emerging regions, has brought about a new, steadily growing sector: English as a Second Language (ESL). An ESL teacher is, therefore, an educator who works with English Language Learners (ELLs) whose native language is not English. The goal of the ESL teacher is to help the students reach a certain level of fluency in English, on both a spoken and written level.
ESL educators are not to be confused with foreign language teachers. ESL teachers do not share the same native language and are specifically trained to offer explanations and directed teaching methods to non-English speakers. This teaching style is mainly focused on repetition, drills, demonstrations, and visuals.
... [Read more]
Where do schools interview and hire English teachers in advance? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Throughout the world a significant percentage of ESL teaching positions are filled locally via face-to-face interviews. However, there are many countries where recruitment is typically undertaken in advance from within the teacher's home country. This method of securing a position is particularly convenient for newly qualified teachers and those with little or no experience of international travel. The application process is usually conducted via email, while interviews take place via Skype or phone.
Securing a job in advance usually means you will receive assistance with obtaining the necessary visas and work permits. Employers may also provide financial assistance with airfares, health insurance and accommodation on arrival. One drawback is the time needed to complete the recruitment... [Read more]
Tefl article - TEFL Foreign Language Experience #398 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
I went to France when I was fourteen and I didn?t speak any French. I lived in Toulon where barely anyone spoke English; I was therefore forced to speak French everyday at home and at school. Being surrounded by French resulted in me being able to speak it fluently with no knowledge of French grammar. After ten months, I returned to Australia speaking French as my second language. I continued to study French at school, but in a completely different approach. The lessons were carried out in English and we studied the French news and French current affairs. I learnt a lot more complicated vocabulary and was able to form more complex sentences. I also studied beginner Spanish at school. From the first class, we were only allowed to speak Spanish. This approach... [Read more]
Where can I teach English abroad without a university degree? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL
Due to government restrictions or work visa requirements, there are several countries where English language teachers without a 4-year university degree might find it difficult to secure employment. However, the good news is there are still plenty of great opportunities for those without a degree if you are flexible and willing to go where the demand for your services is high.
To increase your chances of landing a position in the country of your choice, it is highly recommended that you first complete an internationally accredited TEFL/TESOL certification course. Those who are TEFL qualified will find they have a big advantage over non-qualified teachers in most countries worldwide.
Although China has the largest market for TEFL qualified teachers in the world, the regulations for... [Read more]
TEFL - Cambridge Accredited Online TEFL Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Check out about TEFL - Cambridge Accredited online TEFL courses and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.
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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:
C.C. - Brazil said: To be honest with you, though I have more than 10 years experience in teaching, I loved this course. It was a pleasure to go through the units, present my work and look forward to the feedback. The variety of topics covered is relevant to any teacher, even the experienced ones. The language used is simple and direct to the point. I found the classroom management unit to be very useful for teaching big groups. Since my experience up to now has been with... [Read more]
TEFL Argentina - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Courses in Argentina
Enrol on an ITTT TEFL course in Argentina and immerse yourself in the vibrant South American culture. Our TEFL courses in Argentina give you the opportunity to learn how to teach English while experiencing the traditions and lifestyle of this remarkably dynamic country. Argentina is one of the most desirable places to live and work in South America and on completion of the course many of our graduates decide to stay on and teach here.
Argentina covers most of the lower half of South America and is a country where excitement waits around every corner. Home of the tango, world-class soccer, succulent steaks, fine wines and beautiful beaches, Argentina has something for everyone. When combined with the country’s other outstanding features such as its vibrant cities, lively night life, low... [Read more]