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How is teaching business English different from general English? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

General English classes are commonly taught all over the world and in many language centers and private companies you will also find business English classes being taught to a wide range of corporate clients. The need for business English classes is driven by the continued march of English as the language of international trade and industry, and there are no signs of this slowing down anytime soon. So what exactly is business English and how does it differ from general English teaching? Business English is a unique area of teaching that comes under the banner of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Business English courses are designed for employees of any type of company who need to communicate using English in the workplace. Business English classes can cover a range of areas including:...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification San Francisco California - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL USA

Having been used as the setting for many famous movies and TV shows, the skyline and major landmarks of San Francisco are instantly recognizable to millions of people all over the world. Iconic structures such as the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz Island need no introduction, whilst other favorites including Fisherman’s Wharf, the hairpin turns of Lombard Street and the famous cable car system are equally famous. The city is also well known for its diversity and inclusive attitude that can still be felt today across many of its unique neighborhoods. With a fascinating list of attractions to explore, and a warm and welcoming population, San Francisco could well be the perfect venue for completing your TEFL/TESOL training course. San Francisco’s rise began with the onset of the infamous...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification San Diego California - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL USA

Located on the west coast of the U.S.A, San Diego is a southern Californian city with a lot to offer. Not only does it benefit from a Mediterranean style climate but it also has some of the region’s most beautiful beaches where you can make the most of the year-round summer days. Other attractions include Balboa Park, the Mission Bay area and the many museums, galleries, amusement parks and interesting shops and restaurants that are spread around the city. Add to this the city’s proximity to the Mexican border and Los Angeles and you will see why so many people take their TEFL/TESOL course with us in San Diego, California. First settled by Europeans in 1769, San Diego is known as the ‘birthplace of California’. However, it remained a relative backwater until the railroad connection...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Coursebooks And Materials/use Wipe Board - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  So let's have a look at some of the more general issues when using the wipe board. Perhaps the most important thing to start with is that we should start with a clean board. Secondly it's always very useful to make a board plan so that you know where things are going to appear on the board by the end of your lesson. It?s very simple to do a board plan. Just take a sheet of paper, which is similar in shape to the board that you're going to use, and then onto that piece of paper decide where all the information that's going onto your board is going to be by the time that you've finished. So a very simple board plan just to show where the information is going to be. Also it's very useful if you make use of tables and columns to separate different areas of your work and in the same...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Evaluation And Testing/general English Exams - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  This video is part of our video series on "Evaluation and Testing of Students". In this video, we look at some of the most common general English exams students of English take around the world. EFL teachers often hold classes to prepare the students for these international proficiency exams. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This unit is very informative and basically covers different teaching themes that are appropriate in teaching Business...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Overview Of All English Tenses Present Tenses Present Simple Usages - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  The two most common usages for the present simple tense are habits and routines, as well as general facts and truths. Our example of routine would be 'I teach every Monday.' We've used our subject 'I', our base form 'teach' and 'every Monday' speaking about the routine that I have. We also have our general facts 'The sun rises in the east.' Here, 'the sun' would follow under the pronoun 'it' so we've had to conjugate our verb per our pattern and finish our sentence. We could also talk about general truths such as likes or dislikes. 'I like football,' or 'He likes football.' Of course, there are other usages but these are the two most common. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Teaching English Esl Efl Tips/business English Dos And Donts - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  There are some general Do's and Don'ts that need to be considered when teaching business English. Watch this video to get more insight into teaching this special group of learners. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. Vocabulary and function are two aspects of English that should be taught as essential elements of the language. Though grammar is important, these aspects provide the contexts where language communication happens. Introducing the...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Teaching English Esl Efl Tips/young Learners Dos And Donts - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  There are some general Do's and Don'ts that need to be considered when teaching young learners. Watch this video to get more insight into teaching this special group of learners. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. Evaluation and Testing takes on different variables into consideration such us ; tutorials, evaluations by the student and tests. where every test is divided and specialised into the aim from that test, as an example progress,...  [Read more]

TEFL E-Guide - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Download our free Guide to Teaching English Abroad for a wide range of information regarding the world of TEFL/TESOL. The guide covers all the essential things you need to know before you begin your teaching career, from what qualifications are available to securing a teaching position in the country of your choice. Download it today and take the first step on an exciting new journey.  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Overview Of All English Tenses Present Tenses Teaching Idea Considerations - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Before looking at specific teaching ideas for the present simple tense, let's first look at some considerations for teaching ideas in general. We have to remember that these activities will be used in the activate stage of your lesson. Here, the focus will be on building fluency and using the language in a bit more of a free-flowing way yet still focusing on that class' language point. We also have to consider the appropriacy for a number of factors: timings. Whether the activity will be too short or too long. We want to look at ages making sure that the activity is appropriate for young learners or adult learners. We also have to take into consideration our language levels. Will the activity be appropriate for our starters or our pre-intermediates or our intermediates? Will the...  [Read more]

Motivating Students in the English Language Classroom Kimberlee Sinclair - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

General educational psychologists believe there are three main sources of motivation for students, and these directly apply to students of the English language. First, a student’s personal, natural interest in a subject, called “intrinsic satisfaction,” influences their natural affinity for learning more about the materials covered in a class. Second, the teacher’s perceived expertise, the prestige of the school, and/or the future impact on employment prospects, called “extrinsic reward,” defines for the student how much he/she is likely to benefit from learning English. Finally, when students are successful in a given task – whether this be a simple activity, a test or the overall course – they combine satisfaction with reward...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Lesson Planning Part 2 What Does A Lesson Plan Contain - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  So, the document itself needs to contain some general information about the class, for example the name of the teacher, the date and time of the lesson, what level of class is being taught and in what room, how many students are we expecting, this is important, when we've got things like photocopying and materials to do, what is the context of the lesson, in other words, what is the lesson actually about, what vocabulary or grammar point is this lesson covering and sometimes it's also useful to write out what the focus of the lesson is. So, in effect, the context of the lesson is telling us the grammar point, for example, that might be the present continuous tense, whereas the focus is telling us how we're going to go about teaching it. Another example to illustrate this: Let's...  [Read more]

TEFL combined course California - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Usa

It goes without saying that California is one of the most popular states in the USA. Home to exciting cities, such as Los Angeles and San Francisco, “The Golden State” attracts millions of visitors each year who are looking to get the Californian experience. The state also offers plenty of scenic landscapes of beaches, mountains, and even deserts. It is also worth mentioning that California is one of the most ethnically diverse states in the country, which is due to the Gold Rush from 1848 when huge waves of immigrants from all parts of the world came to California in hopes of finding a better life. California is stretched along the Pacific Coast with distinct differences between the northern and southern part of the state. While Southern California stays sunny and mild year-round, the...  [Read more]

English as a Global Language Timoth B. Piggott - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

'Globalization is not a trend or a fad. It is the international system'that will, and do[es], affect everyone's country, and everyone's company, and everyone's community, either directly or indirectly.' Thomas Friedman made this statement at The Foreign Policy Association's World Leadership Forum in the year 2000. And it's true. The reality of this statement has, for example, resulted in more than 30,000 McDonald's restaurants in 119 countries, serving nearly 50 million customers every day. But how did a quaint restaurant from San Bernardino, California (and many, many others like it) come to have such a global reach' Well, a large part has to do with technology (the Internet, in particular). But the English Language seems to be taking on a central role, in that it's ...  [Read more]

English As a ?Global? Language David Lee Babbs - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The notion that English is a global language rests on fairly substantial ground since it is used officially and unofficially throughout the world. Linguist David Graddol estimates in a report to the British Council that '500 million to one billion speak English now as either a first or second language,' and 'there could be two billion new (my italics) speakers of English within a decade.' Jacques L'vy, a native speaker of French who studies globalism at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, states 'It's a lost cause to try to fight against the tide. It could have been another [global] language; it was Greek, then Latin, French, now it is English.' In the United States today a heated debate over Mexican immigration has triggered a move toward making English its...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL British English vs. American English #274 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

"British English vs. American English"- the title itself suggests a battle or a contest where only winning matters. In many ways, this is exactly what it is. It is a silent struggle for domination that is mainly fought in the halls of academia where dictionaries and encyclopaedias are the weapons of war and the generals are professors. Why has this happened? Its human nature to be competitive and ?survival of the fittest? is one of the most well known phrases in the world; regardless as to which continent you are on. When the continents involved are two of the worlds? superpowers, the sayings ?God save the Queen? and ?God bless America? take on a whole new meaning. There are many differences between American English (AmE) and British English (BrE). These...  [Read more]

Motivation in the Classroom Timothy Dickson - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Perhaps the most important aspect of successful teaching is the ability to motivate. Motivating students can be especially difficult if the students are not attending class willingly or if the subject matter is dry. Unfortunately, there is no single magical formula for motivating students. Many factors affect a given student´s motivation to work and to learn (Bligh, 1971; Sass, 1989): interest in the subject matter, perception of its usefulness, general desire to achieve, self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as patience and persistence. Yet regardless of the challenges, every teacher needs to find effective methods for inspiring pupils to learn. Though teaching techniques vary, I believe there are three critical practices that one will find in any class of motivated ...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Orange County California - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL USA

Orange County is a county in California that encompasses several cities including Irvine, Anaheim and Santa Ana. To the north is the urban sprawl of Los Angeles and to the south is San Diego, and the county’s proximity to these major urban centers is one of the many reasons that make Orange County a popular place to visit. Add to that over 40 miles of beautiful coastline and a year-round warm climate and it is easy to see why Orange County is an excellent choice for anyone taking a TEFL/TESOL course. The early economy of Orange County relied on the cultivation of various fruit crops and numerous cattle ranches; as such the area was lightly populated until the beginning of the 20th century. In the early 1900’s the cities of Newport Beach and Santa Ana were connected via electric railway...  [Read more]

British English vs. American English€™ Rudo Kupeta - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

"British English vs. American English"€™- the title itself suggests a battle or a contest where only winning matters. In many ways, this is exactly what it is. It is a silent struggle for domination that is mainly fought in the halls of academia where dictionaries and encyclopaedias are the weapons of war and the generals are professors. Why has this happened' Its human nature to be competitive and ‘survival of the fittest’ is one of the most well known phrases in the world; regardless as to which continent you are on. When the continents involved are two of the worlds’ superpowers, the sayings "€˜God save the Queen"€™ and "€˜God bless America"€™ take on a whole new meaning.There are many differences between American English (AmE)...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Overview Of All English Tenses Present Tenses Present Simple Form - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  We'll begin our examination of all the tenses by first looking at the present tense. There are four present tenses and we'll begin with the present simple tense. It's the most common tense in the English language as it talks about things in general, general facts, routines, habits. Those are usages that we'll look at in a little while but first let's focus on the form of the tense. Here, we've got our subjects 'I', 'you', 'we', 'they' and the base form of the verb followed by the rest of our sentence. Here for the 'he', 'she' and 'it' subjects, we have to conjugate our verb and in this case we've added an '-es' for 'teaches' followed by the rest of our sentence. With subjects 'I', 'you', 'we' and 'they' the pattern stays the same throughout we use the base form of the verb....  [Read more]

Comparative Teaching Methodologies Mark Fuller - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

For the inexperienced teacher of TEFL, the question of what to teach presents a very scalable hurdle. There is the matter of dividing the material into different lessons, gauging the students' levels and progress, and making sure what is being taught is relevant and technically accurate. However, for the native speaker who can always fall back on their own intuitive knowledge, these are not real problems. The true challenge, then, comes when a new teacher must determine how to teach their classes. There are a multitude of different TEFL-teaching methods for a teacher to choose from. Though most of these will ultimately be left by the wayside, it is important to gain an understanding of each before the teacher decides which is right for them. The first teaching method ...  [Read more]

TEFL Ecuador - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Courses in Ecuador

Famous for the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador is a country located on the Pacific coast in the north west of South America. It is bordered to the north by Colombia, to the east and south by Peru and to the west by the Pacific Ocean. The country is famous for its biodiversity, with thousands of endemic species of plants and animals, and for its rich history and culture. It has been part of a number of empires throughout history including the Inca and the Spanish and its capital city, Quito was named as a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO. The city is located on the eastern slopes of an active volcano and its historic center is home to a number of well-preserved examples of colonial architecture. Ecuador is home to a number of national parks housing a plethora of fascinating plant and...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Chiapas - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Mexico - Inclass Courses

The TEFL International course in Mexico is in historic Chiapas, the southernmost state in the country. Chiapas is bordered by the states of Tabasco to the north, Veracruz to the northwest, and Oaxaca to the west. To the east Chiapas borders Guatemala, and to the south the Pacific Ocean. Chiapa de Corzo, where the TEFL training centre is situated, is an often overlooked small attractive colonial town with an easy going, provincial air, according to the 2009 edition of the Mexico Lonely Planet. This sums up the little town, with an emphasis on overlooked; which is what probably makes Chiapa de Corzo so special. There really is so much to do in the town and in the surrounding area, and hardly anyone knows about it. Chiapa de Corzo has quite a bit of day tourism during the high seasons, as...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Motivating young learners #381 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Although, at the beginning of an English course, students can be very excited and enthusiastic when first confronted with their teacher, the person who will introduce them to a new, fascinating, foreign language, as time goes by the sense of novelty and curiosity that seemed so strong at the beginning, seem to gradually subside in the eyes of the pupils, especially those of young age, leaving the teacher with the sometimes difficult task of re-building their general interest in learning and not least, their level of motivation, which in nearly all warps of life, is the key to success. Motivation, in the field of learning, is a quality that can be more practically viewed by splitting it into three values: ?XPure love of and interest in learning. The more fun and...  [Read more]

Motivating young learners Edward Zanazzo - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Although, at the beginning of an English course, students can be very excited and enthusiastic when first confronted with their teacher, the person who will introduce them to a new, fascinating, foreign language, as time goes by the sense of novelty and curiosity that seemed so strong at the beginning, seem to gradually subside in the eyes of the pupils, especially those of young age, leaving the teacher with the sometimes difficult task of re-building their general interest in learning and not least, their level of motivation, which in nearly all warps of life, is the key to success. Motivation, in the field of learning, is a quality that can be more practically viewed by splitting it into three values: „XPure love of and interest in learning.The more fun and exciting the...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Correction techniques: a grey area #344 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

One of the greatest dilemmas facing the English as a Foreign Language teacher today is when, how and what to correct in terms of errors or mistakes made by their students (?Correcting Students,? 1). It is an area of teaching theory that lacks a specific principle. There are no hard and fast rules about correction techniques in EFL; the approach taken will differ according to the situation. However, there are some general, agreed upon principles that describe the dynamics that occur within the sphere of correction. As correction techniques are a grey area, let?s look at what?s at the black and white ends of the spectrum in reference to how often one should correct a student. For example, the ?black? extreme might be to focus only on accuracy, and correct...  [Read more]

Motivating students Amanda Riessen - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Inspiring a high level of motivation among students of all ages and maintaining it, is an ongoing challenge for even the most experienced and skilled teachers. One thing is certain, the motivation of a student has no connection to the matter being taught, but can instead always be reliably linked to the reasons why the student is learning the matter and how (Barrakeet, 2005, p 73- 74).Knowledge of human learning, and the factors influencing human learning, has increased dramatically over the past 100 years. From early thoughts by Psychiatrists Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung between 1900 and 1920, arguing that we are born with a wealth of knowledge through a connection to a collective unconscious (Jung,1962), and that our motivation is based entirely around instincts (Freud,...  [Read more]

Bilingual Education versus English Only Models Keith Lin - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Over the years, many debates have arisen in regards to second language instruction (L2), giving prominence to two main models: English Only versus Bilingual Education. English Only uses solely English as the medium for instruction, whereas Bilingual Education, as its name implies, uses both English and the student's native language. While there are several aspects to the debate, this paper will briefly cover a certain few: cultural sensitivity, accuracy, and segregation. Proponents of the English Only model claim that the use of a student's native language creates a 'cycle of native language dependency,' meaning that the student, to some extent, gets 'tethered' to his native tongue. Using solely English in the classroom, advocates say, frees students to think and...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Motivating students #383 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Inspiring a high level of motivation among students of all ages and maintaining it, is an ongoing challenge for even the most experienced and skilled teachers. One thing is certain, the motivation of a student has no connection to the matter being taught, but can instead always be reliably linked to the reasons why the student is learning the matter and how (Barrakeet, 2005, p 73- 74). Knowledge of human learning, and the factors influencing human learning, has increased dramatically over the past 100 years. From early thoughts by Psychiatrists Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung between 1900 and 1920, arguing that we are born with a wealth of knowledge through a connection to a collective unconscious (Jung,1962), and that our motivation is based entirely around ...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Costa Rica? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Known throughout the world as a prime destination for ecotourism, Costa Rica is also one of the top locations in the region for ESL teaching. Across the country there are always plenty of opportunities for teachers whether you have years of experience or are looking for your first teaching role. One of the main attractions for many teachers is that a university degree is often not a requirement when looking for work. Teaching positions can be found in most parts of the country; however, the vast majority are located in the Central Valley area and in particular the capital San Jose. As is the case in much of Latin America, teachers generally don't come to Costa Rica purely to make money. The average salary is considerably less than you will find in other more lucrative regions such as...  [Read more]

San Isidro General

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