Skills A Teacher Must Have

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Tefl article - TEFL Productive skills. #347 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

This paper is concerned with teaching the productive skill of writing for students of non-native English speaking countries. This is an area that has all but been ignored in the past and somewhat over looked in the field of TESOL, as administrators, teachers and students seem to be more concerned and more focused on the speaking side of the productive skills. As more and more ESL students are seeking writing help at the college and university levels, the need becomes clear for better writing instruction in the ESL classroom. The ability to write well is not a naturally acquired skill, nor is it a linear process easily fit into some pre-taught format. Writing must be taught as a set of practices in a formal instructional setting and must be practiced. Good writing ...  [Read more]

Learning Difficulties Donna Goode - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

It would be nice to think that an ESL teacher could enter the classroom with a friendly smile, the appropriate warmer and a well- planned lesson, and the result would be a room full of students progressing continually in their language skills. However, with a task as great as learning English as a second language, the experience is rarely that easy. Learning English has its’ own unique difficulties, and it profits the ESL teacher most if these challenges are explored and prepared for before entering the classroom. One such challenge is students with learning disabilities; when it is believed that a student has a learning disability, teachers must consider diagnosis and appropriate teaching methods.It can be hard to make the decision to evaluate students for a learning...  [Read more]

The First Day with Adult True Beginners- The Alphabet Linda Zillweger - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching adult true beginners from day one is an interesting challenge and requires a strategy which must be formulated in advance. Do you begin with phonics' Can you start with rote memorization' How can you approach people with different learning styles' What has been the students experience in school previously' There are many considerations but in the end a good plan smoothes the way to the first day. When teaching the alphabet the issue of using phonics comes to the forefront. Many programs use a system of phonics instruction along with grammar and vocabulary topics. Teaching the sounds rather than the letter names per say has advantages and disadvantages. The learner will make more progress in speaking skills when he starts by learning the sounds. He will be able...  [Read more]

Teaching receptive skills (reading and listening) Carla and Sophia Sho - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Reading is a process by which a reader gives meaning to text. The reader relies on a series of skills which they, depending on the age of the English language learner, may already possess in their native tongue. An older child or adult reader will read text knowing its purpose and meaning i.e. to give or request information, persuade, criticise, to give pleasure to or entertain. Further, they can make logical predictions as they read because of pre-existing experience or knowledge. All these skills are used by fluent readers, and as such, will be second nature to an older child or adult. A young English language learner may not have these skills or are developing them at the same time as learning a new language. This will necessitate the adoption of differing texts for reading....  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Applications for my TEFL certification course #416 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The following paper is a variation on the ?What I wish I had known before the course? topic. I have decided to focus on what I can do with what I have learned. I am not certain I will enter into the field of English instruction. In my traditional business courses, and if I enter into English instruction I plan to focus on the following three areas. ?Advocate for the use of high quality, Standard English ?Use grammar instruction carefully ?Encourage writing proficiency in all subjects/courses When teaching English?Quality Counts Advocating for Standard English The launch speech of Professor Koh Tai Ann, Chairman of the Speak Good English Movement of Singapore is a wonderfully crafted document that spells out the economic and social advantages of English mastery. The...  [Read more]

Applications for my TEFL certification course ANON - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The following paper is a variation on the “What I wish I had known before the course” topic. I have decided to focus on what I can do with what I have learned. I am not certain I will enter into the field of English instruction. In my traditional business courses, and if I enter into English instruction I plan to focus on the following three areas.•Advocate for the use of high quality, Standard English•Use grammar instruction carefully•Encourage writing proficiency in all subjects/courses When teaching English—Quality CountsAdvocating for Standard English The launch speech of Professor Koh Tai Ann, Chairman of the Speak Good English Movement of Singapore is a wonderfully crafted document that spells out the economic and social advantages of...  [Read more]

Productive skills. Michael Zimmer - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

This paper is concerned with teaching the productive skill of writing for students of non-native English speaking countries. This is an area that has all but been ignored in the past and somewhat over looked in the field of TESOL, as administrators, teachers and students seem to be more concerned and more focused on the speaking side of the productive skills.As more and more ESL students are seeking writing help at the college and university levels, the need becomes clear for better writing instruction in the ESL classroom. The ability to write well is not a naturally acquired skill, nor is it a linear process easily fit into some pre-taught format. Writing must be taught as a set of practices in a formal instructional setting and must be practiced. Good writing involves composing...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Games in the classroom #353 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Being a teacher is one of the most rewarding and challenging positions in the work force. Teachers are given the difficult task of introducing new material to students, making sure they can grasp the knowledge, and present the new material in an interesting manner. This difficult task is only complicated further when something such as a language barrier is added to the formula. Being an EFL teacher is very rewarding but is not an easy task. Everyday EFL teachers are faced with both language and cultural differences. Many foreign school systems are just that to the Western culture;foreign. Many of the teachers in the foreign schools have a different view on their position in the classroom. The teachers are the largest presence in the classroom doing nearly all of the...  [Read more]

Games in the classroom Carolyn Longfield - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Being a teacher is one of the most rewarding and challenging positions in the work force. Teachers are given the difficult task of introducing new material to students, making sure they can grasp the knowledge, and present the new material in an interesting manner. This difficult task is only complicated further when something such as a language barrier is added to the formula. Being an EFL teacher is very rewarding but is not an easy task. Everyday EFL teachers are faced with both language and cultural differences. Many foreign school systems are just that to the Western culture;foreign. Many of the teachers in the foreign schools have a different view on their position in the classroom. The teachers are the largest presence in the classroom doing nearly all of the speaking to...  [Read more]

Motivating young learners Edward Zanazzo - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Although, at the beginning of an English course, students can be very excited and enthusiastic when first confronted with their teacher, the person who will introduce them to a new, fascinating, foreign language, as time goes by the sense of novelty and curiosity that seemed so strong at the beginning, seem to gradually subside in the eyes of the pupils, especially those of young age, leaving the teacher with the sometimes difficult task of re-building their general interest in learning and not least, their level of motivation, which in nearly all warps of life, is the key to success. Motivation, in the field of learning, is a quality that can be more practically viewed by splitting it into three values: „XPure love of and interest in learning.The more fun and exciting the...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Teaching English for a Specific Purpose (ESP) #373 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching English for a Specific Purpose (ESP) or Why not just teach?em Shakespeare? TEFL Teaching in the classroom has maninly been focused on leaning General English skills with more specific English, needed for a specific profession for example, being taught only as and when it is needed. Some people argue that specific English should be introduced earlier and this will help motivate pupils and also keep the English taught within a professional and cultural environment that is relevant to the people learning it. English for a specific purpose was developed to meet the needs of individual learners and their specific needs, and is designed for specific disciplines. It makes some, but not exclusive use of the underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it...  [Read more]

Teaching English for a Specific Purpose (ESP) Sophie Cox - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching English for a Specific Purpose (ESP) or Why not just teach'em Shakespeare' TEFL teaching in the classroom has maninly been focused on leaning General English skills with more specific English, needed for a specific profession for example, being taught only as and when it is needed. Some people argue that specific English should be introduced earlier and this will help motivate pupils and also keep the English taught within a professional and cultural environment that is relevant to the people learning it.English for a specific purpose was developed to meet the needs of individual learners and their specific needs, and is designed for specific disciplines. It makes some, but not exclusive use of the underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it serves, ...  [Read more]

Can TEFL be a career? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Anyone who is thinking about teaching English abroad has most likely received a response along the lines of "Oh, how fun, but what will you do when you get back?" Some people believe that teaching English as a foreign language is not a "real job" but rather something that people do to pay off student debt or simply for fun before settling down into a "normal" job and lifestyle. Many people decide to teach English abroad for these reasons, but there are also many who have made a successful and lucrative career out of it. Yes, you can pursue a long-term career as an EFL teacher. For the vast majority of people who travel abroad to teach English, it all begins with a simple desire to see some of the world while earning some money. After a while, many people realize that they enjoy and are...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Lesson planning. #319 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

What will get in your mind if somebody will tell you about teaching? Isn?t it lesson planning? Most of the teachers despise this job, why? Well, the hardwork of thinking in creating your own materials. A lot of teachers are struggling in this aspect of the teaching side especially inexperienced. Lesson planning is a skill that is skill that is learned in much the same way as other skills. This skill aid the teaching learning process easy. Obviously, it takes a lot of thinking and practice to acquire this skill. It needs a lot of organizing your thoughts and for the first time doing this stuff is really hard. One will encounter a lot of mistakes but as the old adage goes, ?Practice doesn?t make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect.? A teacher should not give up ...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL The Changing Role of a Teacher #408 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The role of a teacher has changed more dramatically in the past half century then in anytime in previous history. Schools are changing from a period where information was held by few to dispense to many, to a period where the flow of information freely exchanges between all varieties of media, most noticeably TV and the Internet. Therefore teachers are no longer needed as the supreme dispenser of knowledge but rather as a guide to learning who understands their student?s unique needs and barriers to learning. Traditionally, teachers have had the responsibility to dispense historically relevant information to students sitting obediently in rows. Although this model has worked in the past it often creates a distant relationship between student and teacher and places...  [Read more]

Lesson planning. Evelyn Pacanza - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

What will get in your mind if somebody will tell you about teaching' Isn't it lesson planning' Most of the teachers despise this job, why' Well, the hardwork of thinking in creating your own materials. A lot of teachers are struggling in this aspect of the teaching side especially inexperienced.Lesson planning is a skill that is skill that is learned in much the same way as other skills. This skill aid the teaching learning process easy. Obviously, it takes a lot of thinking and practice to acquire this skill. It needs a lot of organizing your thoughts and for the first time doing this stuff is really hard. One will encounter a lot of mistakes but as the old adage goes, 'Practice doesn't make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect.' A teacher should not give up trying even if...  [Read more]

Suggestions for a Writing Skills Workshop James Vallis - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Writing may be the most difficult and the most neglected of the four cardinal language skills.1 Speaking gets the most attention followed at some distance by listening, and reading. Writing, in comparison, is often ignored all together. The website calls it the 4th language skill.2 There are reasons for this. The simple fact is that most people, teachers included, never really learned how to do it and therefore are unable to pass it on. Another reason is that it is lonely, tedious work. (No teacher ever had to carry home a bag full of speaking assignments and labour into the wee hours marking them for return in the next day.) Still there are those of who continue to make the effort. What follows are a few suggestions on how to ease the burden.Adjust your...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Motivating young learners #381 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Although, at the beginning of an English course, students can be very excited and enthusiastic when first confronted with their teacher, the person who will introduce them to a new, fascinating, foreign language, as time goes by the sense of novelty and curiosity that seemed so strong at the beginning, seem to gradually subside in the eyes of the pupils, especially those of young age, leaving the teacher with the sometimes difficult task of re-building their general interest in learning and not least, their level of motivation, which in nearly all warps of life, is the key to success. Motivation, in the field of learning, is a quality that can be more practically viewed by splitting it into three values: ?XPure love of and interest in learning. The more fun and...  [Read more]

The Changing Role of a Teacher Andy Aldrich - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The role of a teacher has changed more dramatically in the past half century then in anytime in previous history. Schools are changing from a period where information was held by few to dispense to many, to a period where the flow of information freely exchanges between all varieties of media, most noticeably TV and the Internet. Therefore teachers are no longer needed as the supreme dispenser of knowledge but rather as a guide to learning who understands their student's unique needs and barriers to learning.Traditionally, teachers have had the responsibility to dispense historically relevant information to students sitting obediently in rows. Although this model has worked in the past it often creates a distant relationship between student and teacher and places the bulk of...  [Read more]

Course materials Ann Stampfl - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

A balanced approach to using a combination of created and authentic materials can be beneficial to both the students and the teacher in an ESL classroom.Created materials can be either a previously published course text or something the teacher has specifically created to supplement a lesson. Often students will expect some published materials such as a course book and view it as a form of security as well as a way to gauge their progress, i.e. how many chapters of the book they have completed. Published course materials have generally been tried and tested before release and thus are graded to a level suitable for the students and contain a balanced mix of vocabulary, grammar and skills exercises. As well, they can be very useful in pointing out certain structures or language...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Bazaar Vs Bizarre English Grammar Teaching Tips - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this video, we break down the difference between "bazaar" and "bizarre". These two words often cause confusion because of their spelling and similar pronunciation. The word ?bazaar? refers to a market, usually found in the Middle East, such as in this example: The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul is one of the largest and oldest covered markets in the world. ?Bizarre?, on the other hand, is an adjective and a synonym for "strange". "Everyone stared at the student who wore the bizarre outfit to school," is a good example for the word. We hope that this explanation clears up any confusion about the two words. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that...  [Read more]

Dictionary Training Mary-Catherine Remin - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

One of the worst teaching experience is having a class come to an abrupt halt while someone searches a dictionary for a specific word, one usually not found in the end anyway. The problem of using dictionaries as a crutch could be rectified by not allowing the use of them in a lesson at all. The great art of circumlocution could be used instead, albeit kicking and screaming. Those experiences of being derailed by frantic dictionary searches would make any ESL teacher shudder and swear off dictionaries entirely. Should native language to English language dictionaries be banned altogether' Some would argue that using dictionaries is a good technique to use in the classroom. One that actually helps to create a more independent learner ( The...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Dictionary Training #299 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

One of the worst teaching experience is having a class come to an abrupt halt while someone searches a dictionary for a specific word, one usually not found in the end anyway. The problem of using dictionaries as a crutch could be rectified by not allowing the use of them in a lesson at all. The great art of circumlocution could be used instead, albeit kicking and screaming. Those experiences of being derailed by frantic dictionary searches would make any ESL teacher shudder and swear off dictionaries entirely. Should native language to English language dictionaries be banned altogether? Some would argue that using dictionaries is a good technique to use in the classroom. One that actually helps to create a more independent learner (...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Assessment and Evaluation #345 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. Information gathered through assessment helps teachers to determine students? strengths and needs in their achievement of the curriculum expectations in each course. This information also serves to guide teachers in adapting curriculum and instructional approaches to students? needs and in assessing the overall effectiveness of programs and classroom practices. In order to ensure this primary purpose, assessment and evaluation must: be communicated clearly to students (and/or parents if applicable) at the beginning of the course and at other appropriate points throughout the course; address both what students learn and how well they learn; ...  [Read more]

Problems for learners in Italy Tonte Rita - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The Italian and the English language are totally different in writing, speaking and listening. The first derives from the Latin language family , the second from the Anglo- Saxon. Although the English language adopts many Latin words, they are not commonly used, and the pronunciation is completely different. Because of this, it's very common to come through 'false friends' like the word 'actually' 'attualmente' in Italian, which means 'at the moment', while in English we know that it has a different meaning. For this reason Italians are inclined to use many Latin words which are not used in everyday English. There are dozens of similar examples like this that can be very confusing for the Italian students.The Italian language is quite a simple language at least for what it ...  [Read more]

Learning teaching skills Bob Di Giulio - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Today, all teachers are faced with the ongoing challenge of working to make their teaching more effective. Whether they teach traditional students or EFL students, teachers must develop their skills to best meet students´ educational needs. We have a fairly clear idea today of the skills teachers should seek to develop. According to Robert Slavin, "research on teaching has made significant strides in identifying teaching behaviors associated with high student achievement" (Slavin, n.d.). These teaching behaviors include "essential teaching skills," which are "basic abilities that all teachers, including those in their first year, should have to promote order and learning" (Eggen & Kauchak, 2004, p. 579). The Key Teacher Skills include Preparation, Attention, Clarity,...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Motivation in the Classroom #334 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Walking into a class full of students who are apathetic and show little or no interest in the subject matter is daunting and discouraging for any teacher. Not every student comes running to class with his/her homework completed and energetically participates in all activities and discussions. Nearly anybody can stand in front of a class and put words and sentences on the board, however, without knowing how to motivate the student, all lesson points will be lost. If the student is motivated then he/she will perform much better both in the classroom and outside the classroom. Students are motivated in different ways, either intrinsically or extrinsically. The student who is intrinsically motivated learns because he/she wants to whereas the extrinsically motivated...  [Read more]

Teaching Beginner Students Daren and Asako Smit - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

What are the challenges and rewards for teaching beginner students' The most difficult challenge is the keep them focused. Each student has different reasons, motivation, and goals when they start to take language lessons. It is very important for the teacher to learn and evaluate the students, so that, they will be placed in the right level of classes and attention that they require to stay focused to what they are learning.Young students come to class because of their friend or parents' choice. Also, their attention does not last for a long period of time. Hence, the teacher must make the lessons fun and interesting to make it effective. Adult students come to the class because they want to; possibly they may want to visit different countries, able to speak the language for...  [Read more]

Do you need to be bilingual to teach English? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Many potential TEFL trainees come to us and ask whether they need to speak another language in order to teach English overseas or online. The good news is the answer is most definitely NO, you do not need to have any language skills other than a thorough understanding of the English language. Obviously, if you do speak the native language of the country you intend to live and work in it can be a real help in many ways, but it is not normally required by the employer. The specific requirements for teaching English abroad or online will vary depending on the country and the individual employer. In all cases a thorough understanding of the mechanics of English will be required. On top of that, a TEFL certificate from a reputable course provider is usually a must, while some jobs will also...  [Read more]

Multiple Intelligence Mireya Acrich - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Multiple intelligences is a fascinating topic that really caught our attention for writing our final article. This topic broadens minds and gives strategies and resources not only to psychologists but also to teachers who are willing to do whatever it takes to help students give their very best and learn at their own pace and through their individual abilities or skills. There are students who like music, others who like numbers, and others who like sports. The different likes are non other than the special characteristics each human being was born with and traits of the different kinds of intelligences.When you study the work of people such as Howard Gardner or Elaine de Beauport, you start to understand why some students react to certain teaching modes and some to others....  [Read more]

Skills A Teacher Must Have

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