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Tefl reviews - Coursebooks And Materials/use Wipe Board - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
So let's have a look at some of the more general issues when using the wipe board. Perhaps the most important thing to start with is that we should start with a clean board. Secondly it's always very useful to make a board plan so that you know where things are going to appear on the board by the end of your lesson. It?s very simple to do a board plan. Just take a sheet of paper, which is similar in shape to the board that you're going to use, and then onto that piece of paper decide where all the information that's going onto your board is going to be by the time that you've finished. So a very simple board plan just to show where the information is going to be. Also it's very useful if you make use of tables and columns to separate different areas of your work and in the same... [Read more]
TEFL - Cambridge Accredited Online TEFL Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Check out about TEFL - Cambridge Accredited online TEFL courses and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.
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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:
C.C. - Brazil said: To be honest with you, though I have more than 10 years experience in teaching, I loved this course. It was a pleasure to go through the units, present my work and look forward to the feedback. The variety of topics covered is relevant to any teacher, even the experienced ones. The language used is simple and direct to the point. I found the classroom management unit to be very useful for teaching big groups. Since my experience up to now has been with... [Read more]
TEFL Certification Seoul - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL South Korea
With a population of around 11 million people, Seoul is a thriving, modern capital and is one of the world’s most dynamic cities. Located on both sides of the Han River, Seoul has a fascinating and long history which can be witnessed in the ancient neighborhoods that are nestled amongst the gleaming towers of the city’s current skyline.
Despite offering a low cost of living compared to other major cities around the world, Seoul is a thoroughly modern destination with excellent infrastructure. Seoul remains a popular destination for TEFL teachers as it enables them to have a high standard of living no matter which part of the city they choose to live in.
Seoul is a cosmopolitan destination with over 700,000 foreigners calling the city home. Multi-national areas such as Itaewon and... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - Lesson Planning Part 3 What Does A Lesson Plan Contain - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Then, we have a set of objectives and aims. Here, the learner objectives relate to what we're hoping the students are going to be able to do by the end of your lesson and quite often, that can be a useful way of writing out what the objectives are. So, we would start the sentence "By the end of the lesson, students should be able to?" and then a list of two, three or four items that we're expecting the students to be able to do by completing this lesson. The learner objectives are different to the teacher aims the teacher aims are what you are expecting from that lesson itself. Now, when you first start teaching, quite a normal aim might be to complete the lesson successfully, to get through the whole thing without having any problems. As time goes on and you become more... [Read more]
TEFL Certification Tokyo - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Japan - Inclass Courses
Tokyo is the venue for the tefl international course in japan. An incredible city on the edge of the Orient, Tokyo is the last great conurbation before the Pacific Ocean, and is one of the world's most fascinating cities.
Take a step back from the big city bustle and the frenetic main roads and you'll find yourself in a world of tranquil backstreets, where wooden houses are fronted by neatly clipped bonsai trees; wander beyond the high-tech department stores, and you'll find ancient temples and shrines. In this city of 24-hour shops and vending machines, a festival is held virtually every day of the year, with the locals regularly visiting their local shrine or temple and scrupulously observing the passing seasons. At the centre of it all is the mysterious green void of the Imperial... [Read more]