Teach English Abroad Filipino

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TEFL Certification Cebu - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Philippines - Inclass Courses

Cebu is a city in the midst of overwhelming growth that blends its ancestral heritage with a modern business edge. Standing as the country's top business and tourist destination, Cebu was crowned as the Queen City of the South. Finding its own place under Cebu's friendly skies, business and leisure coincide together with office buildings and beach resorts. Cebu is an elongated island some 250 kilometers from North to South and 45 kilometers across at its widest point. It is central to the Philippine archipelago and some 600 kilometers south of Manila. This location combined with a sheltered deep water harbor has made Cebu the base for most of the country's domestic shipping and the gateway to the central and southern philippines. The island's area of 5,000 square kilometers supports over...  [Read more]

Teach English Abroad Filipino

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