Tesol Extension

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How to teach EFL - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

EFL stands for English as a Foreign Language and is to almost all purposes the same as ESL, English as a Second Language. These two are also equivalent to ESOL which means, English to Speakers of Other Languages. For each of these terms, when we talk about the teaching of them, we add a ‘T’ to the front of each acronym and hence we arrive at the terms TEFL, TESL and TESOL. As they are basically the same we will refer to just one from here on, TEFL for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language and EFL for English as a Foreign Language. Almost all TEFL teaching positions require a minimum qualification of a 100 to 120-hour TEFL certification. Courses provided to cover this certification are usually delivered by one of three methods, namely, onsite courses, online courses and combined...  [Read more]

Tefl international

Your initial application should be completed on ITTT's own Internet application form. As part of our pre-screening process, applicants are requested to submit an account of their personal history and background and of their motives for joining the course, as well as their future aspirations. If for any reason you wish to subsequently cancel your place on the course after your deposit or full fees (i.e. deposit plus balance) have been paid, ITTT/TEFL International cannot provide any refund except for exceptional circumstances. The course organiser's decision is final. In any case, the deposit is non-refundable. The main reason for this is that the staffing for the course and accommodation have fixed costs which have to be paid for in advance and based on a specific number of course members...  [Read more]

TEFL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Home > Articles I never made a mistake in grammar but one in my life and as soon as I done it I seen it... So you've decided you want to teach English as a foreign language... There are many different practices that could be used for good classroom management and as with all techniques these need to be adapted to your own classroom, taking into account the age, culture, and personality of the class as a whole, and of you as a teacher... Classroom management requires a positive relationship between the teacher and the student... I believe that Classroom Management is the key component in any educational setting... I?m sure ?Classroom Management? holds many different meanings for many different people... Classroom management is a teacher?s ability to organize and control ...  [Read more]

Tesol Extension

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