Turkish Cultural Clothing

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Problems for Learners in Turkey Leonard Stone - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Turkish is an agglutinative language, where numerous endings are tacked on to simple roots. For example, k'''msenmemeliydiler can be broken down as follows: K'''k = small Mse = regard something as N = passive/reflexive Me = negative Meli = should Ydi = past Ler = theyTurkish has a word order based on: a) adjective stands before noun, adverb before adverb; b) the finite stands at the end of the sentence. English word order can be a major stumbling block for Turkish students, especially long, complex sentences. Turkish students have to overcome a number of potential obstacles when learning English. Some of the primary ones include: Phonology Vowels: eg ' as in back is difficult for Turkish-speaking learners, lying as it does between their /e/ and /'/. They often substitute /e/: set...  [Read more]

Cultural differences Chris McQuillan - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

While teaching English as a foreign language it is very important that the teacher or instructor take on board the cultural differences and discrepancies that occur between different societies. As may appear obvious, teaching English in Asia will be significantly different to teaching English in the Middle East. This is due to the religious, social and all round societal differences between the regions i.e. the cultural differences. As pointed out by Kenneth Barre in his online article, cultural differences from a teacher's standpoint can affect a variety of key teaching planning, methodology and structure. Cultural Differences Affects: 'What students expect to hear in a conversation 'Vocabulary and set phrases students try to use 'Degrees of formality / informality 'Literal...  [Read more]

Cultural sensitivity in the classroom Edward Guertin - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The Cambridge online dictionary defines culture as ‘the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time’. Education, and thus teaching, are widely believed to one of the most fundamental and essential elements in human life. Therefore cultural awareness in the education environment is of paramount importance. To effectively communicate in any classroom, the students must feel both at ease with, and a sense of respect for, their teacher. To achieve this, the teacher must be aware of the norms, customs and beliefs which have nurtured the minds and personalities of those he or she intends to educate. Any offence or disrespect caused would be of detriment to the crucial rapport building and mutual respect. As ...  [Read more]

Cultural sensitivity in the classroom Arthur Cartlidge - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

As an ESL teacher one of the biggest challenges I have had to face is cultural sensitivity. Not only on my part as a teacher but on the part of my students as well.My first experience on this subject dealt with stereotypes. Not only those held by my students but those that I carried as well. The second issue was how to bridge the gapsbetween our two cultures. Therefore, the issue becomes how do we increase our levelof cultural sensitivity. There have been many studies done on this issue. Most focus on the things the teachershould do to bridge the gap. I believe that it takes effort on the part of both the student and the teacher to resolve this issue. As ESL teachers most of us have left our countries and begun teaching in other countries. In his book The Developmental...  [Read more]

Acknowledging Cultural Differences in the Classroom Laura Dale - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

In the TEFL classroom, it is important to recognize that cultural differences exist both between teacher and students, and between different students in a multilingual classroom. These differences have the potential to create problems, such as misunderstanding or uncomfortable situations. This article will discuss these issues and suggest ways they can be dealt with or prevented. Lisa Delpit discusses challenges of teaching in a multicultural society. Although she is referring to multicultural students in the United States, the issues she discusses are very relevant to teaching English as a foreign language abroad or in an English-speaking country. Some of these issues are: failure to recognize cultural differences and problems that might arise because of these differences,...  [Read more]

Cultural Sensitivity in the EFL Classroom Brenda Gray - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Savvidou - Understanding Chinese Names: Cross-Cultural Awareness ...Diversity and cultural sensitivity are important considerations in an EFL classroom. English is an international language and the numbers of English speakers are growing rapidly. It's important to understand how English translates in each culture and language. There is a growing body of literature addressing cultural differences and the importance of awareness. Our challenge is to meet the demand of student in a manner that incorporates linguistic and cultural competence. Language is primarily a communication tool. As language teachers it is paramount to help students take 'ownership' of the new language they are learning. H. G. Widdowson,, suggests taking 'ownership' of English as a way of shifting attitudes....  [Read more]

Cultural sensitivity in the Classroom Maria Febra Ross - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

ESSAY ORGAN'ZAT'ON: In this essay I want to discuss cultural sensitiivty in the classroom. In order to speak intelligently about the topic we first need to to know what we are talking about. Let us begin by defining our terms, beginning with culture. After doing that we can then apply these terms to classroom experience.WHAT IS CULTURE' Anthropologists most commonly use the term 'culture' to refer tot he universal human capacity to classify, codify and communicate their experiences symbolically. This capacity is long been taken as a defining feature of the genus Homo. However, primatologists such as Jane Goodall have identified aspects of culture among our closest relatives 'n the animal k'ngdom. In order to resolve this we can say that symbolic experiences while not exclusive...  [Read more]

Cultural Sensitivity in the Classroom Sarah D. Balkany - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching is the highest form of understanding. (Aristotle) A culture is a grouping within which values, norms, beliefs, patterns of behavior, rituals, customs and traditions are shared. To best serve their students, teachers at any level need to be especially sensitive to differences between their own culture and that of their students. This may begin with a careful look at their own worldview. Unintentional biases should never be promoted and are very easily overlooked, especially by the western mind. Changing family composition, socio-economic status, ethnicity, and religion are all areas teachers need to pay special attention to. There is often an inclination among Americans, especially those who have not lived outside their own culture, to be overly...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Cultural differences #296 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

While teaching English as a foreign language it is very important that the teacher or instructor take on board the cultural differences and discrepancies that occur between different societies. As may appear obvious, teaching English in Asia will be significantly different to teaching English in the Middle East. This is due to the religious, social and all round societal differences between the regions i.e. the cultural differences. As pointed out by Kenneth Barre in his online article, cultural differences from a teacher?s standpoint can affect a variety of key teaching planning, methodology and structure. Cultural Differences Affects: ?What students expect to hear in a conversation ?Vocabulary and set phrases students try to use ?Degrees of formality / informality ...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Cultural sensitivity in the classroom #298 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The Cambridge online dictionary defines culture as ?the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time?. Education, and thus teaching, are widely believed to one of the most fundamental and essential elements in human life. Therefore cultural awareness in the education environment is of paramount importance. To effectively communicate in any classroom, the students must feel both at ease with, and a sense of respect for, their teacher. To achieve this, the teacher must be aware of the norms, customs and beliefs which have nurtured the minds and personalities of those he or she intends to educate. Any offence or disrespect caused would be of detriment to the crucial rapport building and mutual respect. As ...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Cultural sensitivity in the classroom #297 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

As an ESL teacher one of the biggest challenges I have had to face is cultural sensitivity. Not only on my part as a teacher but on the part of my students as well. My first experience on this subject dealt with stereotypes. Not only those held by my students but those that I carried as well. The second issue was how to bridge the gaps between our two cultures. Therefore, the issue becomes how do we increase our level of cultural sensitivity. There have been many studies done on this issue. Most focus on the things the teacher should do to bridge the gap. I believe that it takes effort on the part of both the student and the teacher to resolve this issue. As ESL teachers most of us have left our countries and begun teaching in other countries. In his book The Developmental Model...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Cultural Sensitivity in the Classroom #295 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching is the highest form of understanding. (Aristotle) A culture is a grouping within which values, norms, beliefs, patterns of behavior, rituals, customs and traditions are shared. To best serve their students, teachers at any level need to be especially sensitive to differences between their own culture and that of their students. This may begin with a careful look at their own worldview. Unintentional biases should never be promoted and are very easily overlooked, especially by the western mind. Changing family composition, socio-economic status, ethnicity, and religion are all areas teachers need to pay special attention to. There is often an inclination among Americans, especially those who have not lived outside their own culture, to be...  [Read more]

What is the Cultural Ambassadors Program for teaching English in Spain? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

The Cultural Ambassadors Program (also known as the North American Language and Culture Assistants Program) is run by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Every year as many as 2,500 North Americans are placed through the scheme into elementary or secondary schools across the country to work as assistant language teachers. As Spain can be a difficult place for non-Europeans to secure an official work visa, this program provides a great opportunity for Americans and Canadians to legally live and work in one of the world's most popular teaching destinations. The program is open to American and Canadian citizens aged between 21 and 60, although the upper age limit for placement in the Madrid region is 35. If accepted, participants are assigned as assistant English...  [Read more]


We are presently seeking qualified teachers for private language school clients of ours throughout South Korea to begin within the next 1-4 months, year round. Our client-schools are all reputable and established private language schools through South Korea, who employ several foreign teachers at each location. * SALARIES, BENEFITS AND FACILITIES ARE OPTIMUM. * PREMIUM SALARIES FOR THOSE HOLDING A DEGREE IN EDUCATION * COUPLES AND SINGLES WELCOME Location: Various urban locations throughout South Korea. Salary: $2,200-$3,000/mth US (3% tax) + low cost of living and PERKS Teaching age group: kinder/elementary or Elementary/middle school School days of operation: Mon - Friday Teaching hours: 25-30 hours per week. Days of Operation: Mon - Friday Starting Date: Year round # Foreign Teachers...  [Read more]

Teaching English to Japanese Students Sarah Breaux - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching English to Japanese students can be very difficult because of cultural and lingual differences. Japanese students are very different from American and European students. An advantage is their tendency to be more reserved and well behaved. However, they do not like to speak in class because they do not want to appear arrogant (Ikeda). This is a cultural custom and it will take extra encouragement to coax the students to talk. Also, students do not like to make eye contact and will become very embarrassed if they do not know an answer (Ikeda). Teachers must be sensitive to these manners in order to conduct a comfortable class for the students. A gradual progression toward a more English style class will be the most productive approach to classroom differences...  [Read more]

What can I do after teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Some people who head overseas to teach English grow to love the lifestyle so much that they never return to work in their home country. However, for the majority, the move back home will come at some stage, whether after a single year or much longer. For some it can be a difficult experience as you are no longer the person you were when you first left home. Everything can feel different, from the everyday language to the time zone, from the climate to the cuisine. Reverse culture shock can be genuinely unsettling. One way you can combat this, and continue the international focus of your new found way of life, is to find a job that allows you to use the new skills and knowledge that your time abroad has given you. One obvious step for many teachers is to simply continue working as an...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Istanbul - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Turkey - Inclass Courses

Istanbul is one of the most diverse, fantastic, and vibrant cities in the world and there is always a reason to visit the city in any time of the year. There are only few cities in the world that can be so delightful to experience and enjoy as Istanbul. Its rich history and geographical position are responsible for a fascinating melting pot of cultures. Here are some reasons why to attend a CertTesol – TEFL course in Istanbul, Turkey. Our academic staff consists of fully qualified foreign trainers and Turkish with significant experience in TESOL/TEFL and devoted to their students and their profession. Furthermore, our centre provides in-service training to keep up with the latest trends in TESOL/TEFL. The basis of our approach is to enable our students to communicate effectively in real...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Darwin - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Australia - Inclass Courses

The laid-back city of Darwin is a great choice for your training course in the tropical north of Australia. The city offers a friendly atmosphere and a range of entertainment and cultural activities that are mostly connected to the outdoor lifestyle that is typical in this part of the country. During your stay you will get to enjoy some of the best sunsets in the region in a city that is famous for its multicultural feel and its rich indigenous heritage. The training center in Darwin is located at one of the city’s major universities, where you will find lush gardens and birdlife and easy access to the nearby Casuarina beach and nature reserve. Transport in and out of the complex is provided by the locally famous ‘Number 4 Bus’ which offers unlimited travel for only A$7 per week. The...  [Read more]

TEFL Courses in Darwin - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Australia - Inclass Courses

The laid-back city of Darwin is a great choice for your training course in the tropical north of Australia. The city offers a friendly atmosphere and a range of entertainment and cultural activities that are mostly connected to the outdoor lifestyle that is typical in this part of the country. During your stay you will get to enjoy some of the best sunsets in the region in a city that is famous for its multicultural feel and its rich indigenous heritage. The training center in Darwin is located at one of the city’s major universities, where you will find lush gardens and birdlife and easy access to the nearby Casuarina beach and nature reserve. Transport in and out of the complex is provided by the locally famous ‘Number 4 Bus’ which offers unlimited travel for only A$7 per week. The...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Saudi Arabia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

For some teachers, Saudi Arabia offers the ideal destination for teaching English abroad as salaries and benefit packages are as good as you will find anywhere in the world. Demand for qualified and experienced teachers is strong in cities such as Riyadh and Jeddah, where universities, colleges, international schools, and private language academies offer a variety of teaching positions. While Saudi Arabia is one of the most attractive teaching destinations in terms of income, it is important to be aware of the cultural situation before you decide to head there. The country's conservative laws and traditions mean it is not an ideal destination for some teachers. Alcohol is forbidden and interaction between unmarried couples is not permitted, including between foreigners. Female teachers...  [Read more]

TEFL Courses in Melbourne - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Australia - Inclass Courses

Regularly voted as one of the world’s most popular cities, Melbourne has all manner of attractions on offer. Visitors to the city can enjoy the most vibrant culture and art scene in Australia, as well as great sports and live music. Throughout Melbourne you will find a huge choice of venues, from hip coffee spots and world-class restaurants to local cafes and lively bars. The city is also known for its excellent public transport, top quality educational facilities and the diverse nature of its student population. The CELTA training center is located close to the Central Business District and Melbourne University's student precinct which is famous for its entertainment options such as bars, restaurants and art attractions. The area attracts many locals, tourists and students thanks to its...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL The Multiethnic Classroom #411 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Understanding diversity in the classroom is of high importance for teachers. In society, educational institutions represent a rare opportunity for developing friendly relations among the worlds many ethnic groups. The open exchange in classrooms can contribute to a type of exchange found nowhere else in society. So teachers must not ignore multiethnic relations. The potential challenges a teacher faces for acknowledging the differences in students will be well rewarded if done with respect. Unfortunately, no matter the age or background, ethnicity perceptions are commonly found in individuals. Children are no exception. A study of Dutch and Turkish children conducted in the Netherlands showed that biases about ethnicity are widespread. Boys showed more ethnic bias...  [Read more]

The Multiethnic Classroom Lisa Aldrich - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Understanding diversity in the classroom is of high importance for teachers. In society, educational institutions represent a rare opportunity for developing friendly relations among the worlds many ethnic groups. The open exchange in classrooms can contribute to a type of exchange found nowhere else in society. So teachers must not ignore multiethnic relations. The potential challenges a teacher faces for acknowledging the differences in students will be well rewarded if done with respect. Unfortunately, no matter the age or background, ethnicity perceptions are commonly found in individuals. Children are no exception. A study of Dutch and Turkish children conducted in the Netherlands showed that biases about ethnicity are widespread. Boys showed more ethnic bias than girls,...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Problems for Students of English in Korea #246 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Given the linguistic dissimilarities between the English and Korean languages, there are inevitably a multitude of pitfalls awaiting the Korean-speaker who seeks to learn English. With nearly eight years of experience teaching in South Korean language centers, locally known as hagwon, I have personally witnessed difficulties involved in nearly all aspects English education, ranging from faulty teaching methods to fundamental difficulties with grammar and phonology. In order to evaluate these problems, some basic features should first be explained. Korean, like Japanese, is officially considered by most linguists to be a language of unknown origin. It does, however, share many common features with Ural-Altaic languages, such as Mongolian and Turkish. As such,...  [Read more]

What should I pack for teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

In the run up to your departure overseas to teach English there will inevitably be plenty of things to organise. You will probably have one or two leaving parties to attend and you might have to clear out your old apartment and office space. Even if you only have to pack a bag in preparation for your trip, you will still need to consider exactly what you will and won’t need to take with you. Although mobile phones now have improved cameras built in, taking a separate, high-quality camera is certainly recommended. Mobile phones are only as good as the battery that runs them and these can be short lived when using the camera extensively. Bear in mind that many of the places you might visit could be lacking in charging points and you do not want your phone to die on you while you visit the...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Buenos Aires - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Argentina - Inclass Courses

TEFL International's centre in Buenos Aires, Argentina is an unbeatable destination to take the TEFL certification course in Latin America. There are lots of job opportunities for TEFL certified native or fluent English speakers, and you can also learn or improve your Spanish. As the capital city of Argentina, Buenos Aires has so much to offer visitors that it is difficult to narrow down your itinerary to just a few things to do. Buenos Aires is a thriving multicultural city and the best way to explore its diversity is to get out and about in the various neighborhoods that make up the city. By choosing to study with TEFL International in Buenos Aires, you are signing up for an exciting and rewarding time in Argentina. Known as the "Paris of South America", Buenos Aires is one of the most...  [Read more]

Establishing Rapport. Catherine Hodges & M - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

In everyday life, the existence of rapport is an important, if sometimes under acknowledged aspect of any relationship a person has with another. Since teaching requires such a high level of personal interaction it is clear that the process of building rapport is all the more essential. Here I will outline one of the most widely accepted methods – Mirroring, Leading & Pacing.Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) was brought to popularity by Richard Bandler in his book “Frogs to Princes”. It discusses the idea of modeling excellent behaviors with the intent of teaching said behaviors. In studying and modeling rapport building, it was noticed that people who share a high level of rapport with each other take part in a sub conscious system of mirroring. This...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Moscow - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Russia - Inclass Courses

Moscow's vibe fluctuates between formal capital and cultural powerhouse. The Kremlin is at the core of political life, a building with an intimidating architectural style. Go inside – its cathedrals and museums whisper a thousand stories about czars and czarinas, patriarchs and princesses. The Kremlin is Moscow’s crème de la crème. The 12th-century construction began with wood, and blossomed into the world’s largest medieval fortress. Waltz through Red Square past Lenin’s Mausoleum, with his century-old body lying in state, to find palaces, museums and a startling art collection inside the Armoury, including some of the famed Fabergé Eggs. Wander through the world's largest gallery of Russian art. In the contemporary wing, analyze Malevich's provocative...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Corinth - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Greece - Inclass Courses

The tefl international center in central greece is located in Corinth and offers the four-week, 120-hour intensive course with 10 hours of teaching practice, internationally experienced trainers, and an internationally recognized certification. The Greek TEFL International center also offers global employment assistance and well-equipped and comfortable classrooms, and provides accommodation for the duration of the course. The TESOL course fees include the course itself, all course materials, certification, and a ‘meet and greet' at the railway station in Corinth, if required. Corinth is on the Peloponnese Peninsula, home to a large number of ancient sites and the most visited part of mainland Greece outside Athens. For many, a visit to the Peloponnese region offers the best chance to...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Sydney Australia - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Another TEFL trainee shares his experiences of completing his TEFL/TESOL in-class course in Sydney, Australia. In this TEFL review he talks about some of the course components and why he would recommend others to do the course. ITTT's intensive in-class course meets all international standards and our TEFL/TESOL certification courses are internationally recognized and accredited. No matter which of our training centers you select to complete the course you will receive the highest standards and support. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design...  [Read more]

Turkish Cultural Clothing

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