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Games In the Classroom Marion McPherson - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Introduction.Often it is considered that learning is serious business and if students are seen laughing and having fun then they are not really learning. This is not always the case.In order to learn languages students need a relaxed, fun atmosphere and often this can be achieved by using games.Games also help the teacher create a situation whereby language can be practised and used in a meaningful way.What is a Game'A game can be defined as a form of play that involves rules, competition and an element of fun.Language games are not just fun 'ice-breakers' or things you do on Friday afternoon to end the week, they provide an opportunity for students to use and experiment with language ina meaningful way. Games can be highly motivating and encourage students to search out new...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - How To Pronounce Phreaker - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this episode, we cover the pronunciation of the word "phreaker". This word is a noun and refers to someone who one who gains illegal access to the telephone system. The word become widely popular in the mid-1980s and is likely a combination of the words "phone" and "freak". Modern phreakers are very specialized hackers breaking into the phone system of large companies and corporations. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. I have learned from...  [Read more]

Combined TEFL Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Online & In-Class TEFL Courses

Traditionally TEFL certificate courses have been offered either as 4-week, intensive courses in a classroom setting or as 100% distance learning. These forms of learning do not always suit everyone’s requirements, methods of learning or time availability. This course is ideal for those students who don't work to their best potential in intensive learning programs or for students who don't have 4 weeks to commit to an intensive course. International TEFL & TESOL Training can see benefits to both forms of study and in an effort to provide a greater range of options for those wishing to become TEFL certified has designed the combined course. Our combined course unites our online and residential course. The course allows you to study the theoretical principles and theories of teaching...  [Read more]

TEFL - Canadian Based Online TEFL Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Check out about TEFL - Canadian Based Online TEFL Courses and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad. You could also be interested in: This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned: A.B . - Scotland said: Knowledge and understanding of grammar has improved Expanded ideas of how to make lessons fun and interesting while developing students? abilities Think the 2 week practical course will help put these into practice and help work towards being a good TEFL teacher A.D ? USA I can't even put into words how much I feel like I have accomplished in participating in this program. I started with this program to get a taste of what it may be like to teach...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Course Materials #226 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

This article will look at the range of materials that are useful and readily available for teaching the English Language to a group on non-native English speakers. There are a whole host of materials available, however a teacher needs to be very careful in the choice of what and what not to use. It is extremely important that materials chosen are those which can capture the imagination of students and stimulate their interest. If the material is mundane and unexciting this will likely rub off on the students. Therefore, before a course starts, the teacher would be best advised to design a skeleton course which includes the topics and levels that he aims to cover, however, the detail of how this should be addressed should be left until he has met the students and...  [Read more]

Course Materials Andrew West - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

This article will look at the range of materials that are useful and readily available for teaching the English Language to a group on non-native English speakers.There are a whole host of materials available, however a teacher needs to be very careful in the choice of what and what not to use. It is extremely important that materials chosen are those which can capture the imagination of students and stimulate their interest. If the material is mundane and unexciting this will likely rub off on the students. Therefore, before a course starts, the teacher would be best advised to design a skeleton course which includes the topics and levels that he aims to cover, however, the detail of how this should be addressed should be left until he has met the students and determined...  [Read more]

Classroom Management Jaime Brooke - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Being an EFL teacher can bring numerous rewards and happiness, but even the most experienced EFL teacher runs into challenges in the classroom from time to time, especially when teaching young learners. Challenges may range from wondering how to organize the seating of your students in the classroom to having a student that is disruptive. There are many challenges that TEFL teachers face, and unfortunately many are not given the resources/ideas or training that is beneficial and essential in maintaining a productive and homeostatic classroom. This is an essay about some of these challenges, and of course some ideas for classroom management.Classroom management can be challenging for anyone, but especially for the new teacher who has little experience in this area. It is not...  [Read more]

How teachers can increase their confidence in the classroom Emmanuel Mercado - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Confidence is being able to talk with ease, have a constant flow of positive energy, and not let anything get you down. When someone is confident they have higher levels of self-esteem and this is projected in their outward behavior. There are few things someone can do in order to boost their confidence level. Here are few:Set goals. It is an important task to do. This is perhaps the most important task of them all. You should ask yourself what you wish to accomplish by being a more confident person. When you ask yourself this question, whatever comes to mind needs to be written down and constantly viewed a minimum of two times a day: Once in the morning and the second at night. This alone will enhance your confidence and bring your dreams to reality. Increase your voice level...  [Read more]

English as a Global Language Maliga Naidoo - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

English is currently spoken by more people all over the world than any other language. Every time we turn on the television to find out about what is happening in the world, local people are being interviewed in English. Wherever one travels in the world these days English becomes the common language of communication between nationalities. Much has been made of the Internet as an instrument for circulating English around the globe. Eighty percent of what’s on the Internet is in English.I quote Barbara Wallraff in her article from the Atlantic November 2000 on What Global Language' Technology is expanding English by requiring us to come up with new words to describe all the possibilities it offers. English is used more often in various technological domains such as...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Establishing Rapport #326 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Rapport is important for building and sustaining a relationship with a student. It is the ability to join people who connect mentally and emotionally on the same wavelength. Having rapport will ensure that the student understands the teacher and is willing to listen to and follow instructions or explanations from the teacher. To influence a student the teacher has to be able to appreciate and understand about the needs of their students. If the student feels understood they are much more open to take on board what the teacher has to say.(1)Rapport works best when it is a philosophy and a way of dealing with people and a way of doing business at all times – in contrast to doing rapport as a technique in a sales meeting or when there is a problem. (2) Each teacher will have...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL English as a Global Language #268 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

English is currently spoken by more people all over the world than any other language. Every time we turn on the television to find out about what is happening in the world, local people are being interviewed in English. Wherever one travels in the world these days English becomes the common language of communication between nationalities. Much has been made of the Internet as an instrument for circulating English around the globe. Eighty percent of what?s on the Internet is in English. I quote Barbara Wallraff in her article from the Atlantic November 2000 on What Global Language? Technology is expanding English by requiring us to come up with new words to describe all the possibilities it offers. English is used more often in various technological domains such...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Theories Methods Techniques Of Teaching The Direct Method - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  "In terms of the things that are negative about it, we've already said that it doesn't develop speaking but perhaps the biggest negative point about this particular methodology is that it's very unnatural. Ok, so despite the criticisms of this particular method, and particularly the fact that is unnatural, this particular methodology was in use all the way through the 17th, 18th and 19th century and indeed it's still in use today. However, Gouin in the 1880s and Berlitz in the early 1900s decided that this particular methodology was so unnatural that they wanted to come up with something new. The method that they came up with, they called the direct method. You will also sometimes see it as the natural method. What these two people were saying is that if we wish to learn a...  [Read more]

Role of the teacher Angie Oddone Aquino - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching is not merely sharing of information or knowledge, but also an expression of values and attitudes. What teachers usually get back from their students is what they themselves have brought to the teaching-learning process. The role of the teacher is multi-faceted and diverse. Just some of the roles that a teacher must take on are that of motivator, mentor, decision maker, coach, facilitator, psychologist, parent, speaker, actor/actress, assessor, organizer, model, observer and disciplinarian amongst others. Ultimately in the world of TEFL, the teacher teaches language, reading, writing, speaking and listening. To be able to do this, the teacher must take on many other roles which make it one of the most challenging professions. To put it mildly, teaching is not for...  [Read more]

How Teachers Can Increase Their Confidence in the Classroom by Use of Effective Classroom Management Madelena de Leon - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

In building your confidence as a teacher, it is important to understand that the confidence you earn is a result of your affect. A teacher's management of the classroom, method of teaching, pride in their profession and respect for the individuals in the class are some of the important elements in the equation of building a teacher's confidence. In the paragraphs following, I have briefly stated ways in which I would practice classroom management for young and older students alike. If respect and care in a structure for the course and the students is carried out, than the students will have a strong desire to learn, which in return, give me self-assurance in my profession as a teacher.The procedures, strategies and instructional techniques that teachers use to manage student...  [Read more]

Online Certificate - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Once the payment for your ITTT online course has been received, you will be sent a username and password that will allow you to log in to your course control panel. Here you will find all the information you need to start the course, including full instructions. Initially, the course introduction and unit 1 will be available to you, with a worksheet at the end of the unit. You read and absorb the material in the first unit and then complete the task sheet independently. Once you’re happy that you’ve understood the unit contents, you would then complete the online test. As soon as you’ve submitted the test, the results for unit 1 will be displayed, and unit 2 will then become available to you. This is how you proceed through the course, with your overall score given throughout....  [Read more]

Teaching English to Japanese Students Sarah Breaux - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching English to Japanese students can be very difficult because of cultural and lingual differences. Japanese students are very different from American and European students. An advantage is their tendency to be more reserved and well behaved. However, they do not like to speak in class because they do not want to appear arrogant (Ikeda). This is a cultural custom and it will take extra encouragement to coax the students to talk. Also, students do not like to make eye contact and will become very embarrassed if they do not know an answer (Ikeda). Teachers must be sensitive to these manners in order to conduct a comfortable class for the students. A gradual progression toward a more English style class will be the most productive approach to classroom differences...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Multiple Intelligences #294 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Howard Gardner?s (1983, 1998) multiple intelligences theory (MIT) postulates the existence of eight intelligences on the basis of ?distinct sets of processing operations applied in (culturally valued) activities?. These are linguistic, logico-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, naturalist, interpersonal and intrapersonal. According to Berk (2003), MIT is a view of how information-processing skills underlie intelligent behaviour. The information processing perspective basically views the human mind much like a computer; a symbol manipulating system through which information flows and regards cognitive development as a continuous process. Gardner defined intelligence in terms of distinct sets of processing operations that allow individuals to solve...  [Read more]

Multiple Intelligences Samson Rutton - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Howard Gardner’s (1983, 1998) multiple intelligences theory (MIT) postulates the existence of eight intelligences on the basis of “distinct sets of processing operations applied in (culturally valued) activities”. These are linguistic, logico-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, naturalist, interpersonal and intrapersonal. According to Berk (2003), MIT is a view of how information-processing skills underlie intelligent behaviour. The information processing perspective basically views the human mind much like a computer; a symbol manipulating system through which information flows and regards cognitive development as a continuous process. Gardner defined intelligence in terms of distinct sets of processing operations that allow individuals to...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Teaching slang and idioms. #341 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

A few weeks ago I went up to my Japanese friend and told her ?Good Afternoon? in Japanese. She smiled and told me that while correct, Japanese people don?t usually greet each other in that manner. I thought it was odd because that?s the way I learned it back in my university days. She equated it to saying, ?How many times do you greet your friends by saying, ?Good Afternoon? or ?Good Evening??? After thinking about it, I realized that I rarely use the standard ?Hello? or ?Hi? but rather ?Hey? or ?What?s up?? While completely acceptable and understandable for Native English speakers, I didn?t know that this simple greeting could cause a bit of confusion. When I taught English in an elementary school in Korea, I had a co-teacher whose English abilities were quite...  [Read more]

Can I teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Almost anyone who has the desire to teach English abroad can make their dream come true. Although you will find some restrictions regarding teaching experience and academic qualifications in some countries, there are plenty of great destinations around the world where a TEFL certificate is all that is required. Whatever your background, work history, or age, there is the perfect teaching job waiting for you somewhere in the world. Yes, you can start a new career teaching English abroad without any form of teaching experience. Due to a huge demand for English language teachers in countries all over the world, tens of thousands of English speakers head overseas every year to work in a variety of different classrooms. Of this number, approximately 90% will have never worked in any kind of...  [Read more]

Is it safe for single women to teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Yes, not only is it safe for women to teach English abroad, it is also extremely popular. Every year there are somewhere in the region of 150,000 women working as ESL teachers in countries all over the world. Of these, the majority will find themselves living in modern, thriving cities across Europe, Asia and Latin America that have a similar level of infrastructure and amenities to what they are used to back home. Whether in Rome, Beijing, or Santiago, new teachers will almost certainly find there is an expat community of English speakers who are more than happy to provide local knowledge and information to help them settle into their new life overseas. Unfortunately, nowhere is 100% safe all of the time, but with a few simple precautions single women can head off to teach English...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Bangkok - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Thailand - Inclass Courses

You only have to spend a short time in Bangkok to see why it was named as one of the world’s Top Ten Cities by Travel + Leisure and the number one visited city by Global Destination Cities Index. The city is home to a wide variety of quality restaurants, frantic non-stop shopping, pristine temples and thailand’s best museums. It is a unique blend of modern and traditional life with sleek city malls and floating markets. If you’re in to night life, Bangkok, or the City of Angles as it I also known, is second to none. Bangkok is arguably the best city in thailand for Thai food whether you’re eating on the street or at five star restaurants. You can find a taste of each part of the country here as well fantastic international dishes. ittt’s training centre in Bangkok is a working...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Ann Arbor Michigan - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL USA

With a small town feel and the excitement of a big city - Ann Arbor is different from many other places. The city attracts thousands of visitors due to its unique flair. The city is a center for the arts, delicious cuisine and outstanding outdoor activities. Situated on the Huron River, Ann Arbor is blessed with beautiful natural landscapes including some of the finest nature trails. Whether it’s hiking, biking or canoeing, outdoor lovers will find plenty of things to do here. The local University of Michigan opened its doors in 1841 and is still the leading educational institution in the state of Michigan. All of this makes Ann Arbor a premier location to take a TEFL/TESOL course. Nightlife and entertainment are big in Ann Arbor. There are eight breweries in and around the city that...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Gran Canaria - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Spain - Inclass Courses

At our TEFL training centre in the Canary Islands you will have the chance to explore the world as you work towards your TEFL certification on the beautiful island of Gran Canaria, also known as The Little Continent! You will be forgiven for believing you are in the Sahara Desert when you explore Gran Canaria’s sand dunes by camel or in a dune buggy. You’ll also be forgiven for believing you are in Peru, as you hike through the island’s rainforests. Such is the diversity of Gran Canaria’s landscape that it has become known as the Little Continent. Immerse yourself in the history and culture of the island in the city of Las Palmas; the largest city on the island and one of the few in the world with its own beaches. You can enjoy scuba diving at the hundreds of dive sites where...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Florence - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Italy - Inclass Courses

We like to think that if Tuscany’s favorite son, Michelangelo, were alive today there would be no statue of David, or painting of the Sistine Chapel. He’d be too busy touring the region on a bike, captivated by everything around him. Fortunately, you do not need to be a creative genius to be staggered by the beauty of Florence and the region of Tuscany. Instead just get on a plane to this incredible part of italy – soon, along with everyone else in the TESOL group, you’ll be declaring ""this place is stunning"" every few moments. Tuscany is one of the few regions on earth that lives up to its hype. As the birthplace of the Renaissance it holds one of the greatest concentrations of artistic achievements known to man. The Duomo, the Battistero, and the Galleria Degli Uffizi, which...  [Read more]

What is TEFL? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you are bored with the everyday grind and want a new life that is full of travel and adventure, TEFL could be the perfect option for you. First you need to choose the right TEFL course to suit your situation and then work your way through the training. Once you have completed the course and you have your TEFL certificate in hand you will be ready to head overseas to start work as an English language teacher in the country of your choice. These acronyms are used when referring to training courses that English language teachers undertake, as well as the certification they receive upon completion. TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language and TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. As these terms are essentially the same, they are often used...  [Read more]

Multiple intelligence Sarah Kolding - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

I became aware of the idea of Multiple intelligences during workshop that I attended in Denmark by Thomas Armstrong. It made me reflect upon the way in which I presented the curriculum to my class. Here I am going to look at ways in which a strongly linguistic skill of learning a new language can be supported by other intelligences in a student who may have strength in other intelligences.According to Howard Gardner there were originally 7 types of intelligences. The first one is linguistic and relates to the ability to learn languages and to use the written word to assist in learning new things. Logical-Mathematical is the ability to think logically and work through complicated mathematical problems. Spatial intelligence enables us to see problems as a whole and remember...  [Read more]

TEFL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Home > Articles I never made a mistake in grammar but one in my life and as soon as I done it I seen it... So you've decided you want to teach English as a foreign language... There are many different practices that could be used for good classroom management and as with all techniques these need to be adapted to your own classroom, taking into account the age, culture, and personality of the class as a whole, and of you as a teacher... Classroom management requires a positive relationship between the teacher and the student... I believe that Classroom Management is the key component in any educational setting... I?m sure ?Classroom Management? holds many different meanings for many different people... Classroom management is a teacher?s ability to organize and control ...  [Read more]

What is TEFL teaching? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Teaching English abroad is a great way to see the world and get paid while doing it, but what does it actually involve? Before you buy a plane ticket and jet off across the world it is a good idea to research as much as possible about TEFL qualifications, the possible restrictions you might encounter when applying for jobs, and the long term prospects this path might lead to. Here we look at the answers to all these questions and more. These acronyms are used when referring to training courses that English language teachers undertake, as well as the certification they receive upon completion. TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language and TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. As these terms are essentially the same, they are often used...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Rome - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Italy - Inclass Courses

Just picture yourself enjoying a gelato ice cream on a warm Italian night, while sitting on the Spanish Steps and watching the people pass by… The combination of historical fascinations and simple pleasures that Rome has to offer make it, quite simply, one of the most remarkable cities in the world! The eternal city of Rome has been at the forefront of European history, culture and religion for thousands of years. No other city in the world can rival the wealth of history and beauty that can be witnessed here, with the architectural wonders of the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, and the ruins of the Roman Forum; the fascinating and powerful religious presence of the Papal State of the Vatican; the artistic triumph inside the Cistine Chapel, and so much more. Yet the modern daily-life of Rome...  [Read more]

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